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Posts posted by darkfox

  1. 1 minute ago, Tankobite said:

    No words in that sentence should require someone to look them up in a dictionary. Unless, perhaps they're ESL, which is naturally understandable. My hat is off to anyone who converses fluently in a language other than their mother tongue.


    Do you need a hug? 

  2. 28 minutes ago, TIEIXIAIS said:

    I was wondering why NPO and IRON weren't posting in response, then I remembered they tell their members to not look or post on the forums. Imagine having no identity or doing as your told just so you can get some manwha. The leaders of the NPO nations are abunch of weebs.


    Cool story bro.

  3. 57 minutes ago, Mandystalin said:

    I prefer "They interrupted my holiday and my sled for no good reason... war"



    But seriously. TTK is accused of plotting "a future Crusade against the Church of Oculus" and of "dispatching agents to other alliances to intercede on their behalf"


    I actually started typing out a big reply logically explaining why this would be an illogical course of action for TTK, but then I wondered why I was a) insulting the OWF's collective intelligence and b) wasting my breath/pixels. We all know that the CB is irrelevant and made up. Tellingly, despite an impressive sticking to the party line of 'U iz plotterz' by the Oculus member nations, the story behind it wobbles about with every argument - here and elsewhere. Was it because Gh0s7 was a member? Was it because we (supposedly) knew what he was (supposedly) doing and didn't stop it? Was it because we (supposedly) knew what he was (supposedly) doing and (supposedly) supported/encouraged it? Was it because we (supposedly) instigated whatever it was he was (supposedly) doing? Was it because TTK itself is (supposedly) plotting some anti-Oc nastiness? There is no clear party line on the CB, there is no clarity offered when requested, evidence is claimed but not forthcoming... need I even point out that TTK was never approached by anybody to explain itself. The inescapable conclusion? They were looking for a fight. The only worthwhile question IMO is why. Maybe they were trying to restart the war that just finished. Maybe they were trying to punish TTK for its part in that war. maybe they are making a point about what happens when somebody stands up to the Oc-bloc. Maybe they were worried that we had attained some sort of figurehead prominence after the last war and wanted to stamp on that. Only Oculus' leaders know, and they aren't telling. 


    Alliances have been rolled for less. If people think our CB isn't strong enough then feel free to do something about it.

  4. 6 hours ago, Subtleknifewielder said:

    You kinda needed it lol. No offense, but you guys don't seem well coordinated. The people I'm fighting are alright, but they are fighting as individuals, not teams.


    Saying "no offense" before saying something blatantly offensive is silly. Glof could have handled you guys on their own. It is a darn shame that we are too fond of them to let that happen.

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