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Everything posted by Mixoux

  1. I didn't even know KoC was still around. Congrats either way.
  2. But, but, but, then we're as bad as them!!
  3. Their 'importance' was essentially the alliances that split from them and ended up growing in size quite fast. Like Sparta. edit: And if I recall correctly, NADC? Though I could be wrong.
  4. Gotta quote this for future reference. Some alliances (like my own) have always held the notion of, in this case, heavier terms than other alliances. On the other hand, there are karma alliances who argue the exact opposite; however, their stance gets lost under the general coalition of Karma, and thus get labeled as hypocrites because it doesn't seem consistent to the rest.
  5. Oh hey, join (whatever my AA is set to), we're the best candidates for (x) and (y)! In all seriousness, I'd say one of the old alliances being reformed that are starting to sprout up. There's far too many to list (since some haven't even reformed yet), and some will grow much quicker than others depending on the leadership.
  6. It's alright, Haf has to fill his weekly quota of trolling GOD.
  7. GOD: Israel/Egypt area Not an obvious play on words at all, oh no.
  8. Whoa, Oreo back in the MoSW spot? Talk about nostalgia. edit: and obligatory 'GFL is old' comment here.
  9. GDA has been aware of the violators for at least a week. In fact, they were completely compliant with us and CSN on this. After several messages to the violators and no response, they were attacked. If this is somehow unfair to the nations in violation, then I'm not sure what more you could expect from us.
  10. Congrats, may your second incarnation work out better.
  11. Well, since when has the cyberverse lived in perfect harmony? This is, of course, merely speculation based on past statistics, but there will always be disputes between players and blocs. Changes in leadership among alliances and conflicting opinions on future conflicts will bring tension. It may not always create wars as big as this one, but drama will always find a way to manifest itself, one way or another.
  12. Ephriam Grey: Making more posts in a single thread, back to back, than anyone's business.
  13. I'm finding myself agreeing with you. Something must be wrong here!
  14. Obviously because we didn't make peace right away, nor did we offer white peace, we're taking things personally. Although I'd like to point out that if it truly were that personal to us, this thread wouldn't even be here right now.
  15. They still have 600+ nations which means a lot of score and a faster recovery, so member count will be a huge factor in that.
  16. It doesn't. LOSS/Ingsoc/BTO chose to work out peace on their own, so they're separate.
  17. There's definitely tension already between some of these circles, only reason they're united right now is because of a common goal (read: war). Afterwards though, it won't take long for disputes to spark up. CN can never agree on anything as a whole.
  18. I think people put wayyy too much thought into what 'Karma' will become after this. Karma will cease to exist. Things will be just like they were before this war, just with different stats.
  19. There's gonna have to be some strong-arming first from one of the blocs to position themselves into a nice, cozy spot at the top. As it is now there's no 'bloc to rule them all' setup as Citadel, Superfriends, and C&G are all fairly close in strength. By themselves, anyway.
  20. I think my sig fits appropriately in this thread.
  21. Mixoux

    Hai FAN!

    I await the passing of the coveted 2m NS mark. :thumbsup:
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