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Everything posted by Mixoux

  1. I received 7k (yes, 7,000) for a trade when I started up. This was more than any fledgling nation could ask for. Then I later got 100K a month later and realized how lucky I truly was; the generosity was astounding! Then 3 mil became nothing to fairly established nations and I was saddened, slightly dead on the inside.
  2. It's definitely not that simple, otherwise reps would be getting paid right now.
  3. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=60847 Merged into MA. Also, just wanted to give a thanks for updating this regularly.
  4. Man, you just set yourself up to be quoted and ridiculed for the next 2 pages.
  5. Heh. If they were written to be rejected, don't you think they'd have been much more outrageous?
  6. Long time no talk! Heh, how've you been.

  7. Almost forgot, because Londo is actually the one receiving all of these reps and tech, not the actual alliances fighting them.
  8. Also forgot another one: NPO will cancel all military treaties and may not sign any indefinitely, until the alliances decide to lift this term.
  9. this thread is dark dark like my soul
  10. But, but, after 2 weeks of war they won't even have 150 mil on hand!! I was nuked 11 times and only spent, at most, 200 million to maintain 4,999 infra at the end. This was with 2-3 opponents each time (shocking, I know) and rebuying every military unit, without an optimal trade set to buy infra too, mind you. Add an extra 3 nukes and this would barely increase any more than that. These nations won't even need to constantly rebuy navy and what not after this as the war will be over for them, and yes, many of them have 1b+, or over 500m as well. Even if you were ZIed it'd take a fraction of your warchest to get to 4999 or higher. EDIT: And if the rest don't even have enough to have even 150m after the 2 weeks, that's quite depressing for a bank.
  11. NPO says it rejects our terms, radio silence is broken so the NPO masses can contribute to the PR spin. Everyone else gives their 2 cents and now the total opinions of this thread is reaching near the amount of the reps.
  12. The same GATO that had a viceroy for several, several months? Yes.
  13. For the same reason we use these forums instead of just PMing each other/declaring war ingame. Community.
  14. He.. probably did. Since, you know, that's what happens when old alliances reform. Not sure how that has anything to do with TGR's eventual merger though.
  15. I just tried again, still works for me?
  16. ^ The logs in question.
  17. His point though is that wars based on these reasons 'power politics' is a pretty broad and commonly occuring thing, and that the majority of alliances have partaken in it. And your reply feeds into that theory. Nothing wrong with this, just stating that it's inevitably true.
  18. In a way, though, we kinda need more mindless drones. The OWF relies on bad posters to start drama.
  19. *shrug* Guess their path has diverged from the entire maroon sphere as a whole. Or something.
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