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Everything posted by Auctor

  1. The person that begged for multiple alliances to intervene against WAPA before two nations did on WAPA's side has no right to complain about bandwagoning.
  2. Not entirely surprising to see you feebly attempt to skate out on responsibility for the consequences of PoSSE's actions, again.
  3. Turns out we outlawed the practice of being charged reps for defending ourselves years ago. You are crap out of luck.
  4. Two attacks in the past year with no diplomatic resolution doesn't indicate something other than being at war. You're going to need bigger friends for people to buy this foolishness.
  5. PoSSE required no announcement to attack WAPA. A requirement to post an announcement to defend yourself does not exist. If PoSSE has no desire for peace, it is entirely within their right. This idea that this necessitates the payment of funds to avoid continued war on WAPA's part is just cry bully talk.
  6. The short term effects suggest it wouldn't be, but as the long term effects have been exactly that. Being in the middle tier in the way this world runs is brutal and punishes anyone that fights wars in a way that being lower tier doesn't. It's a risk calculation and I'm not particularly faulting people that have chosen less risk, because that's rewarded and expected in this world. But it does mean that younger and younger nations have fewer and fewer expectations that they will be able to compete if they are founded today and 6mil/100 is part of that vicious cycle that penalizes progression through such slow growth that it's not worth it to most contemplative rulers.
  7. Well yeah. Staying in a strength range below your skill range ensures the fewest possible challenges.
  8. You're looking at this backwards. A seller that wants to transition into a buyer is screwed by that rate because it will take them so long to acrew a reasonable level of tech that they can't particularly hope to ever exceed solidly midtier. If you're buying at 9mil/100 today you won't ever really get a competitive edge, so a seller that knows he will be competing for tech in the future then is stuck with a situation where he can be a strong lower tier nation that just ships out tech at that rate or he can become a weak midtier nation that gets rolled silly. The very temporary benefit for the first six months of that nation's existence comes at a cost of ever being competitive with anyone with tech already stacked up buying at that 9mil/100 rate. The cumulative effect of it gets more extreme in that nations that progress in skill end up never progressing in war ranges, so higher skill rulers end up feeding on lower skill rulers stuck in the same tier with them.
  9. Given the extreme rarity with which they enter wars, it's not as if destroying their pixels sets the stage for an easier rolling next war.
  10. At a certain point, most alliances have accepted defeat as the status quo. Most nations are not utilizing their slots at all, so the few that actually participate in tech dealing get an extreme competitive edge. There's also a lack of understanding of how beneficial tech actually is v. the minor amount of money a nation can reasonably expect to get in foreign aid. Most long term sellers(and even short term growing sellers that are back collecting efficiently) can easily get more money from their collections than they can expect to get from foreign aid unless they can expect to receive six slots of 9 mil as "free money". The game mechanisms are well known at this point and it's not as if good trace circles or good econ generals or proper improvement swapping are secrets guarded by dragons or anything.
  11. Hup, shoopa, hup, ride.
  12. Sorry to hear about lestat, but it appears things will be alright. o/ Polar
  13. We're doing everything we can to improve the game.
  14. This is a position an alliance like GATO should appreciate more than most. There are those that would see an ally being attacked for what from their point of view is an illegitimate reason as a CB, but clearly yall have chosen to emphasize some reasons to go to war and not others.
  15. Are we really still too ludicrously hyperliteral as to pretend we see every single CB not being acted upon as somehow invalidating every single CB? Good luck going forward, gang. Lemme know how that works for you.
  16. A precedent is not a rule of thumb. It's one option among many. If it weren't, no one would have established the precedent to begin with. And something having precedent behind it has never been in itself a strong justification for it to be the one and only resolution. There was a precedent set once wherein viceroys and large amounts of tech reps were levied from defeated alliances. I don't think you'd seriously argue we should operate based on those precedents because it's the mos maiorum?
  17. Past leniency in the face of obstinacy is not a strong precondition for future restraint.
  18. That precedent was never a requirement, it was merely one possible solution to resolve an issue short of conflict. At any case, best wishes to MHA. Here's to a good smashing and a positive outcome. o/
  19. There's a lot that can be said about Polar, but pretending they haven't been fully willing to face their enemies regardless of the odds in the past is willfully ignorant. Get a better criticism. I personally find it disappointing that AlmightyGrub isn't on the ballot in all 12 spheres, for instance.
  20. Been a good run. I've had some fun at times but I look around at CN now and all I can see is the people I've hurt. It weighs on me. I hope one day, those of you who feel they've been wronged by me can recover and go on to enjoy the game. It's taken me 6 years to really sit down and think this through, but I realize know I've been a net drain on the community and it's time everyone else had a chance to make it work. So with that, see ya. Those of you who wish to contact me in the future should have your heads examined.
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