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Everything posted by Mixoux

  1. I happen to find the RIA/Drop line race the most satisfying. Go go RIA, that good for nothing Drop line has got nothin' on you!
  2. Pfft, we just happened to gain as much score as that then lose it all in the same day :/
  3. Actually we passed Legion, since I'm pretty sure we didn't gain 1.12 points
  4. Some game based on the forums I think
  5. Now that's just absurd; the R&R alliance came from the America's Army forums (that 'crappy PC game')
  6. Awesome! Had TPF lost just a little less we would have been biggest loser
  7. RnR is 10.72 atm, so we should be re-added
  8. Oh wow, with the inclusion of the add line losing its roids we'll actually be back on there tomorrow!
  9. No kidding. We just got bumped off.
  10. Whoa what, we're actually eligible again?!
  11. GATO would have to disband for FOK to get an emergency sanction, provided they were the runner ups last sanctioning (which I don't remember if they were or not) otherwise they'd have to wait until the next sanction
  12. SO DID WE. Not that we're part of this or anything.
  13. Once our academy guys graduate we'll have 10.19 score and 231 nations
  14. TDO and RnR are tied for score. We should make our own thread called "The race for the amazing sanction race"
  15. Not if we steal it from you and take it for ourselves!
  16. oh man, RnR is at 9.71 right now. Except even when we do hit 10 we'll be way at the bottom BUT YOU'LL SEE
  17. That's for sanction, what he was asking is what it takes to get added to the race.
  18. Maybe it was just a simple mistake? btw sup Jake
  19. RnR is 0.01 away from Invicta. We're not on the list though so oh well
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