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Posts posted by Marine

  1. Preamble

    Armed Maroon Nations, also known as AMN, is a maroon alliance founded to protect and serve all members. We strive to build and develop our nations to be the best they can be. We hold our honor and integrity close to us, so we ask all members to follow the rules and directions of Armed Maroon Nations great leaders.


    The Grand Marshall or Marshall must accept you into the alliance after you have done these things.

    I. To join Armed Maroon Nations everyone must not be in an alliance at the time of the application.

    II. Everyone must read and agree to terms of the Armed Maroon Nations.

    III. Everyone who wishes to join must be registered our off site forums.

    IV. Everyone must fill out a brief series of questions.


    If any member of Armed Maroon Nations chooses to not to follow the rules as stated in this document the High Council votes among them selves. The opinion of the High Council influences the (leader of the alliance and the second in command) in his decision of expulsion .


    I. Every member has the right to free speech, a member can not be expelled for constructive criticism of the alliance or any alliance member. We are open to suggestions, concerns, and thoughts. Use of profanity and abusive language is not acceptable, and will not be tolerated.

    II. Any member has the right to leave the alliance at any given time. We ask that you provide a letter of resignation in our forums.

    III. All members have the right to a fair trial by the High Council.

    A ) the accuser can represent him/her self or they may find someone to do it for them if they wish.

    B ) The verdict is to be decided on a majority vote by the High Council.

    C ) If found guilty the punishment is decided by the High Council and is approved by the (Second in command or the leader of the alliance.)

    D ) If the accuser feels they did not get a fair trial they have the right to ask the leader of the alliance to overturn the decision.

    Executive Branch

    Article I. Grand Marshall

    The Grand Marshall of the Armed Maroon Nations is responsible for all activities and decisions for the alliance. He/She servers a life term and can only be removed if they step down or are impeached (see below). The Grand Marshall has the authority to appoint and dismiss ministers at his/her will. The Grand Marshall is the authority figure of the alliance and represents the entire alliance as a whole. They must conduct them self with the up most dignitary and integrity. The Grand Marshall has the right to veto any document accept impeachment.

    Article II. Marshall

    The Marshall of the Armed Maroon Nations is second in command and is in charge of High Council (see article III.) He starts all votes by the High Council and ends the votes. With the exception of a impeachment. When the Grand Marshall is in absentia of Armed Maroon Nations the Marshall is responsible for make decisions for the best of the alliance. The Marshall is appointed by the Grand Marshall and can only be removed him the Marshall or by impeachment, (See below)

    Article III. High Council

    The High Council is made up of the Ministers, Directors, and 3 elected voted in by the rest of the alliance. They will be voted in once every 3 months. They are in charge of day to day activities and they are responsible for advising the Grand Marshall and Marshall. They have the ability to impeach the Marshall and/or Grand Marshall. They are also in charge of signing documents put of for voting. If a document is passes the High Council is duty bound to make sure that it is implemented and followed.

    IV. Ministers

    Article I. Minister of Defense (MoD)

    The Minster of defense is responsible for all wars involving Armed Maroon Nations. He/She is the head of the Armed Maroon Nation army. During peace time the Minister of Defense is responsible for keeping the military up and running. The Minister of Defense is appointed by the Grand Marshall and is only removed by the Grand Marshall or if He/She steps down.

    Article II. Minister of Foreign Affairs (MoFA)

    The ministers of Foreign Affairs is responsible for creating and maintaining all foreign affairs. He/She is appointed by the Grand Marshall and is only removed by the Grand Marshall or if he/she steps down.

    Article III. Minister of the Interior (MoI)

    The Minister of the Interior is responsible for recruitment, education, and finances. He/She is appointed by the Grand Marshall and is only removed by the Grand Marshall or if he/she steps down. The Minister of the Interior is responsible for organizing all major programs within the alliance. The Minister of the Interior will be assisted by three directors. The Minister of the Interior is duty bound to keep all members informed of all happening within the alliance.

    1. Director of Recruitment (DoR)

    The Director of Recruitment is responsible for recruiting members in to Armed Maroon Nations. The Director of Recruitment is chosen, and dismissed, by the Minister of the Interior with the consent of the Grand Marshall.

    2. Director of Education

    The Director of Education is responsible for teaching all new member about there nation, Cybernations, and our alliance. The Director of Education makes sure all of the nations of Armed Maroon Nations are in order and working at the best efficiency. The Director of Education is chosen, and dismissed by the Minister of the Interior with the consent of the Grand Marshall.

    3. Director of Finances

    The Director of Finances is responsible for the creations and running of the bank, and well as a tech deal market and a donation market. The Director of Finances is chosen, and dismissed by the Minister of the Interior with the consent of the Grand Marshall.

    Legislative Branch

    Article I. Singing bills and treaties

    The High Council is responsible for deciding and voting on the treaties, bills, policies, and laws of Armed Maroon Nations. If majority of the High Council is in favor of passing the bill then it only requires the Grand Marshall's signature to become in affect.

    Article II. Veto

    Any bill, treaty, policy, or law may be vetoed by the Grand Marshall.

    Article III. Creation of law, treaties, policies, and bills

    Laws/Policies/bills: Any member of the alliance may submit a law/policies, and bills for voting to the High Council.

    Treaties: The diplomats and the Minister of Foreign Affairs is responsible for writing treaties and making sure they are put up for voting by the High Council.


    If any member of the High council calls for impeachment then the Marshall or Grand Marshall (depending on who is being impeached) can post in there defense only. The one who is not on trial may not post. All impeachments are to be behind closed doors and away from the public. If an unanimous vote from the High Council is reached in favor of impeachment then it is put up for voting by the public. If 51% of the alliance votes in favor of removing the person being impeached then they are removed from power.

    Article II. Aftermath


    If the Marshall is impeached then the Grand Marshall is responsible for replacing the Marshall within 7 days time.

    2. Grand Marshall.

    If the Grand Marshall is impeached then the Marshall becomes the Grand Marshall and the new Grand Marshall must pick a new Marshall within 7 days time.


    An amendment to the constitution must be voted in by the high council. The vote has to have the majority of the people able to vote. After the High Council has voted it goes to the public or popular approval. If the majority of the people that voted, voted in favor of the amendment then the amendment is passed.

    Hey were a new alliance founded on strong principles. Come join us!


    our IRC is #AMN on espernet


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