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Everything posted by Mixoux

  1. The problem is that the issue of raiding isn't universally abhorred in this game. If a 40 member alliance raid is 4 times as bad as a 10 member, then by that logic, the 10 member raid is 10 times as bad as raiding a single nation; except not all alliances share the same policy that 'raiding is immoral and should not be practiced'. That's when the alliance sovereignty line is thrown about, outside parties become enraged, and nothing ever seems to get resolved because that raiding alliance has already lost respect in said party's eyes for the foreseeable future.
  2. Sometimes you just gotta step up and carry the torch against evil, corruption, and immoralism in CN.
  3. Well hey. As you know, the only alliances that are held accountable for their actions are the orders. Grub said it himself.
  4. Glad to see that alliance raids are still as controversial as ever, cybernations.
  5. I've gotten asked this many a time. Mix-oox x's aren't silent, it's not French, and no, it's not pronounced like that pokemon Mew.
  6. Mixoux

    Oh God

    Heh, 5 days before I hit the big 3.
  7. Nice, guess that's better than the other 1s. TOP - 4 You're like that complicated girlfriend, except I never dated you. At all. In fact it was quite the opposite. MHA - 6 Sparta - 8 NpO - 5 IRON - 5 Really hope you guys start speaking for yourselves now, all that potential strength politically. ODN - 2 Only reason you've been upgraded from 1 is because I haven't heard any blunders from you for a few months. FARK - 8 Yeah. GPA - 4 Neutral NPO - 3 Hi, I herd you can get nuked twice a day FOK - 8 Awesome blitzers, I've known you guys for almost 3 years now MK - 7 You've really come a long way, I just hope the recent success doesn't go to your head. WTF - 4 neutral TOOL - 6 Honestly, hard to say here. Ive agreed/disagreed with you too many times. TDO - 4 Neutral VE - 9 The closest to a 10 I'll ever give. Closest allies I think I've ever dealt with, and will ever deal with. Legion - 4 Do something to change people's perceptions, now's your chance. RoK - 8 GATO - 5 Apparently you've made a comeback, let's see CSN - 8 Marooooooooooooonnnnn Athens - 6 Some cool dudes, don't really know you well Gremlins - 5 Time will tell MCXA - 4 You have a chance to really make an impact, haven't yet etc UPN - 5 RIA - 8 See CSN STA - 5 Invicta - 4 RnR - 8 My first home, good guys but I really wish you'd actually take charge in politics. Far too quiet for an alliance that's 3 years old. MASH - 5 NADC - 5 WAPA - 6 NV - 5 NSO - 1 do somethin about it lol lol rofl NEW - 6 MA - 8 Umbrella - 8 Some awesome dudes, nice stats, level headed and awesome sense of humor FAN - 7 Hope to see great things from you all in the near future LoSS - 4 heh TSO - 3 No comment. NATO - 5 Nordreich - 1 GR - 6 Vanguard - 8 I really like some of your leaders (sup Revanche), and you've come along quite nicely in your time here. GOD - FoB - 7 PC - 7 Used to have a problem after greenacres, but we have more in common than you'd expect. Valhalla - 3 Change my opinion please. GGA - 2 Change my opinion please. TPF - 3 Change my opinion please.
  8. Most of the people I'd want to nuke don't play CN anymore, sadly.
  9. Definitely overdue, but I'm glad it's happened regardless and congrats to orange. It was one of the few remaining archaic structures of an earlier era.
  10. Anything I've said that has ever been quoted should be here.
  11. Welp, I guess this hasn't been taken yet.
  12. I was alluding to this, but if you must know an exact date.. November 13, 2009, 15 minutes before update.
  13. Was referring to myself, because I had no idea at the time.
  14. To 2006: Re-roll and start tech dealing. (what's tech dealing???) Exactly.
  15. I'm assuming the 1 tech to R&R and the 'cute demeanor' clause? Because the former was hardly anything bad (I doubt R&R would have seriously demanded that 1 tech) and the latter wasn't meant to be seriously enforced. It was meant to be ironic. I could understand you guys being upset with rep amounts, but those clauses being the source of outrage seems a little ridiculous.
  16. We need to improve our WRC count, but I'm liking our top 10 status in quite a few of these.
  17. Congrats, hope the change is for the better.
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