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Posts posted by mmansfield68


    That retort made no sense, mmansfield68. The fact is that the theme of the Annunaki Bloodline Society is relatively confusing when compared to the normalized thematic statements issued by other groups. When proclaiming a declarative thread you need an easily discernible message or purpose. The thesis of the alliance is ostensibly uncomplicated, but difficult to interpret. Aliens and monsters are mashed together to form a type of backdrop for their alliance. I mean, have you seen their official forum? The stuff is crazy. 

    Since you fashion yourself a keen observer, and no doubt an astute wordsmith, you should have no problem explaining what is 'normal,' and explaining where this alliance went wrong.  And, go!


    "Always" is inaccurate. Before the reign of the Mad Emperor Moo, and during the reign of Cortath, NPO was a force for good in the world.

    Let's not lie just because it feels good, lest we wrap our whole existences in a myriad of lies.


    Eventually, we build a lying world around ourselves. 






    EDIT: Eventually  ;)




    I don't know who peed in some peoples coffee, but man, musta been some strong pee.


    Whatever the personal feelings you have for x y z, at the end of the day -- we're all just having fun.

    Time to shake hands and move forward. Everyone's free to call each other names in their own private places, but I think all that's been said out here already.

    Let's keep it classy.

    Well said, but this discussion hasn't been remotely (no offense, most discussions of this nature are rarely) classy, with a (very) few exceptions.

  4. I enjoyed his posts... and then he got banned for something ridiculous like a sig violation in the end.


    Mary was certainly a contentious GPA figure.

    To his credit, his posts were enjoyable reads - but he had a unique knack for shoving himself into every conversation, and weighing in on everything with an arrogance bordering on psychosis. 


    I think the modern clinical diagnosis in CN-speak is Attention Whore run amok.  ;) 

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