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Everything posted by iamthey

  1. TL;DR: The premier of the USC is offered a deal by Imperial Oil which fills the request made. OOC: Triyun you decide . I didn't include the CEO in my RP as you didn't specify that in IRC. It would be nearly impossible to include him at this point. However I did RP that your premier is going to discuss a broader range of topics in addition to hearing the deal for SINOPEC. I also don't control switzerland I just renamed some of the local cities after swiss cities. "New Geneva". They are still located in the middle east though. IC: Premier Liu Kaishui was many things, but ostentatious was not one of them, being in the country only for a few hours, now sitting down to lunch with the nation's leader, he could not help but feel out of place in the ubiquitous grandeur, and extravagance in which the Imperium was fashioned. It was further interesting, because this pervasive element was not present in its typical form, the liberal spending of wealth towards excessive and frivolous ends that only served to display the volume of the waste itself and thus the ability of the spender to do so, but instead was present through simply the colossal spending of the nations wealth towards meaningful but truly massive projects. Earlier that day. He had entered the nation earlier that afternoon on one of the USC's jets; by Imperial law the jet was only permitted to enter about forty miles before landing in one of several exemption zones along the Persian boarder. The zone itself was almost like a small city; here were the regional offices of different corporate entities that did business with the Imperium. This also served as a port of entry much like a harbor or airport would be into the Imperium, nothing could move in or out without passing through one of these. A luxurious sedan had taken him from the plane and was now moving toward a massive structure in what appeared to be the center of the exemption zone, the driver had aside from a few pleasantries remained silent. From the outside it appeared to be a massive hanger, almost like those historically used to house the zeplins, however this one was nearly a kilometer in length, and over one hundred meters across. Projecting from it was a large tube about an fifty meters in diameter which stretched onward as far as the eye could see into the Imperium. He could only imagine how long it must have taken to construct the facility. The Zone itself was nicely tended to clearly a governmental effort to project a nice image of their nation. As they approached the large facility they came a military check point, one of three. Pulling up the driver lowered his window and one of the soldiers approached the window. "Good afternoon, do you have papers?" "Yes." he responded reaching for his leather briefcase. Opening it, he removed a small leather bound booklet, inside was a set of certificates, a photograph, and as well as the seal and the signature of the Regent. The soldier examined the documents and returned to his booth where he checked a national data base. Nodding he returned to the vehicle. "Alright you may proceed, your escort will meet you at the terminal." The car lurched forward as the other checkpoints cleared the road for his passage. Once inside he was one more in awe this time not only because of the sheer size of the facility, nor the palace like splendor which it exhibited, but rather the purpose of the facility. In the center visible from every point was an enormous egg like pod which hovered length wise in what appeared to be a highly potent magnetic field. From this angle he could only see the lower portion for there were ten loft like decks above him each either allowing people to board, or loading cargo. From across the terminal a young woman approached followed closely by a detail of six uniformed men each overtly but loosely wielding their Tavor assault rifles. “A Mr. Kaishui, it’s a pleasure to meet you, I am Elizabeth Myer, I work for the Ministry of Internal Security.” She said offering her hand. “Likewise.” He smiled. “Have you enjoyed what you have seen of our nation so far?” He paused, “I have to say I am a bit shocked.” She laughed, nodding. “That is the typical answer. Have you ever been aboard a Hexlev?” She said gesturing to the pod. “No, this is actually the first time I have heard of this. We have maglev trains in the homeland, but nothing of this scale.” “Yes, this is actually our primary method of transportation between cities. The rest of the world invests billions in air traffic control systems, communications, satellites, cars, we simply applied that same money to a more efficient, faster, and durable system. A much smaller version of these systems can be found within the main cities.” They continued to talk on the matter as they moved deeper into the building. Approaching a lift they road it to the second to top floor and is embarked. They stopped and observed the entire pod, nearly half a kilometer across, and almost thirty meters wide the pod appeared to have two front ends. An obvious solution to the problem of turning it around. Considering its size there appeared to only be a few non staff boarding the vessel. “I guess considering your laws, you don’t have too many people boarding these things?” “Mhmm, these are used throughout the Imperium; so in between cities there is usually quite a bit of people moving, but on these boarder exemption zones yes; its primarily staff, and cargo. Ironically a lot of the cargo, due to our tariffs only is here to be transported across the Imperium, as we are at a central meeting point between Asia, Europe, and Africa. However there are resources we cannot produce ourselves, those are not taxed and we bring those in those as well. Shall we board?” “Sure.” He replied, having no obvious other answer. They moved to one of several loading ramps which either retracted, or swung to the side, crossing he heard a slight hum of the electro magnets that surrounded the egg from six points. Climbing aboard they had apparently been booked for the upper class section of the pod. Unlike an air plane where space is a factor, and people are crammed in like canned fish, this deck appeared to be a leisurely common room with no apparent assigned seating, a bar, and a number of other amenities. She led him to a sitting area where they sat down. “How much energy does one of these consume.” “Ha, I imagine more than anyone would like to admit. Thankfully energy is not really an object of concern here. Mr. Devereaux’s is the patriarch of a separate legal entity known as a “House” often termed a “Great House”, this is essentially an immortal legal person whose directorship changes hands as members of the family die. The family technically owns nothing but merely has sovereign control over the assets of this separate legal fiction. Basically it’s a way to get around some taxes, and avoid legal liability for certain dealings, though it doesn’t really matter at this point. One of his House’s assets is a corporation known as Solex, it’s a multinational energy firm that holds legally sanctioned monopolies on Fusion technology, and is also the maintainer of several large terrestrial based solar arrays providing significant amounts of energy to the earth. Two arrays happen to be located here in the Imperium, one sitting in province one, and another in province two. This both of which can of course not be used as leverage as the corporation has had long standing neutrality agreements with foreign entities as to not create a conflict of interest but it still gives us access to a number of resources. The abundant source of energy his fusion reactors, and solar array provide essentially allows us to operate with total energy abundance almost as if it were nothing more than water or air. Not to mention the material wealth of this nation allows us to engage in public infrastructure projects like this, building a long term foundation that will last us even after our oil runs out.” Suddenly they felt a lurch though it was only a slow one. “Looks like we are moving, since this pod makes no contact with the tubing, the only source of resistance is the air within the tube. However, in a moment once we enter the tunnel the entrance will seal, and the air will be removed. After this the rest of the tunnel will open and we will be in a near friction free environment. From there we will accelerate until we reach mach ten. Once we level off the entire passage is extremely smooth. Our engineers have worked out the centripetal forces on turns to make it almost unnoticeable. We will be making a few stops on the way there, but expect to be at the bargaining table within an hour and a half.” With that they immediately began to accelerate. An Hour and a half later New Geneva had been a jaw dropping experience in it of itself. The city was literally contained within a series of glass domes. After arriving they had taken the smaller maglev trains to the headquarters of Imperial Oil, the quasi state owned legal monopoly that had full title over the nation’s traditional energy resources (Oil, Gas, and Coal). While his original hope had been to negotiate control of some of the land over to SINOPEC, based on the legal precedents, and words of his advisors he now realized he would more than likely have to settle with a joint venture between Imperial Oil, and SINOPEC. IO would, with investment from SINOPEC, drill and then share a percentage of the project’s product/profits with SINOPEC. There would of course be some fees in the form of royalties paid to the Imperium but he knew ultimately there would be a net gain for his own nation as well as access the vitally needed product. The headquarters was all that one might expect from an oil nation’s only oil company, Myers guided him to the lift in the center of the circular lobby, and inserted a key as well as pressed the button for the top floor. Like the Hexlev the elevator shot upward, and did so for nearly a minute before abruptly halting. The doors parted and before him was a single office presumably belonging to the Company’s managing Governor the title given to the private appointed, and publicly approved official. The floor was a rich hard wood, and the furniture was reflective of an almost modern feel. The walls on all four sides were tall panes of glass giving an Emperor’s view of the city below. Sitting around a conference table sequestered in one corner of the room a part of individuals rose. Immediately from the group a young, but assured looking man approached carrying with him a walk that could only belong to a price, and not simply that but a narcissistic one, the kind which used his elitism, and arrogance as a tool to engender the likingness of others. He reached out and grasped the hand of the premier. “When Thomas told me that a representative of SINOPEC would be arriving I never imagined the USC would send the Premier himself. It is an honor to meet you.” “The honor is mine.” Kaishui said in a rather diplomatic tone, taking advantage of the regents own mindset. The two broke contact, and Devereaux walked him to the table offering him a chair. “This is a joint venture between the IO, and the USC’s SINOPEC, I am merely here to mediate the talks. Mr. Anderson,” the corporation’s governor “if you’d like to begin.” “Thank you, so as you must be well aware of Mr. Kaishui Imperial law inhibits us from outright selling you rights to the resources, or directly leasing property to you as that would undermine the state’s interest by excluding it from the deal itself or placing a piece of territory under the control of an external entity which they have limited control over. As such we have to work within the frame work that Imperial Oil will officially conduct all operations independent of foreign direction, and will handle all product until it leaves the exclusion zone. While this sounds incredibly limiting its really not, these projects are rather expensive additionally it really doesn’t matter if its your drill rig or mine sitting there pumping the oil, what is important is where that product goes and who controls it. So you all would split the cost of a project or series of them ; if you are not willing to split it evenly you can pay a percentage of the total cost. After this you will have title to a proportional amount of the product and its profits, after all the public royalties, and feels are completed. In essence you would be subject to all the fees we are but lets be honest your nation’s company would still be making off with a handsome profit as well as the product you need to power your engines and heat your homes. So you get your oil, SINOPEC gets its money, and the public of the Imperium benefits from the Nation’s Resources. If you are still interested we can continue to talk specifics after lunch?” He wasn’t entirely sure, but he was definitely interested in hearing more. "Sounds good." Kaishui responded. "In that case, perhaps you and I might have a word over lunch?" Devereaux offered.
  2. The Imperium does not take issue with imperialistic policies unless directly threatened by them. Should Great Britain attempt to claim land or waterways held by the Imperium the Imperium will refuse to legally recognize their claim to it and will strictly enforce our own writ of international exclusion.
  3. While the Imperium recognizes the noble cause this represents, as well as the ideal model of humanity it exemplifies; we cannot honestly sign such a document and remain true to our own philosophical understandings. The world is a cruel and unjust place where the only real source of truth is the ability of one to impose their view upon another. Thus in order to shield ourselves, protect our allies, and prevent the exploitation of the inherent disadvantage this would place upon us, we must adhere to strict realism, and acknowledge the need for our own nuclear weapons by rejecting the premise this conference functions upon. However, we do wish you luck in your mission.
  4. As with SINOPEC, a joint venture with Imperial Oil can be arranged. You may also send representatives to New Geneva under Exemption Status to arrange the deal.
  5. Edit: OOC: The projects almost over.
  6. I think we are assuming there is a local population which may or may not resist but for the time being are not assuming they have legally recognized status in the world, otherwise no one would be able to make claims on the map. Moreover I think we are assuming the forces are at least somewhat weak at least compared to a nation with nukes. Edit: Im referring to white space that is non-protectorate. As for those other nations I think those are legitimately another player's nation.
  7. Precedent in CNRP shows that population is largely irrelevant. The only thing it serves to do is limit the size of your army, which is already structurally done already due to the nature of the actual CN game. So its really up to you to RP your population, and it can be essentially whatever you like so long as its within reasonable limits. Idk if triyun wants to make a ruling contra to that, but I think population in general is really just a trivial factor in the game.
  8. Thanks; I posted a color sample below. Until that's changed however, the Imperium is proud to represent a number of probably sensationalized charities pertaining to cancer. :V
  9. This request is a reasonable one. A joint venture with Imperial Oil, our legal domestic monopoly, can be negotiated; SINOPEC may send a few of its representatives, who will be granted Exemption status to the IO's headquarters in New Geneva.
  10. A cabal from the offices of the Viceroy to the Empire. In izmir violence has been quelled with thankfully no casualties caused by imperial forces; and the protestors pardoned, the new Viceroy is expected to travel the city for a speaking event, and an outreach to those who may still be wary of the new imperial government. The Imperial Government is said to be taking up residence in Nova Bern; formerly known as Ankara this is the first city on the list to be re-developed and modeled after the splendor of New Zurich. OOC: Its just a protectorate i'd just like to preserve a high value piece of property for the future, as well as get some fun out of it.
  11. The Imperium approves of this annexation of the undeveloped bermuda and hopes to see further development of territory by peaceful means through out the world.
  12. Congratulations to the PAC for this progressive move forward, and rebirth. The Imperium wishes you luck, and perhaps may apply for observer status once the present conflict comes to an end.
  13. 3. The ottoman empire is not ended by a compromise between British and Arab interests but instead is instead annexed by the English and added to the empire. Interests in oil drive westerners to the region and the races as well as cultures blend. When the empire falls apart the largely already antonymous region remains a singular unit.
  14. OOC: Sorry about that . IC: Local governments being mostly of western mentality (OOC: because the entire middle east is obviously Caucasian and western >_>) are enticed by the opportunities the Imperium has to offer and have largely ceded rule to the new viceroyalty. Imperium forces have moved in to secure the region and enforce the writ of International Exclusion as well as Imperial Law. The only real display of political dissidence was a full blown riot in izmir which is presently being handled by the military and local officials. The military has made a point to only use lethal force if absolutely necessary, the general population is said to be condemning the rioters and largely optimistic or in diffrent to imperial rule. Once the entire region is under control there are plans to build a transportation system similar to that of the Imperium, as well as a series of domed cities for urban dwellers. Advanced agricultural projects as well as manufacturing ventures are also in the works.
  15. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=49235 Can you please label turkey "Imperium Viceroyalty", and leave it white. Also (sorry about this lol) is it possible the color of my nation could be changed (that shade of orange bothers me). Though if you don't want to open that can of worms its fine.
  16. The Imperial Regent had decided that it is in the best interest of Imperium if the land north of Province one and two (Turkey) is shielded from further colonization. Since there is presently no legal claim being made upon it, the Imperium announces that this land shall be reserved either for future Imperial use, or an Imperium Sponsored Government. In the mean time Stephen Othran, has been appointed viceroy of the region and shall take up the administration and future organizing of it into a functioning region. Signed Michael Devereaux: Michael Devereaux Imperial Regent Oligarch Administrator of Province One
  17. This worries the Imperium. While we are conducting a similar annexation of the region north of ourselves we are doing so in a far more peaceful fashion, and with the full intention of uplifting the local populace to our standards. *Classified communciation to the USC* This aggression worries the Imperium, and we fear for the safety of the USC as well as the stability of the east. We would like to offer the USC an MDoAP to ensure your own nation's security; with some reassurances that you are interested Asian stability, and the maintenance of the balance of power there.
  18. Published Memo Circulated by the Finance Ministry Published Memo Circulated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  19. OOC: For the time being I'll RP New-Zurich as hit with lavo's strike. Also having 25 nuclear weapons in game, and it being 3 days since the original nuclear strike (where I launched twenty of them) I now have eight existing weapons ready to be deployed. IC: Now sitting in a bunker similar to that of the agenda eleven facilities forced to evacuate from the surface in response to RA counter attacks, Michael Devereaux continued to execute the war. They were presently in a concrete box one of many rooms within the much larger nuclear hardened bunker. Two of the walls facing one another had large field based monitors displaying a number of strategy relevant information feeds. The other set of walls on the other hand was divided into much smaller monitors. In the center was an oval board room style table with six plush leather arm chairs around it. Looking to his right Regent Devereaux made eye contact with his Minister of Defense. He had just finished reading the briefing concerning the war and had settled on a set of decisions. "I want you to split our remaining nuclear force. With four of our warheads I want you to target Jerusalem; with the remaining four I would like you to target the remaining nuclear factories of Gebiv, that will cripple their war efforts. Finally have our forces at FPB press northward into federacion de iberiana (200k soldiers, 5k Tanks) utilize the air force to suppress any resistance. This coupled with the attacks of Whigington, and the UFE will likely force them to split their force and fight on two fronts weakening them over all, or cede to one front and be flanked on the other in either case our victory is assured." "Orders will be drawn up." Kaine, left the conference room. In eastern Imperium missile silos launched a second set of strikes. Two MIRV equipped missiles (Four per missile) launched and achieved low orbit. One was following a northern trajectory, the other an eastern moving toward Jerusalem. Internal mechanisms split the missiles deploying their independently targeting war heads which proceeds to slowly arc inward toward their destined targets. With any luck the capital of rebel army would soon be a field of glass, and the nuclear capacity of Mannelig all but non-existent. Meanwhile the divided squadrons of the Imperial Air Force pressed into the federacion d iberiana; each assigned a major city. As they came within range the tactical bombers within each squadron deployed a single missile. Dropping for a moment its engines flared and the missile pressed ahead of the pack. Upon reaching a fixed set of coordinates the midsection and tip of the missile shattered revealing hundreds of smaller gps guided pods. These spread out and flared as well each destined for a unique set of coordinates determined by wind direction and physical obstructions on the ground. Upon reaching their locations they would themselves shatter deploying with them a cloud of Low Impact High Lethality Nerve Agent. The cloud would remain for approximately twenty minutes and clear if correctly done the city's human capital would be decimated, and at the very least its ability to resist inbound Imperium ground forces would be crippled. OOC: Name Fixes
  20. I don't really see how exactly any of this impairs a person's ability to build nuclear weapons, unless of course you were one of the nations that got hit. Or was this more of a balance based ruling rather than one stemming from realism?
  21. Writ of International Exclusion I the Imperial Regent of the Imperium have issued this statement to all major heads of state clarifying an existing policy within the Imperium. This policy is known as the writ of international exclusion. No foreign entity shall set foot on Imperium territory, enter Imperium Airspace, or sail in Imperium waters without the expressed consent my office. Any doing so are at the mercy of the state and will dealt with appropriately. Signed Michael Devereaux: Michael Devereaux Imperial Regent Oligarch Administrator of Province One *Classified* Imperium defensive systems are a union of human operators and automated systems. The most critical and important aspect of this is the Osiris Program, simply known as Osiris. This is a massive network of disguised satellites equipped with high resolution lenses, limited laser microphones, and signal receivers to pick up all transmitted information; a sea floor sonar array, as well as sonar packages attached to all military and commercial vessels registered in the Imperium, surveillance packs attached to all air traffic registered in the Imperium, the near omnipresent surveillance system present within the Imperium itself monitoring its populace, monitoring terminals for all information transmitted through the Imperium’s wired network; and of curse a highly secure hub located in the Agenda Eleven Facilities of New Zurich. This allows the nation to at the very least know if anyone has or is entering Imperium territory as well as track them from that point forward. From there, there are a number of options. Violating air traffic can be solved by the simple scrambling of fighter squadrons which can force the alien to divert to one of many exemption zones, leave Imperium Airspace, or shoot down the vessel. Presently an array of Osiris guided Surface to Air Missile system is being installed throughout the nation which will with the continued presence of the air force lock down the nation’s airspace. In the case of any long range missile be it nuclear or conventionally the nation's Strategic Defense Initiative immediately will neutralized said threat. Violating water traffic is presently be dealt with through the use of the navy itself however the strategic islands of Socotra Cyprus, others within the reds sea/Persian gulf, and major coast lines are being fortified with long range Osiris guided rail guns. Said guns operate on a special power grid for military facilities, the completion of these facilities is expected within six months. Finally there is simply the threat of ground crossings which are also equally manageable. Due to the fact that public transportation is widely accessed, and highly developed even between major cities the roads are rarely used other than for military movements. Most commercial traffic happens through the high speed maglev tubes that travel from the exemption zones along the boarder to the major cities. Therefore anyone who does cross the board is easily identified by Osiris. Upon this Unmanned Arial Vehicles, drones controlled by Osiris begin tracking the alien and targeting with onboard missile systems. Near by units are deployed to intercept the invader, and apprehend them. If the target begins to evade capture, or seems to pose an additional danger strikes will be authorized and the threat neutralized. OOC: To be honest this is more about just RP'ing defensive systems than actual policy.
  22. Published memo to the share holders of solex. Classified Memo to the Imperial Regent *Classified* OOC: Don't worry just a surveillance satellites network. Also if you didn't understand where a lot of that came from, Solex is an energy company that the head of my Nation essentially owns. It possesses a massive space based solar array, and monopolies on fusion technologies. The company itself plays little real role in CNRP as I RP'd that it has neutrality agreements with most of the worlds governments as to make it as little a threat/fair in the game as possible. Anyway the point was the old array was outdated and needed to be updated, so the new array went up. This new array has some surveillance systems hidden within them.
  23. It appears there was a bit of a mistake in the factbook link for the Imperium. Here is the correct one. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=49021
  24. Declaration of Existence: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=49017 Factbook: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=49021
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