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  1. I hate to do this, but I'm going to suggest the Orange Defense Network. My experience tells me they have good programs for new comers who wish to work with them and utilize them.
  2. Damn yo.. if ISP doesn't take off I'm with yall!
  3. LOL, Wut??? Hey dudes.. join up.. It is gonna be fun. * Ps.. The ISP only bears minor resembalance to modern day Islam. We've taken a few key words and some of the extremer aspects of it and put it to work for us. If any of you has any questions or concerns feel free to Private message me. I'll do my best to assist you, but make no promises in complete resolution of issues.
  4. Several members have agreed.. We have Mustapha_britnaaay The Minister of Heavenly Virgins We have the Minister and deputy minister's of the Jihad we have the "Hammer of Allah" we have the Minister of Foreign Big Boom Booms many more positions need to be filled! Sign up today.
  5. Who can take this: And turn it into this? The Islamic Super Powers of course! Who can take this: and turn it into this? The Islamic Super Powers of course! Don't accept any mere pale shade of an alliance in the tournament edition. Join what will become a true oppressor of the false faith! Don't allow the temple of your body to be violated with the vileness of pork, alcohol, and caek. Be part of something that is powerful and vibrant. Be part of an alliance that can take a failed homo pop star like Lance Bass and turn him into a raging fundamentalist supporter of terrorism in the name of Allah! Join the ISP as soon as you can, cause if you ain't with us.. you are against us.. and you know what that means dudes... yep.. C-4 vest in your futures!
  6. Actually I saw them doing that earlier.. they are really big rhinos to.
  7. Bacon and BeeeeeEEER bacon and BeeeeeeeEeer bacon and BeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEER bacon and beeeeeeeeeerr
  8. Comparing cybernations to 98% of the rest of the chat forums really isn't a valid comparison. We need to consider making Cybernations a better place based upon benchmarks established within our own community. I'm not at all concerned with actions that have transpired on other internet forums, though I'll agree with your point that some of them are quite the bit more ferocious in their treatment of new comers. That set aside I'd have to say that treatment of newcomers is fairly decent here on cybernations. I for one welcome newcomers like realice9 as they bring something fresh to the game. It gets old seeing the same boring boilerplate announcements from the same major power blocks. In order for this game to grow new blood, energy, and ideas need to be infused into the ranks. As for how you feel welcomed on these forums I'd suggest that everyone bear in mind its the internet. It can't hurt you unless you let it.
  9. We have beer, cake, pie, women, naked women, dancing naked women, beer, goats for the pervs, beer, women, beer, and cake. JOIN NOW!
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