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Posts posted by sulli90

  1. Well how did it all start? Basically we had similar names and the love started there.

    With great please I announce that the Coalition of Independent Nations (CoIN) and the Independent Coalition of Nations (ICON) "We have cool names" Treaty.

    "We have cool names" Treaty


    We the Coalition of Independent Nations here by known as "CoIN” and Independent Coalition of Nations “ICON”, Agree to extend our friendship and cooperation in the interests of furthering the common cause of peaceful and friendly relations by signing this document and agree to its terms. It will stand to protect the safety, security, and prosperity of all members through the mutual distribution of information. This document hereby establishes a strengthened bond known as Peace, Intelligence, and Aid Treaty “PIAT”.


    It is understood that neither alliance shall engage in or endorse military action against the other signatory. If a member nation of either signatory alliance is found to have done this, they will be ordered to offer peace and/or reparations equivalent to the total damages inflicted with in 24 hours. Defending nations are required to limit retaliation to the number and type of attacks received. Should an offending nation refuse to offer peace and fulfill the terms of reparations determined by this pact they will be declared a rogue by their respective alliance and handled according to the policies of the victim's Alliance!

    Both alliances and their respective memberships shall respect and remain sovereign of one another at all times. Both signatory alliances shall work together to maintain both of the signatories image and reputation both in public and private channels.


    1. A Declaration of War against the other signing entity.

    2. Monetary or military aiding of a known enemy of the other signing entity.

    3. Spy infiltrations of individual nations or alliances as a whole.

    4. Threatening/Hostile statements exchanged on boards, IRC, or in game PM.

    5. Attempting to recruit alliance members to change sides.

    In the event of a large-scale conflict occurring between one of the undersigned alliances and a third party alliance already holding a treaty to the other undersigned alliance of this treaty, the undersigned alliances shall remain neutral for the duration of the war, thus refraining from violating the terms outlined. This clause shall not be in effect should one of the alliances be obligated by treaty to attack the other.


    With the passing of this document neither signatory alliance shall withhold evidence or information that constitute a direct threat to the security and well being of the other signatory alliance. Both signatories shall strive for the well being of each other and the prosperity of both alliances. It is heavily encouraged that the parties pursue continued intercommunication. Discussion through one another's forums, IRC channels, and using in game PM systems to exchange information is vital to the longevity of this document.


    In any case where any of the above mentioned signatories suffers from an attack, be it a rogue attack or an attack by a hostile alliance, the attacked signatory may request financial assistance. Although it is not mandated for “CoIN” or Independent Coalition of Nations “ICON” to partake in economic, military, or technological exchange, it is encouraged as an act of open diplomacy and continued friendly relations. The friendship aforementioned within the Preamble may cease to exist should one party refuse to aid the other in a time of dire need.

    In times of war, it is possible that any aiding could spell trouble for the “CoIN” or Independent Coalition of Nations “ICON”. Because of this, any aid being exchanged during peacetime will be terminated if parties are not facing a mutual enemy. This can be voided by mutual agreement between appropriate officials of both alliances.

    Any aid or financial assistance received shall be a sign of goodwill and is not to be paid back, unless an agreement is reached in which the aid is paid back in some fashion at a later date.


    Termination of this pact requires 72 hours notice. This notice must first be given through private channels to the leadership or forums of the other alliance. Any intentional or planned violations of the articles within this treaty will result in the treaty being considered immediately void, unless otherwise agreed upon by the leadership of both signatories.


    We, the undersigned officials of “CoIN” and Independent Coalition of Nations “ICON”, agree to the terms outlined in this treaty as binding and tolerable, and wish to pursue such relations to protect the safety, security, and prosperity of both alliances.

    Signed this day by,



    Jerry Wagner






    Destroyer of Worlds


    Jack o lantern

  2. Gold-flag.gif

    CoIN Announcements:

    Well there has been some busy days here at the Coalition of Independent Nations and some pretty big changes. There is a lot to read here so how about we just get to them?

    1. After the resignation of Quinpin from the Lord position the alliance has decided, with the approval of the Regents and Ministers, to change our government structure to a Triumvirate.

    Congratulations to the three triumvirs:

    -jerry wagner



    2. We now have a new and improved Wiki page, full of fun and win :awesome:

    You should swing by and check it out some time: CoIN's Wiki Page

    3. We have also hit the 2.00 score mark, we lost a little bit of our stats with the resignation of Quinpin, but rapidly getting back up there. Should be above our 500k NS mark soon. :awesome:


    4. We also have a new Charter, check it out:

    [big]The Charter of the Coalition of Independent Nations



    It is on this day, September 23rd, 2008, that we hereby adopt this charter to form the Coalition of Independent Nations.

    I. Coming and Going

    a. A nation wishing to join CoIN must not be the enemy of another alliance, must not be in any active wars, and must have paid all debts back to their former alliance.

    b. Membership in CoIN is exclusive, anyone who applies to become a member must answer any questions asked within his or her application.

    c. Any new member aid program will be managed by the Triumvirate through the appropriate Ministry subject to their requirements

    d. Members leaving the Coalition of Independent Nations must have paid back their debts in full. Loans, not aid, are expected to be repaid.

    e. All nations below 12,000 Nation Strength are required to change their team color to brown.

    f. Potential Members must agree to the following oath to become a member. The applicant will apply for membership, be questioned by fellow members (as usual) and then be offered the oath.

    I "NAME" agree to follow every aspect of the CoIN Charter. I understand my duties as an CoIN Member and realize that I'm never to attack a nation without full consent of a Military Official.

    II. Government and Members

    a. Hierarchy (Lowest to Highest)

    i. CoIN Members

    ii. Generals

    iii. Regents

    iv. Deputy Ministers and Ministers

    v. Triumvirate of CoIN

    b. CoIN Member: CoIN Members are the heart and soul of the alliance. They elect Regents to represent them.

    c. Generals: Generals command the battallions and are in charge of roll calls. They report to the MoD and are appointed by the Triumvirate of CoIN.

    d. CoIN Regents: The CoIN Regents is a group of 3 people elected by the general members of CoIN. They are elected to a 1 month term. They also must approve all appointments any government office makes a 2/3 vote and have can override the signature of the triumvirate on any treaty by a 2/3 vote. Any government official can be removed from office by a unanimous vote as well as the approval of the highest ranking, uninvolved, government official. Also, if this vote does not get approved by the highest ranking uninvolved official, that decision can be overrulled by a unanimous vote of CoIN regents as well as a 1/2 vote of the general public. The # of Regents increases by 2 for every 25 members after 50.

    e. Ministers and Deputy Ministers: Ministers will be appointed by the Triumvirate of CoIN and approved by 2/3 of regents and will manage departments to be created by the Triumvirate of CoIN. The Triumvirate may also create Deputy Minister positions below the Ministers to assist them in performing their duties."

    f. Triumvirate of CoIN: Sole executive power for CoIN shall rest in the Triumvirate of CoIN which shall be composed of three members chosen for permanent appointment. They will have overriding power over all areas of this alliance and shall ensure the safety and survival of CoIN. Each member of the triumvirate will be responsible for one area of their choosing, and will appoint a Deputy Minister to assist them in performing their duties. The Triumvirate of CoIN shall have sole power to declare war, however any such vote must be unanimous and is non-revokable by the regents. A Triumvirate may only be replaced through impeachment or by resignation. Should a Triumvirate resign, they will recommend their successor to the remaining Triumvirate who shall vote on the successor to be approved by the Regents. The official title of the Triumvirate members shall be Triumvirate of CoIN: "department".

    III. Military Action

    a. A CoIN nation may not attack another nation unless given permission from a general or higher.

    b. CoIN has a No Preemptive Nuclear Strike Policy. Nuclear weapons may only be launched with permission from the General or above. A member who is attacked with a nuclear weapon may retaliate by launching one of their own.

    c. Any nation found spying on CoIN will be ZIed.

    d. An unaligned nation attacking a CoIN nation will be subject to immediate ZI.

    e. An aligned nation attacking an CoIN nation will be handled diplomatically before militarily.

    f. Any nation found to be ghosting the CoIN AA will be warned 48 hours in advance to remove their AA. If the AA is not removed after 48 hours the offender will be ZIed.

    V. Justice

    a. If a member of CoIN commits an act against another CoIN member they may be brought to court. The Triumvirate of CoIN shalll reside as judges with the CoIN Regents serving as the jury

    b. The jury will vote on the verdict and the verdict will pass by a majority vote.

    VI. Miscellaneous

    a. CoIN is prohibited to merging into another alliance. We’d like to keep our identity, thank you very much.

    b. Amendments to this charter may be suggested by any member of CoIN. Said amendment will be put up to vote. To pass an ammendment to the charter of the Coalition of Independent Nations the Triumvirate of CoIN must approve as well as 2/3 of the Regents

    5. And I'd also like to give some props to crazyguy for his work on our new Recruiting Video: CoIN Recruiting Video

    Stay tuned for more :popcorn:


    1. CoIN is now a Triumvirate organized by sulli90, jerry wagner, and slicer.

    2. New Wiki

    3. We hit 2.00...again

    4. New Charter!

    5. New vid!

  3. Before Camelot made the merger they made sure to inform CoIN government of their actions and that the treaty would indeed carry over if we wanted so . I find it very hard to believe that any other allies of Camelot would not have received the same treatment.

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