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Blog Comments posted by Azaghul

  1. Loosing wars means far less than it used to. One reason it that peace terms are far more lenient these days, in 99% ending in white or grey peace, instead of the crippling reps from the past. Another is that most nations have good warchests and a stockpile of indestructible wonders/improvements that means that they don't have to rebuild from scratch.

  2. TOP? Best military? They went 4V1 with me and barely managed slightly greater than equal damage. If we were to do cost based... I wrecked Centurius, Crymson, and his lackeys he had hit me in his defense. I disagree. The wars are on record to reflect this. If that's the best that the "top" military alliance can do.. then I'd say we've fallen a long way in our global war fighting abilities. Those results were even with me not being able to participate for a day due to rl events that prevented me from logging in. Dread if I had gotten one more days of nukes off.

    You were able to launch way more nukes regardless having a stockpile against greater numbers. 15 nukes on them to their 6 on you. Which means that if they did indeed do more damage to you than you to them, they were able to make up 9 extra nukes worth of damage in other types of attacks.

  3. This was a frequent problem for MK going back years, but a lot of it depended on who was in charge too. Ardus was way, way better about it than Leet. It's not only external communication but internal communication too. Different members of gov don't always talk to each other and so one member may end up thinking their alliance wasn't informed while it's just that one gov member was informed and didn't tell anyone else. In the rush to get something done, the need to inform or consult allies or other gov members can fall by the wayside.

    The leaking thing is an issue too. There's a reason why when MK was disbanding and many were planning on going rogue, we literally told no one outside of MK except for TLR and TOP to ask for their protection a few hours before. That's the only way we could have kept it from becoming public knowledge. I do regret not telling more allies (especially ODN, who were way above average about talking to us, and especially about asking our opinions about potential treaty partners.) but even if we had it would have been only hours before, if that.

  4. One of the reasons I get along with so many former MK members is exactly the sense of humor the alliance has. It's the way I am IRL, it's the way I cope with things. Some people may take offense to an alliance making fun of/poking fun at radical elements of the religious or political world, in this case radical Islam and those who declare every adherent to Islam a terrorist.

    The simple fact is, some people are bound to be offended by it, others will ignore it or laugh along with us. Different opinions make the world go 'round. If we all based opinions off what the "norm" is, we'd have to assume everybody who plays CN is, as the kids so lovingly say these days, "gay".

    You say (not you, Jerdge, just a proverbial "you") that using our theme is offensive. Awesome, that's your opinion. I could see a way somebody could find The International's theme offensive; victims of Communism under Stalin far exceeded the numbers killed on 9/11, but the theme is okay because, as touched on above by somebody (I'm too lazy to scroll up), it's a "distant past" thing instead of a current event. Just about anything can be offensive if you examine it closely. That's what comedy is; a mockery of the absurd, or distortion of reality into something absurd to be mocked. A poorly-drawn cartoon of a Mario mushroom with wings flying toward towers made out of CN flags is, out of context, just lazy propaganda. Add the context of 9/11 and it's offensive. Not sure where i'm going right now, I sorta lost my thought. Damn.

    NPO is a mockery of totalitarianism. The International makes many references to Communism. CCC might offend some radical Christians who do not believe their symbols should be used for something in a game (just an example, I don't really know of anybody who would do that). Hell, I take offense to CCC's name because I went to a community college for two years with the acronym CCC, and every time I see something CCC is doing, I have terrible flashbacks to long nights working two jobs, one of which was as a security officer on that campus wherein many, many of our students smoked sweet, sweet crystal meth. I'm 22 years old. I shouldn't know what meth smells like. It ruined marshmallows for me.

    Offensive is a relative term. There are certainly lines that most agree upon. A rape themed alliance would probably be taken out of the game pretty quickly by moderation staff. A Nazi themed alliance (beyond Nor's realm) would see a similar demise. Mushqaeda remains because it is, by nature, absurd. We do not praise Allah in our posts, we do not call ourselves Muslims, we do not pretend to be actual Muslims. We could have chosen any faction as our "join it and war people if you're leaving the game and don't care" AA. The Southern Delegation? Offensive to some. Mushreich? Certainly offensive. Mushroom Kommune? Offensive to some. Mushqaeda was simply the most active faction at the time, and quite simply the easiest to satirize without people thinking we were serious. Southern Delegation posts would probably just have been racially-slanting, and I won't refute that some members of MK were (and some members of CN are) not exactly the most friendly to racial minorities because they're internet tough guys. Mushriech/Kommune are already done by other alliances. Mushqaeda is ridiculous, over the top, and fun to RP as. Archon himself doesn't really know how or when he became a religious figure in the alliance. It's sort of a running joke, much like when people in the IC areas say "Admin have mercy on your souls" and things of that nature. Nobody is actually saying Admin is literally God. Nobody in MQ is saying Archon is literally God, nor are we claiming to be or support RL terrorism. Other themes, while easy to mock and make ridiculous, would not have made quite the splash MQ did. The shock, the stunning "holy !@#$" value of Mushqaeda and some of our comments are what make it a wonderful choice to run our satire from. It's a taboo subject, something we don't talk or joke about. But if you look at the majority of popular comedians today, are their best jokes not their most shocking, offensive, and taboo comments?

    I agree with what you said.

    Mushqaeda is obviously not directed at real life Muslims in general. Al qaeda and/or stereotypes of Muslims? Sure.

    The vast majority of former/current MK/MQ members, myself included, are not Islamophobic, or intend to mock Muslims.

    Mushqaeda has never been meant to be taken that seriously in any sense, in character or with the real life reference. It's just something we've had fun with.

    Also someone was making the argument that time and proximity to events matter. I'd point out that we (at least America) as a culture have always made fun of our enemies. Just check out this Donald Duck cartoon that was made during WW2:


  5. I can't speak for others but the only reason that I posted about those issues was because it had created a degree of backlash from MK that the members of Umbrella could see and resented to some extent. That couldn't be resolved without explaining the context for the backlash.

    #3: That could have been a problem eventually, but that's not how you framed the issue at all.

  6. #2 is misleading at best. There never was a "campaign", only details on the gov level we brought up because they were directly pertinent to general issues between the two alliances.

    #3 was blatantly ridiculous on your part when the physical evidence, war counts and NS losses, showed FARK getting totally creamed and falling precipitously, and being engaged by 4 of the biggest hitters in the coalition (NG, TLR, Nor, TOP). You also didn't say anything about NG or TLR (I just reread the exchange just to make sure). Flak posted the stat at the time: "Fark has lost over 5m ns (40% of their start) in 9 days"

    For the record I don't believe that Omni is following any kind of agenda when it comes to these debates. Others clearly are.

  7. Goes for a lot of regular board posts too.

    It's amazing, and not a little sad, that a lot more time is spent arguing over if something someone did is comparable to what the NPO used to do than over the actual merits of the case.

    Many people are still obsessed with the karma era PR battles. We need to collectively move on already.

  8. MK more or less voluntarily gave up their hegemony in October when they did their treaty wipe thing. Before that they had treaties with Pandora's Box (wasn't formed yet but they would have had three), Superfriends, CnG (obviously), and other groups like AZTEC and Polar/STA. That kind of treaty spread is the most important hallmark of a hegemonic force in my opinion. But since then, MK's ties are concentrated to just CnG and PB. If you add other alliances, the treaty spread gets wider but really by the time you've linked together all the alliances necessary to make one big smothering hegemonic force, there are too many alliances behind the driver's wheel to even justify calling it a hegemony.
    What? The pretty much re-signed every important treaty except Polaris and STA. Then formed DH with two members of PB. MK's move shifted the treaty web for Polar and STA by isolating them, but not for themselves in any signifigant fashion. Not to mention the fact that they added TOP which put them a chain away from IRON and all that brings. So really right now they are tied directly to PB, CnG and are 1 chain away from SF, Duckroll and Dos.

    You're forgetting GOD, Ragnarok, and NV.

  9. As expected, a new hegemony took Pacifica's place. At first it was called "Super Grievances", because of the strong SF-CnG connection in 2009/2010. Now we live in the era of Doomhouse and Pandora's Box. To make it easier, I will call it the MK Hegemony. Why? Because just like NPO in 2008, the Mushroom Kingdom is thought of as the central alliance of the hegemony whether they like it or not. The MK Hegemony has lasted more than two years already.

    What you gloss over here is if we actually are the "central" alliance of the "hegemony". I'd argue that several alliances are at least close if not equal to or greater than us in political influence in the PB/DH/C&G sphere: Umbrella, ODN, and VE come to mind and there are others not directly in that sphere on our "side" like TOP and FARK.

    To connect what GOD does, an alliance we aren't all that close with and have disagreed with before, to the "MK hegemony" is silly. The only reps that we had any real part in that you name are the Bipolar and DH wars. The rest were done by others with their own power and influence.

    The length of wars is primarily due to the very large war-chests of many nations which take a long time to impact and the use of peace mode.

  10. social justice
    Stopped reading here, because this is a dumb, weighted, socialist term. Socialism is stupid, maybe not for little European countries that don't have any real power, but for America with our corrupt government and eight bazillion nuclear warheads, giving them more power is the last thing we need to do.Don't worry about Warren Buffet, he is poor compared to the cash our government burns on a daily basis. If you actually cared about uplifting the poor, that is the money you would be looking to redirect into positive projects (And by that I mean things other than free handouts, this country is lazy enough as it stands).We need to stop taking loans from China to fund everything under the sun, and we need to cut as much government spending as possible, including social programs, until we are out of this hole. I don't care about making Warren Buffet so poor that he can no longer afford a cherry goddamn coke.Edit: I went back and re-read, and I might have missed the mark here. But my point still stands on it's own.

    A lot more government money goes into "positive projects" than "handouts". And the difference between the two is often vague and ill-defined.

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