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Everything posted by hertugen

  1. Congrats on the non-treaty! And good luck to both of you.
  2. Now there is an alliance I am proud to have served all through the WAE-days. Congrats GATO! You will always have a special place in the hearts of the people of Salernoland. It is a national holiday over here now. :frantic:
  3. Cool story. Good luck on the treaty. I hope this works out. Or something. o/
  4. Don´t forget to bring a towel hitchhikers... I expect a pass. Soon.
  5. Can´t wait to hear what you decide..
  6. I got my WRC today, and imported 100 tech yesterday. Trying my best to catch those Spartans.
  7. If you have an attitude, you don´t really need tech.
  8. hertugen = hərtu:gn = Syllables "her" as in German "Herr", "tu" as in "two" "g" as in "good", "en" as in "end" but without the "d". Got it?
  9. ouch.... Good luck in RL ursy. Don´t let the door hit your butt on the way out now.
  10. wait, there was a RL commie leader called Moo?
  11. Well, alrighty then. I can has spy? • Nation: Salernoland • Ruler name: Hertugen • Link: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...Nation_ID=88078 • Which alliance you are really spying for: GATO • The duration of spying: 2 years • The type of information you are looking for: thong size • If you’d like to train our spys in training: Sure • What government position you would like: Viceroy of NPO.
  12. Looks like a nice line up. Congrats to my favorite brown colony.
  13. Nor do I... Care to elaborate canfor25?
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