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Posts posted by Warfunn

  1. the reason to fight is to win. therefore, winning matters.

    Sure, you want to win. But you fight more then just winning. War is not about winning, it is about saving people, keeping an idea intact or expanding ones influence. You dont fight your friend to win. "Oh I won! YAY!" No you fight your friend because he stole your GF or destoryed your car.

  2. And? The whole point of my argument is that principles donʻt matter, so it irrelevant if you have them or not. What matters is that you win. When your losing, your losing. Wheter or not you have principles when your losing, it makes no real difference. You still lose.

    Losing or winning do not matter, what matters is the reason for fighting. Without reason, you already lost.

  3. I did this due to the fact that I was involved in the AGW-LoFN war, so I feel obligated =D.

    You are destroyed, you had no military at that, and a lot of infra that I felt like ripping up. ^^

    I'm not actually a POW, that was a joke, Kuru is a rok member I believe, so I figured wai not? O:

    You did not in fact attack me during the AGW-Coalition war.

    I did try to extort your alliance, I tech raided a guy in a 31 man alliance who told me to give him peace after two ground attacks. =.= Seems like the other way around huh?

    Also- Good to know that you know that you can't win =D Should make my job much easier but yet a bit more boring. :( Oh well, I'm aiming for my 24th nation-zi in my history of Cn, all of which were justified, and all in all, your opinions are pretty far gone once your nation gets zied during war.

    Edited for truth. Please provide edvience of me attacking you. I never got involved in that war.

    16 troops is not a full military, please dont try to insult me with lies. I never had an airforce for you to destroy. I grow tried of your lies and slander against me.

  4. I think by refering to casualty count they were refering to how much the nation has been attacked or how much it has been through, perhaps something near calling him a warmonger, oh well, that's my guess.

    Also on a side note I just destroyed 105 of your infra, took 11 tech, destroyed 4 tech, took over 60 miles of land, destroyed all aircraft you had, destroyed more than half of the troops you had left, and now you have 16 troops left and also, you now have over 86600 casualties =D Good hunting ^^

    You make me laugh. I did not even have 11 tech for you to take. Also, you decide to attack me when I already been basically destroyed. Also, I noticed that you are a PoW and I am not. Besides I never attacked you, you attacked our alliance while trying to extort it. It was your own fault for thinking you could extort us.

    Does it matter? No, not really. Am I winning this war? No, not at all. I agree that most things are swept aside in war, but personally I think we should hold onto our beliefs.

  5. This is in regards to nothing but the original post.

    It appears the enemy has opted for oblivion.

    I shall show no quarter.

    Please, noble enemies of Somedudes, burn your name into my memory, make me bleed, give me fear that your next attack will put me into anarchy!

    If you are unable to do these things, please refrain from attacking me, I have no need to fight your down hill battles.

    This made me laugh :popcorn: , who are you?

  6. I've always cheered for the little guy myself. Even to the point of laughing at my own alliance mates when they got a good slap in the face. I used to tell them, "Umm lols.. good luck sorting that out. I suggest you just pay they guy off and escape with your dignity intact."

    I feel no motivation to bail out ambushed tech raiders. Even if they are my friend. They can excercise the rest of the components of the game to get themselves out of trouble.

    I remember way back in last year when it was in fashion to heckle tech raiders on the forums who got pwned by their "victim". Now it seems like unaligned nations are supposed to contact tech raiders ahead of time and hand it over for free to save them the hassle.

    Odd how times have changed on good old planet bob.

    Ah well.. time to watch the movie Rocky 4 again to remind myself of a time where rootin' for the underdog was in fashion. I'll hoist a brew and toast to simpler times this weekend.

    I was wondering if I could join you. I have been wanting to watch that movie for some time now :)

  7. True, what with this war going on now...

    And I'm also curious as to the extent of Walford's crimes. I can't seem to find too much about him in the history section of the wiki.

    -Speaking out against alliances

    -Speaking out against tech-raiding

    -Protecting raider's victims

    -Creating NONE ~Which really isnt a crime?

    -Not shutting up

    I think that is the general sceme.

  8. So.... you're implying that we did something that is completely against our charter and purpose as a group, and your argument is that it might have happened... because... someone suggested it?

    Yes, clearly ArGO, Andromeda and GOD scammed other alliances for aid. Also, they are planning attacks on other alliances.

  9. I dont know why people cry about annoucements of support and such. I mean of course its shows you support you allies and such but at TPF we look at it like calling dibs on the next alliance that is stupid enough to jump in. I don't know how others look at it but when we issue a DoS it means we are making a claim on the next soon to be dead alliance that comes in against our allies. And with NONEs little cells all over this is a good time to call dibs.

    I call dibs on the ice cream, mate! Yeah that is how the politics work here most of the time :)

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