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Everything posted by Alterego

  1. In a sign of the times the bridge I dwelt beneath bridge was repossessed
  2. It takes very little if the nation is a nation of warmongers and criminals. Sometimes all you need is a homemade drawing showing stuff that doesnt exist. http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Powell_UN_Iraq_presentation,_alleged_Mobile_Production_Facilities.jpg
  3. Unstoppable when unchallenged. Disbanded when challenged. Good riddance,
  4. People are stupid. Politicians are just playing to their audience.
  5. Karma portrayed itself as good v evil, moral v immoral. As karma became what it fought against, a change that began before the end of that war, morality and moral politics died. No alliance is white, no alliance is good, no alliance is just. There is only actions and reactions by a world filled with undesirables. Anyone who plays the moral card these days is just a twat.
  6. same mentality. Joking about OOC attacks exposes the same mentality as making them. Long story short its part of MK culture, which is why he sees no problem joking about being so sick that you lot pursue people off world and attempt to make their lives miserable for MKs personal amusement.
  7. Thats the MK mentality alright. If you dont go along with their OOC attacks you are some kind of moralist crusader. That corner you guys painted yourselves into will get smaller and smaller. I dont think MK are capable of changing at a basic political level let alone stopping their OOC attack culture. If anything I see MK members becoming more and more extremist as they become more of a pariah alliance.
  8. OMG you are right. we must be bitter enemies like i said you stink of desperation. you are so desperate to find any thread to pull on after you had your arse handed to you that you are starting to sound like me on a bad day. they missed their old home, they went home. Home was not the treaties they had in the past and not having those treaties immediately upon reforming doesnt mean anything to anyone but the very desperate.
  9. strategic victory, congrats guys and gals o/
  10. you stink of desperation. sometimes there is really no issue but people yearn for the past. One thing that we all agree on is the past was great. Im sure TOP members yearn for the past when they were more than a crappy puppet alliance.
  11. Congrats to the previous mob on their strategic victory. Good luck to the next lot. Keep these "winning" ways going
  12. Non Grata (link) TAE (link) LoSS (link) No treaty at all?
  13. Its not a joke. It just happens to be funny. I see a lot of aid flowing in, lets wait 10 days and see what comes out. Good luck AO
  14. Good post but you are missing one point. Every war has a natural course. Like the flow of water a war will flow along the path of least resistance and run along a natural course. Like changing the course of a river the course of a war can be changed. However if you look back at the history of global wars you will see that every alliance that tried to change the natural course of a war by extending it or making excessive demands paid a heavy price. They alienated allies, lost friends and ultimately paid by having their asses kicked. The war had run its natural course and extending it would have been costly for hardliners. As a result of letting the war end in a natural way without any demands besides admit defeat. No friends were lost and no allies were were alienated by extending the war or making draconian demands. What some on the other side as weakness is in reality a healthy dose of common sense with a dash of good PR
  15. If we asked for a billion dollars and peace was announced only for you to turn around and say we arent paying it would be war again. There is no difference. Breaking a peace agreement is breaking a peace agreement.
  16. There was one condition, to admit defeat and surrender. Looks to me like the one and only condition has been broken meaning the war has not ended.
  17. Smug and smart arent the same thing. We tossed DH/TOP a bone and you are pretending its a 6 course meal.
  18. Judging by this thread DH/TOP are the same geniuses they were before the war. They are expanding nowhere. The real question is will their allies/fringe allies see that DH/TOP, the geniuses that led them down this dead end havent learned a thing and are unlikely to change with the times and will those allies stand by them as their half wit antics continue
  19. Hes safe from harm and there isnt a single target out there in his range. He just likes peace mode for the economic benefits. As for the mocking white peace for all and limited war for one, I hope that backfires on ya.
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