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Posts posted by jerdge

  1. 7 hours ago, Franz Ferdinand said:

    Like an IRC channel raid, people suddenly join and drop bad words, images and links in the channel and sometimes to those in positions of power in that channel.

    Thank you.


    2 hours ago, Van Hoo X said:

    Raiding someone's servers/channels is a pretty common war time practice. I was there and participated in said raid. It was ... very VERY tame. Like, the PG rating limit on curse words tame.

    Organized spamming another group's off game resource with any kind of material purposely designed to offend is stupid and bad form.

    Then there's the really nasty stuff, which is different from people joining what they perceive as an occasion for fun and humour, but the latter can degenerate into the former, it's skating on thin ice. (I don't know what happened in this case.)


    How about people always remain kind and considerate off game? Wild idea, I know.

  2. 13 hours ago, Lyanna Mormont said:

    ....you do know that you can surrender, go to Bear Force One for the duration of the war, then buy soldiers, leave peace mode, run your nation like normal? Once you surrender, the attacks stop. 


    Also....how do your improvements get sacked? 🤔


    Post surrender here: 


    Join this alliance: https://www.cybernations.net/alliance_display.asp?ID=16853

    I like it when people's posts validate the idea I have of them.

    Classy, Lyanna. 👍

  3. Yearly reminder that most alliances routinely did and do whatever they think they can get away with.


    I comprehend the need to justify an alliance's actions and I understand people challenging their adversaries' narration, however only up to a certain point. The idea behind all of this is to enjoy the best you can get out of the dynamics of this world, it comes the point where the e-lawyering has to stop not to become perversion - be it said to all the parties involved.

  4. 2 hours ago, nishiyoshi_mha said:

    Have you looked at the treaty web lately? It's four dimensional versus before you could fit it on a cocktail napkin. 


    I honestly think it is still about as challenging and interesting as it was before, but the challenges and interests are much, much, much more different. That broad brush statement is almost boomeresque. Proof of this is the current conflict.

    I am almost a boomer, it's just appropriate.


    Seriously, we had stagnation and no turnover of alliances/people in power for years on end. All we had were glorified raids, jaded attitude, no standards, not even lulz, just apathy. The only exceptions were conflicts between micros.


    This war seems different, we'll see whether the difference will last or quickly fade.

  5. 3 hours ago, mmansfield68 said:

    I've been posting on the OWF for  nearly16 years, who are you?  I've never even heard of you.

    He's not ancient as you but he's not new either.


    TBQF your posts are generally better. Anyone with no character can follow the orders they already agree with, it instead takes someone with a spine to bite the bullet and obey to orders from the legitimate authority, that they like them or not.

    I've been ordered in Peace Mode in the past. It sucks, but orders are orders.

  6. 8 hours ago, Azure said:

    I was MoFA in GPA for awhile 😊 Hi jerdge.

    Thank you and hi.

    I had known a couple of "Azure" in CN and I wasn't sure. But I remember you (the "GPA one"), once we had an extremely interesting conversation about Pacifica as an hegemonic power (pre-Karma) and their need to politically justify their role (and power). We weren't that much in agreement, which is a big part of the reasons I learnt a lot from you. It's nice to see you're still around.


    7 hours ago, Thrash said:

    Why would GPA need anyone involved in FA?

    In short: interactions happen, either you try govern them, or they govern you.

    Also, it's fun and engaging. (Well, it used to, when there was depth in FA and the political landscape was challenging and interesting.)

  7. 1 hour ago, HeroofTime55 said:

    1) Orbital capture involves a loss of energy. You're entering a system on a hyperbolic trajectory, you're going to leave that system on the same hyperbolic trajectory, unless there is something that reduces your energy.  This is a very hard thing to do, actually, and usually involves one object of a binary pair getting kicked off and carrying a bunch of "stolen" energy out off into empty space.

    2) You can talk of a "full stop" in the context of the CMB, which seems to be more or less a rest frame for the entire universe, and which can be measured (we have!).  The laws of physics are invariant regardless of what frame of motion you are in, but, it does seem the Universe as a whole, as far as we can see anyway, has a "rest" frame of reference marked by the CMB.

    You can also talk of a "full stop" in the reference frame of whatever particle cloud you happen to be moving through. Given a collection of particles, assuming that collection has a generalized velocity in a particular direction, and assuming you spend an infinite amount of time passing through that cloud of particles, your momentum will eventually be transferred to that cloud until you and the cloud share the same velocity, at which point, you are "at rest" relative to the cloud.

    Good points.


    1) Star systems with some big planets can capture external objects, and it seems that such systems are all but uncommon. It's still not "likely" but, in our potentially billion years long scenario with a low energy projectile, it's entirely possible. It depends on the direction you initially aim towards (the centre of the galaxy is one thing, intergalactic space is entirely another thing, etc.)


    2) I had never heard of the CMB as a rest reference, I'm intrigued.


    3) At rest relative to the cloud and basically indistinguishable from the cloud itself. In other words, "captured" by the cloud?

  8. 10 hours ago, Azure said:

    Oh hey, I remember you. Ragnarok was it?  Yes, I miss the old times; there were great wars and good friends.  But, we are all getting old. I can’t control that a lot of people chooses to put CN on a back burner for nostalgia sake (and the occasional war).  And to be fair, supreme mentioned that HE did not follow the war closely due to life, the rest of us has been keeping an eye on it.

    Talking of getting old, I'm not anymore sure where I met you before...

  9. 3 hours ago, Cydonian Knight said:

    I think even the "vacuum" of outer space isn't a perfect vacuum and so maybe the dust particles would decelerate the rocket? Maybe over millennia but, if it didn't hit any celestial body by then, it'll eventually come to a full stop? Or just be captured into orbit of some planet. Not an astrophysic tho

    A variety of things may contribute to alter its trajectory but, as Kap said, any encounter is highly unlikely (some more than others).

    In millions and billions and tens or hundreds billion years it will eventually meet something it will become a satellite of, or which will drastically change its course and/or state, maybe even destroying its form. If that never happens, its matter will slowly evaporate and it will become scattered atoms randomly distributed in a very vast volume of space.


    I'll also add that it doesn't make sense to talk of a full stop, as there's no universal frame of reference. It won't "stop" with respect to its hypothetical starting point - the Earth - either, as this last is constantly moving around too (and it will anyway be destroyed, at the latest, when our star will become a red giant, a few billion years down the road).

  10. 4 hours ago, LordDarrin said:

    If you have to wait for permission to troll then you are a terrible troll…That is the only thing clear here. Figure it out.

    With all due respect, TBB could have written a couple dozen books on the subject of CN trolling well before the most of us had heard of CN at all.

    He's not above criticism, but you probably have to choose another subject entirely.


    2 hours ago, Lord of Coke and Hot Dogs said:

    Talking about memories, what happened to the GPA forums? I used to love that place. And now... gone! What happened?

    Technical issues coupled with personal issues of our forum admin. They'll be up again at some point in the future.

    However they've been dead for literally years before they went down.

  11. Machiabelly and Warrior Concept, wow, these are names I had forgotten, @W_A_R. Thanks for sharing your memories.


    Next time I'll be involved in a battle I'll make sure to mention my first real brawl, with Matt Miller... He had twice my tech and then times my ability, the only reason he didn't wipe the floor with poor me was that he had to handle multiple engagements at once. Great fellow and gracious he was with me, kindness indeed is precious and should not be underestimated.

  12. 5 hours ago, HeroofTime55 said:

    Higher attacking casualties mostly just means you fought more people who didn't nuke you.  Hard to say if that's a good or bad thing, could either be that you fight a whole lot of people at once, or that you only fight weak targets not interested in fighting back.

    Or many organized raids: you make your coordinated attacks and get the attacking casualties, the defender then accepts peace (more seldom turtles/fights back).


    Incidentally, why people still keep soldiers in peace time is beyond me, they just open up the nation to raids.

  13. 6 hours ago, Stewie said:

    A Old Guard / OBR declaration?


    That was unexpected...


    All we need now is @jerdgewaking up GPA and militarising for the return of Allarchon to be complete.  

    You meant resurrecting, waking up is not enough.


    The GPA was very active, much more military prepared, much better armed during Karma, and without hesitation she decided that past grudges with Pacifica were, well, past. Attacking anyone just because there's a good occasion would be totally out of the Alliance's character. This even if we hadn't a NAP with the Doomsphere (although, admittedly, it doesn't cover CLAWS).


    The GPA, or whatever half dead remains of her are still here, will strictly, unwaveringly adhere to her ideals and values until the lights go off.



    6 hours ago, Caustic said:

    Jerdge is too boomer to even make Discord work. I've tried. I fear the task of militarization is beyond him.

    I can Discord very well, I just don't want to/have no time for it. Job, family, I'm too busy.



    6 hours ago, nishiyoshi_mha said:

    This really would signal the end of the world. 


    Love this DoW for creativity, music, and fun. 5 stars all around.

    See above.

    I agree that this DoW is wonderfully written, well done, Sirs.



    6 hours ago, Stewie said:

    Then the wait continues

    Even our Viceroy can't change the nature of the GPA, sorry.

  14. 2 hours ago, qldvespanut said:

    I've been wondering who DeathAdder reminds me of and I've just got it...... it's myth!


    Have fun with the war everyone. If you're a tech seller, I'll see you when it's over👍


    MHAil Bob



    Why exactly is it bad to be like Myth?


    I had my issues with him, mind you, I even put him under accusation when I was a MHA Justice. But I still think that he had his qualities.

    (I'm not implying that DA is bad either, it's that it seems like you think he/his attitude is.)

  15. 3 hours ago, DeathAdder said:

    Haven't we all been warring for short of a month now?


    You should really stop confusing your lack of testicular fortitude for us doing anything to stop you.


    Your coalition legit needed a teenaged girl holding your hand in order for you to do something.


    Lyanna and Legion are the only currently involved parties who have any form of earned respect.

    Why exactly is it bad to be led by a teenaged girl?

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