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Adrian LaCroix

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Everything posted by Adrian LaCroix

  1. 8 March, 2009 1 New Pacific Order : 82.55 --> 82.60 (+0.05) 2 Independent Republic of Orange Nations : 73.54 --> 73.16 (-0.38) 3 Sparta : 45.58 --> 45.74 (+0.16) 4 Multicolored Cross-X Alliance : 44.80 --> 44.53 (-0.27) 5 Mostly Harmless Alliance : 42.79 --> 42.95 (+0.16) {190} The Order of the Paradox : 40.25 --> 39.99 (-0.26) 6 Fark : 36.19 --> 36.17 (-0.02) ---------- ODN/RoK Challenge Line: 35.00 (ODN: 5/5 days) 7 Orange Defense Network : 34.03 --> 34.12 (+0.09) 8 Ragnarok : 33.55 --> 33.44 (-0.11) 9 New Polar Order : 32.42 --> 32.44 (+0.02) {116} (-1) The Grämlins : 30.09 --> 29.89 (-0.20) 10 The Order of Light : 29.54 --> 29.68 (+0.14) 11 Viridian Entente : 28.51 --> 28.54 (+0.03) 12 The Phoenix Federation : 28.23 --> 28.25 (+0.02) -------------------- 13 FOK : 27.91 --> 27.99 (+0.08) The Democratic Order : 24.79 --> 24.89 (+0.10) 14 Green Protection Agency : 24.82 --> 24.85 (+0.03) Grand Global Alliance : 22.71 --> 22.76 (+0.05) {146} (-1) Valhalla : 19.13 --> 19.15 (+0.02) The Dark Evolution : 18.41 --> 18.63 (+0.22) Greenland Republic : 18.54 --> 18.56 (+0.02) Global Democratic Alliance : 18.01 --> 18.02 (+0.01) {148} (-1) Mushroom Kingdom : 17.68 --> 17.73 (+0.05) United Purple Nations : 18.63 --> 17.54 (-1.09) The Legion : 17.14 --> 17.29 (+0.15) {126} (+1) Echelon : 17.02 --> 17.06 (+0.04) {132} World Task Force : 15.97 --> 15.98 (+0.01) Nueva Vida : 15.86 --> 15.86 (+0.00) Monos Archein : 15.92 --> 15.81 (-0.11) {164} M*A*S*H : 15.48 --> 15.50 (+0.02) {168} (+2) RnR : 14.88 --> 15.03 (+0.15) {183} (-2) LoSS : 15.02 --> 15.02 (+0.00) {84} Umbrella : 14.81 --> 14.87 (+0.06) {183} (-1) North Atlantic Defense Coalition : 14.34 --> 14.34 (+0.00) {196} (+1) Random Insanity Alliance : 14.16 --> 14.21 (+0.05) ---------- Add Line: 14.12 --> 14.13 (+0.01) ---------- Drop Line: 13.82 --> 13.83 (+0.01) Biggest Gainer The Dark Evolution : 18.41 --> 18.63 (+0.22) Biggest Loser United Purple Nations : 18.63 --> 17.54 (-1.09) Passes The Dark Evolution passes Greenland Republic The Dark Evolution passes United Purple Nations Greenland Republic passes United Purple Nations Global Democratic Alliance passes United Purple Nations Mushroom Kingdom passes United Purple Nations The Democratic Order passes Green Protection Agency Nueva Vida passes Monos Archein RnR passes LoSS Commentary The Dark Evolution puts up the biggest gain today, with just over two tenths of a point. The Mostly Harmless Alliance and Sparta also put up similar gains. Also, The Legion gets a mention with their .15 increase in score, because that wheel squeaked. And the squeaky wheel always gets the oil. United Purple Nations reprises their role as biggest loser today, with a huge loss of just under a point and a tenth. What the devil is going on there? The Independent Republic of Orange Nations, Multicolored Cross-X Alliance, The Order of the Paradox, and The Grämlins also put up significant losses. ---------- Related Links: Stats By Unspeakable Evil Tournament Edition Sanction Race How To Update the Amazing Sanction Race Sanction Race Update Creator spreadsheet: http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=pFd...rmXWQ&hl=en End of line.
  2. Sorry for the delay, I will update now.
  3. This. I read through the reports every so often for a good laugh.
  4. I am not biased, I am lazy when it comes to commentary. The comment on color tags is there because I left a color tag open and had to edit to close it.
  5. 7 March, 2009 1 New Pacific Order : 82.39 --> 82.55 (+0.19) 2 Independent Republic of Orange Nations : 73.89 --> 73.54 (-0.35) 3 Sparta : 45.59 --> 45.58 (-0.01) 4 Multicolored Cross-X Alliance : 44.69 --> 44.80 (+0.11) 5 Mostly Harmless Alliance : 42.76 --> 42.79 (+0.03) {190} The Order of the Paradox : 40.20 --> 40.25 (+0.05) 6 Fark : 36.11 --> 36.19 (+0.08) ---------- ODN/RoK Challenge Line: 35.00 (ODN: 5/5 days) 7 Orange Defense Network : 34.01 --> 34.03 (+0.02) 8 Ragnarok : 33.58 --> 33.55 (-0.03) 9 New Polar Order : 32.31 --> 32.42 (+0.11) {117} The Grämlins : 30.02 --> 30.09 (+0.05) 10 The Order of Light : 29.49 --> 29.54 (+0.05) 11 Viridian Entente : 28.58 --> 28.51 (-0.07) 12 The Phoenix Federation : 28.19 --> 28.23 (+0.04) -------------------- 13 FOK : 27.88 --> 27.91 (+0.03) 14 Green Protection Agency : 24.80 --> 24.82 (+0.02) The Democratic Order : 24.77 --> 24.79 (+0.02) Grand Global Alliance : 22.84 --> 22.71 (-0.13) {147} (-1) Valhalla : 19.23 --> 19.13 (-0.10) United Purple Nations : 19.09 --> 18.63 (-0.46) Greenland Republic : 18.53 --> 18.54 (+0.01) The Dark Evolution : 18.35 --> 18.41 (+0.06) Global Democratic Alliance : 18.18 --> 18.01 (-0.17) {149} Mushroom Kingdom : 17.60 --> 17.68 (+0.08) The Legion : 16.99 --> 17.14 (+0.15) {125} (-1) Echelon : 17.07 --> 17.02 (-0.05) {132} World Task Force : 15.95 --> 15.97 (+0.02) Monos Archein : 15.92 --> 15.92 (+0.00) Nueva Vida : 15.64 --> 15.86 (+0.22) {164} M*A*S*H : 15.47 --> 15.48 (+0.01) {185} (+3) LoSS : 14.96 --> 15.02 (+0.06) {166} RnR : 14.87 --> 14.88 (+0.01) {84} Umbrella : 14.80 --> 14.81 (+0.01) {184} North Atlantic Defense Coalition : 14.31 --> 14.34 (+0.03) {195} (-1) Random Insanity Alliance : 14.16 --> 14.16 (+0.00) ---------- Add Line: 14.10 --> 14.12 (+0.02) ---------- Drop Line: 13.80 --> 13.82 (+0.02) Biggest Gainer Nueva Vida : 15.64 --> 15.86 (+0.22) Biggest Loser United Purple Nations : 19.09 --> 18.63 (-0.46) Passes The Legion passes Echelon Commentary Nueva Vida puts up the biggest gain of the day at just over two tenths of a point. The New Pacific Order came close, interestingly enough. The Independent Republic of Orange Nations puts up the biggest loss today by far, with three and a half tenths of a point. The Global Democratic Alliance also put up a large loss. Edit: Some day I shall crush color tags. Edit: Or perhaps United Purple Nations was the biggest loser. ---------- Related Links: Stats By Unspeakable Evil Tournament Edition Sanction Race How To Update the Amazing Sanction Race Sanction Race Update Creator spreadsheet: http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=pFd...rmXWQ&hl=en End of line.
  6. I apologize for my lateness, philosophy papers do this sometimes. In any case, I am now commencing update.
  7. Hm. I honestly have no idea. I probably just missed the pass yesterday.
  8. 6 March, 2009 1 New Pacific Order : 82.75 --> 82.39 (-0.36) 2 Independent Republic of Orange Nations : 74.00 --> 73.89 (-0.11) 3 Sparta : 45.49 --> 45.59 (+0.10) 4 Multicolored Cross-X Alliance : 44.81 --> 44.69 (-0.12) 5 Mostly Harmless Alliance : 42.77 --> 42.76 (-0.01) {190} The Order of the Paradox : 40.11 --> 40.20 (+0.09) 6 Fark : 36.05 --> 36.11 (+0.06) ---------- ODN/RoK Challenge Line: 35.00 (ODN: 5/5 days) 7 Orange Defense Network : 34.01 --> 34.01 (+0.00) 8 Ragnarok : 33.53 --> 33.58 (+0.05) 9 New Polar Order : 32.02 --> 32.31 (+0.29) {117} The Grämlins : 29.99 --> 30.02 (+0.03) 10 The Order of Light : 29.47 --> 29.49 (+0.02) 11 Viridian Entente : 28.50 --> 28.58 (+0.08) 12 The Phoenix Federation : 28.19 --> 28.19 (+0.00) -------------------- 13 FOK : 27.85 --> 27.88 (+0.03) 14 Green Protection Agency : 24.77 --> 24.80 (+0.03) The Democratic Order : 24.69 --> 24.77 (+0.08) Grand Global Alliance : 22.80 --> 22.84 (+0.04) {148} Valhalla : 19.36 --> 19.23 (-0.13) United Purple Nations : 19.03 --> 19.09 (+0.06) Greenland Republic : 18.50 --> 18.53 (+0.03) The Dark Evolution : 18.41 --> 18.35 (-0.06) Global Democratic Alliance : 18.14 --> 18.18 (+0.04) {149} (-1) Mushroom Kingdom : 17.53 --> 17.60 (+0.07) {126} (-3) Echelon : 17.33 --> 17.07 (-0.26) The Legion : 16.87 --> 16.99 (+0.12) {132} (+3) World Task Force : 15.88 --> 15.95 (+0.07) Monos Archein : 15.86 --> 15.92 (+0.06) Nueva Vida : 15.92 --> 15.64 (-0.28) {164} M*A*S*H : 15.43 --> 15.47 (+0.04) {182} (+2) LoSS : 14.98 --> 14.96 (-0.02) {166} (-1) RnR : 14.95 --> 14.87 (-0.08) {84} (+1) Umbrella : 14.63 --> 14.80 (+0.17) {184} North Atlantic Defense Coalition : 14.35 --> 14.31 (-0.04) {196} Random Insanity Alliance : 14.25 --> 14.16 (-0.09) ---------- Add Line: 14.10 --> 14.10 (+0.00) ---------- Drop Line: 13.80 --> 13.80 (+0.00) Biggest Gainer 9 New Polar Order : 32.02 --> 32.31 (+0.29) Biggest Loser 1 New Pacific Order : 82.75 --> 82.39 (-0.36) Passes World Task Force passes Nueva Vida Monos Archein passes Nueva Vida LoSS passes RnR Commentary Today was a productive day for some, a bad day for many. The New Polar Order puts up the largest gain by far at nearly three tenths of a point, with Umbrella also putting up a nice gain. The New Pacific Order reprises its role as biggest loser today with nearly four tenths of a point. Hm, I wonder where it went. Echelon and Nueva Vida also put up large losses. Today I shout in the general direction of The Grämlins: How do I make an ä without copy/pasting it? ---------- Related Links: Stats By Unspeakable Evil Tournament Edition Sanction Race How To Update the Amazing Sanction Race Sanction Race Update Creator spreadsheet: http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=pFd...rmXWQ&hl=en End of line.
  9. Oh, I am not updating right this moment. I was simply making a comment.
  10. Should be a fun update, with lots of pretty red.
  11. 5 March, 2009 1 New Pacific Order : 83.07 --> 82.75 (-0.32) 2 Independent Republic of Orange Nations : 74.06 --> 74.00 (-0.06) 3 Sparta : 45.47 --> 45.49 (+0.02) 4 Multicolored Cross-X Alliance : 44.90 --> 44.81 (-0.09) 5 Mostly Harmless Alliance : 42.77 --> 42.77 (+0.00) {190} The Order of the Paradox : 40.15 --> 40.11 (-0.04) 6 Fark : 36.00 --> 36.05 (+0.05) ---------- ODN/RoK Challenge Line: 35.00 (ODN: 5/5 days) 7 Orange Defense Network : 34.25 --> 34.01 (-0.24) 8 Ragnarok : 33.37 --> 33.53 (+0.16) 9 New Polar Order : 32.03 --> 32.02 (-0.01) {117} The Grämlins : 29.95 --> 29.99 (+0.04) 10 The Order of Light : 29.36 --> 29.47 (+0.11) 11 Viridian Entente : 28.50 --> 28.50 (+0.00) 12 The Phoenix Federation : 28.17 --> 28.19 (+0.02) -------------------- 13 FOK : 27.82 --> 27.85 (+0.03) 14 Green Protection Agency : 24.63 --> 24.77 (+0.14) The Democratic Order : 24.61 --> 24.69 (+0.08) Grand Global Alliance : 22.77 --> 22.80 (+0.03) {148} (-1) Valhalla : 19.35 --> 19.36 (+0.01) United Purple Nations : 19.03 --> 19.03 (+0.00) Greenland Republic : 18.53 --> 18.50 (-0.03) The Dark Evolution : 18.50 --> 18.41 (-0.09) Global Democratic Alliance : 18.17 --> 18.14 (-0.03) {150} (-1) Mushroom Kingdom : 17.52 --> 17.53 (+0.01) {129} Echelon : 17.32 --> 17.33 (+0.01) The Legion : 16.91 --> 16.87 (-0.04) Nueva Vida : 15.99 --> 15.92 (-0.07) {129} World Task Force : 15.87 --> 15.88 (+0.01) Monos Archein : 15.85 --> 15.86 (+0.01) {164} M*A*S*H : 15.40 --> 15.43 (+0.03) {167} RnR : 14.93 --> 14.95 (+0.02) {180} (+4) LoSS : 14.91 --> 14.98 (+0.07) {83} (+1) Umbrella : 14.54 --> 14.63 (+0.09) {184} North Atlantic Defense Coalition : 14.30 --> 14.35 (+0.05) {196} (+6) (-1) Random Insanity Alliance : 14.16 --> 14.25 (+0.09) ---------- Add Line: 14.09 --> 14.10 (+0.01) ---------- Drop Line: 13.79 --> 13.80 (+0.01) Biggest Gainer 8 Ragnarok : 33.37 --> 33.53 (+0.16) Biggest Loser 1 New Pacific Order : 83.07 --> 82.75 (-0.32) Passes Commentary That, my friends, is a lot of red, and a lot of small gains. Ragnarok puts up the biggest gain today, at .16, with the Green Protection Agency close behind. Today the New Pacific Order takes biggest loser with just over three tenths of a point. Hm, I wonder why. The Orange Defense Network also put up a significant loss. In other news, no passes today. Thank you. ---------- Related Links: Stats By Unspeakable Evil Tournament Edition Sanction Race How To Update the Amazing Sanction Race Sanction Race Update Creator spreadsheet: http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=pFd...rmXWQ&hl=en End of line.
  12. 4 March, 2009 1 New Pacific Order : 83.08 --> 83.07 (-0.01) 2 Independent Republic of Orange Nations : 73.86 --> 74.06 (+0.20) 3 Sparta : 45.48 --> 45.47 (-0.01) 4 Multicolored Cross-X Alliance : 45.05 --> 44.90 (-0.15) 5 Mostly Harmless Alliance : 42.67 --> 42.77 (+0.10) {190} The Order of the Paradox : 40.10 --> 40.15 (+0.05) 6 Fark : 35.96 --> 36.00 (+0.04) ---------- ODN/RoK Challenge Line: 35.00 (ODN: 5/5 days) 7 Orange Defense Network : 34.21 --> 34.25 (+0.04) 8 Ragnarok : 33.32 --> 33.37 (+0.05) 9 New Polar Order : 31.87 --> 32.03 (+0.16) {117} The Grämlins : 29.91 --> 29.95 (+0.04) 10 The Order of Light : 29.35 --> 29.36 (+0.01) 11 Viridian Entente : 28.38 --> 28.50 (+0.12) 12 The Phoenix Federation : 28.12 --> 28.17 (+0.05) -------------------- 13 FOK : 27.78 --> 27.82 (+0.04) 14 Green Protection Agency : 24.56 --> 24.63 (+0.07) The Democratic Order : 24.55 --> 24.61 (+0.06) Grand Global Alliance : 22.88 --> 22.77 (-0.11) {149} (+3) Valhalla : 19.14 --> 19.35 (+0.21) United Purple Nations : 19.17 --> 19.03 (-0.14) Greenland Republic : 18.49 --> 18.53 (+0.04) The Dark Evolution : 18.44 --> 18.50 (+0.06) Global Democratic Alliance : 18.14 --> 18.17 (+0.03) {151} Mushroom Kingdom : 17.44 --> 17.52 (+0.08) {129} Echelon : 17.30 --> 17.32 (+0.02) The Legion : 16.81 --> 16.91 (+0.10) Nueva Vida : 16.07 --> 15.99 (-0.08) {129} World Task Force : 15.79 --> 15.87 (+0.08) Monos Archein : 15.83 --> 15.85 (+0.02) {164} (-1) M*A*S*H : 15.42 --> 15.40 (-0.02) {167} RnR : 14.91 --> 14.93 (+0.02) {176} (-2) LoSS : 15.00 --> 14.91 (-0.09) {82} (+1) Umbrella : 14.51 --> 14.54 (+0.03) {184} (-1) North Atlantic Defense Coalition : 14.29 --> 14.30 (+0.01) {190} (-1) Random Insanity Alliance : 14.16 --> 14.16 (+0.00) ---------- Add Line: 14.06 --> 14.09 (+0.03) ---------- Drop Line: 13.76 --> 13.79 (+0.03) Biggest Gainer {149} (+3) Valhalla : 19.14 --> 19.35 (+0.21) Biggest Loser 4 Multicolored Cross-X Alliance : 45.05 --> 44.90 (-0.15) Passes Valhalla passes United Purple Nations World Task Force passes Monos Archein RnR passes LoSS Commentary Today was a relatively quiet day again. That is beginning to sound monotonous. Valhalla puts up the biggest score with just over two tenths of a point, with the Independent Republic of Orange Nations very close behind. In other news, the Multicolored Cross-X Alliance makes a return to the biggest loser spot, with the Grand Global Alliance putting up a similar loss. ---------- Related Links: Stats By Unspeakable Evil Tournament Edition Sanction Race How To Update the Amazing Sanction Race Sanction Race Update Creator spreadsheet: http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=pFd...rmXWQ&hl=en End of line.
  13. Hmmm... No one but this Stagger Lee character. I kid, I kid. I simply read the first few lines of a post and decide whether it will be worth my time or not. There are some people that I tend not to read though, because I find that their posts are generally drivel.
  14. I laughed out loud. These things are always entertaining, if only to see the play between the Vox folk and their detractors.
  15. Oh Lord, I always knew GGA was secretly planning to go neutral.
  16. 3 March, 2009 1 New Pacific Order : 83.15 --> 83.08 (-0.07) 2 Independent Republic of Orange Nations : 73.79 --> 73.86 (+0.07) 3 Sparta : 45.37 --> 45.48 (+0.11) 4 Multicolored Cross-X Alliance : 45.07 --> 45.05 (-0.02) 5 Mostly Harmless Alliance : 42.80 --> 42.67 (-0.13) {190} The Order of the Paradox : 40.06 --> 40.10 (+0.04) 6 Fark : 35.89 --> 35.96 (+0.07) ---------- ODN/RoK Challenge Line: 35.00 (ODN: 5/5 days) 7 Orange Defense Network : 34.17 --> 34.21 (+0.04) 8 Ragnarok : 33.12 --> 33.32 (+0.20) 9 New Polar Order : 31.82 --> 31.87 (+0.05) {117} The Grämlins : 29.88 --> 29.91 (+0.03) 10 The Order of Light : 29.30 --> 29.35 (+0.05) 11 Viridian Entente : 28.31 --> 28.38 (+0.07) 12 The Phoenix Federation : 28.23 --> 28.12 (-0.11) -------------------- 13 FOK : 27.72 --> 27.78 (+0.06) 14 Green Protection Agency : 24.50 --> 24.56 (+0.06) The Democratic Order : 24.52 --> 24.55 (+0.03) Grand Global Alliance : 22.87 --> 22.88 (+0.01) United Purple Nations : 19.17 --> 19.17 (+0.00) {146} (-1) Valhalla : 19.15 --> 19.14 (-0.01) Greenland Republic : 18.42 --> 18.49 (+0.07) The Dark Evolution : 18.44 --> 18.44 (+0.00) Global Democratic Alliance : 18.12 --> 18.14 (+0.02) {151} Mushroom Kingdom : 17.43 --> 17.44 (+0.01) {129} (-1) Echelon : 17.36 --> 17.30 (-0.06) The Legion : 16.77 --> 16.81 (+0.04) Nueva Vida : 15.99 --> 16.07 (+0.08) Monos Archein : 15.78 --> 15.83 (+0.05) {129} World Task Force : 15.76 --> 15.79 (+0.03) {165} M*A*S*H : 15.38 --> 15.42 (+0.04) {178} (-1) LoSS : 14.99 --> 15.00 (+0.01) {167} RnR : 14.88 --> 14.91 (+0.03) {81} Umbrella : 14.44 --> 14.51 (+0.07) {185} (-3) North Atlantic Defense Coalition : 14.27 --> 14.29 (+0.02) {191} (+2) Random Insanity Alliance : 14.14 --> 14.16 (+0.02) ---------- Add Line: 14.12 --> 14.06 (-0.06) ---------- Drop Line: 13.82 --> 13.76 (-0.06) Biggest Gainer 8 Ragnarok : 33.12 --> 33.32 (+0.20) Biggest Loser 5 Mostly Harmless Alliance : 42.80 --> 42.67 (-0.13) Passes Green Protection Agency passes The Democratic Order Greenland Republic passes The Dark Evolution Commentary Today was a relatively quiet day again. Ragnarok puts up the biggest score with two tenths of a point. No one else really came close. In other news, there were few large losses again today. The Mostly Harmless Alliance puts up the largest one at just over a tenth of a point, with The Phoenix Federation close behind. The Random Insanity Alliance breaks a pattern today by staying above the Add Line. Also, the Green Protection Agency re-stakes its claim to the position of "largest neutral menace." ---------- Related Links: Stats By Unspeakable Evil Tournament Edition Sanction Race How To Update the Amazing Sanction Race Sanction Race Update Creator spreadsheet: http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=pFd...rmXWQ&hl=en End of line.
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