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Posts posted by Colin40


    Damn, if only we had thought about this a year ago when we decided this current war had to happen and somehow planned for it.  We could have reached out seeking new relationships, nurtured those relationships to gain loyal allies and friends, and gotten ourselves into a position of diplomatic strength.  We also could have slowly taken down the upper tiers who we thought might have used this opportunity to bandwagon on to us and cause us harm.  Some day we are going to figure this stuff out.


    I am glad you posted this thread.  I've been trying to convince Bones of your duplicitous nature and how you consistently attempt to drive a wedge between us and our mutual allies.  I also have a scheduled chat with Dajobo this evening where we should be able to work out an agreement to settle our differences.  Now that we have engaged in our plan and you have posted exactly what we assumed would happen and why we had to taken certain steps, I think he will be able to see things from our perspective a bit more clearly.


  2. It looks as though my point is being proactively proven, as within 24 hours of themselves, the Dark Templar top nation (Akrani) and the IRON top nation (Island of Darkness) both deleted themselves, before being subjected to the bill-locked abyss that awaited them.


    If this is the case then that is sad. I don't want to lose people from the game.

    It's a political simulator, maybe we need some smart politics to end the stalemate?


    If we were nearly as good at smart politics as we are at smart comments then some bright spark could negotiate a solution.


    I've probably opened my self to the haters now...

  3. [quote name='Scorponok' timestamp='1342078605' post='3008987']
    VE has earned my respect, for standing up for their ally (knowing full well the repercussions of hitting NPO would bring) and for how respectful and fun they have acted throughout this conflict. Again VE, you earned peace in my eyes.

    I have heaps of respect for the guys I fought with from NPO and IRON. Not one skipped a beat. Both these alliances stock has gone up in my book.

    I am surprised to read the haters on here, but I never spend much time in OWF.

    This is how wars should be fought - all in and quick. Are you really at war in Peace Mode for 3 weeks?

  4. [quote name='Matt Miller' timestamp='1341487253' post='3003873']
    Over the course of the 5 days before the other 2 IRON members declared I went from 208k NS to 193k NS. During that same time, Colin went from 208k NS (at the time of my declaration) to 160k NS. I believe the writing was on the wall at that point for our 1v1.

    I am not sure this is completely accurate but the victor does write the history books.

    I did have 2 opponents throughout and Belgi should not be discounted on the punch that he packs.

    Sehmarnaam and Cyber King joined in 4 days later.

    I have truly have had my ass handed to me, but it was not a 1v1


  5. I'm not sure if this is the right place but CN has been a big part of my life since 2006.
    I've logged in several times each day, paid many monthly contributions and built one of the biggest waring nations.

    I have really enjoyed this game and did not want to go silently into the night like so many others before me.

    I've decided to quit the game and will just let my nation die after 25 days of inactivity (it seems too difficult to actually fill out the quit CN form if you have active aid deals)

    My biggest frustration is that there are obviously some people with multiple nations but the game moderators are not able to see it. I am in an alliance that has at least one nation who is manipulating multiple nations to provide themselves with endless tech. I cannot compete against cheats without cheating myself so I will bow out.

    Thanks CN for 6 great years of gaming and allowing me to meet some magnificent people.

    I wish you all well but for heavens sake weed out the cheats!

  6. [quote name='Sarmatian Empire' timestamp='1333677994' post='2948841']
    They could be RL friends, or good friends on irc, or use to be in the same alliance together and the tech sender just doesnt wanna play anymore so he just aids his friend.

    The receiver practically never uses IRC except in war.

    It would be pretty lucky to find 6 separate friends that don't want to play anymore and are all prepared to log in every 10 days just to send you tech (just you and no one else in the game!)- Maybe this is the case, but its a long shot ?

  7. [quote name='Samus' timestamp='1333628283' post='2948589']
    Ever heard of donation deals?

    Yes and I never saw the receiving nation offer this deal once (although it looks like he/she may have six constant participants without any advertising) Or they are smart enough to set up 3 pairs of multi nations!

    And if 6 donation deals without advertising is the case then the admins should be able to check this out and shut this whole rant down?

  8. [quote name='R3nowned' timestamp='1333627621' post='2948587']
    Could possibly be a person paying off reps then

    Or a multitude of other reasons

    Or it could be someone getting an unfair advantage over other players by using multiple nations. I strongly believe this to be the case - but there seems to be absolutely nothing that can be done about it.

    I know for a fact that there is no valid reason why these nations would be supplying tech to the alliance in question.

    So it is not cheating then if you cannot be caught?

  9. [quote name='R3nowned' timestamp='1333619908' post='2948580']
    No it's not. Quite often, there are people in an alliance who's only purpose is to send tech to large nations.

    The nations I speak of are not in the same alliance as the receiving nation, so then it seems unlikely that it is a large nation building effort from within an alliance.

    The sending nations are not affiliated in any way with the receiving nations alliance, and they only seem to exist to send tech to a single nation?

  10. If a nation has 6 tech suppliers that constantly send him/her tech with no recompense (i.e. just keep sending 50 tech every 10 days with no obvious payment) then is that cheating?

    There are some fairly tech savvy people that play this game who can easily navigate a duplicate IP screen to avoid multi-nation detection. I have watched one nation receive 50 tech every 10 days for at least the last four months with no payment sent to the supplying nations.

    The 6 supplying nations are set up in 3 pairs, so that each pair supply on different days. 3 of the nations were created on the same day.

    I've logged a multi report in the correct part of the forum but this activity just continues. Can the admin audit tech deals to see if there are any obvious imbalances in the trade system (i.e. 6 nations supplying tech for 4 months without any form of payment from the receiving nation)

    Or is that not cheating and it could be that the nation in question has 6 friends that all log on in pairs every 10 days solely to supply him/her with tech?

  11. [quote name='TheyCallMeJeezy' timestamp='1295671090' post='2590830']
    TwistedRebel, this is the second time we've fought. I honestly look forward to a third.

    Don, same goes for you. You've been friendly in our few messages and I appreciate that.

    Colin, stop nuking me dammit!


    Hi Jeezy, nothing personal you understand just business :)

    You have conducted yourself very honorably throughout this exercise 0/

  12. Are there any sellers with a Federal Aid Commission wonder that want a tech deal?

    4.5M for 150 tech to get full use of our FAC wonder.

    I can clear slots for these deals as required but I assume the sellers with such wonders will be very limited.

    Please message me in game if interested

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