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Everything posted by Mixoux

  1. lolo I totally forgot about that.
  2. But then the terrorists would have won!
  3. Hey man, it's the same day as my 3 year nation anniversary. I was off celebrating elsewhere.
  4. And honestly, anyone who joined after UJW isn't going to care about those players nearly as much as us oldies. The thing is that for every old well known figure that leaves, a new one gains prominence and fills the gap. There's a lot of important or noteworthy players that have come into the game after UJW.
  5. Ok dude, but are you arguing this simply for semantics or is there a point to this? Regardless of whether or not he's still considered IC, he's not actually making an impact on any of the alliances outside of some slightly lower stats for the respected parties. He isn't chatting with their gov and sharing state secrets, provoking a global war, or even writing a damn treaty. Once he runs out of nukes and his nation is finally subdued, that'll be the end of him. Then panfilo and the others will eventually rebuild and the rest of planet bob will have continued doing the exact same thing they were doing before, but with one less nation in the population.
  6. About time Orange finally got what's coming to them.
  7. But this is impossible, everyone is of the mindset that their alliance will simply be there ready when another alliance messes up or does anything remotely interesting. (Unless you're neutral, obv). Nobody wants to tarnish their image, lose their PR, or 'break morality' because then they might lose all standing completely, and a war might not even form. So, as a result, the only wars waged are the select few that manage to completely manifest after all else fails. e: Oh, I'm not planning on quitting yet though.
  8. Do you plan on creating more of a presence on the OWF in regards to the comments from the ratings thread? I do enjoy your threads/posters and wouldn't mind seeing more of them. (except Goose, every post of his makes me hate kids on lawns more and more)
  9. November is merely the dedicated month for it, I suppose.
  10. Now these are the posts I've come to know and love.
  11. I think this new movement is something we can all get behind.
  12. So, Penkala, where was the official DoW for this???
  13. To be fair, I had to google the name of the earrings.
  14. OOC: Actually, when using the fusion dance they become Gogeta, who was seen only a few times but ended up being one of the most powerful fighters in the entire series. Vegito, on the other hand, was the result of using the Potara earings which was a permanent fusion of Goku and Vegeta during the Buu Saga. (Yes, I watched entirely too much Dragonball Z/GT as a kid)
  15. I remember being chastised by people in my alliance because I had too much tech. 1,000 infra and 600 tech? I was merely a NS bloated nation that would be torn apart by higher infra nations in my strength range. Also, right after GW2(?) my friend was the first out of the group of us who started playing together to get nukes. A whopping 20K NS was what it took. He could only afford 2 or 3 though, because why would anyone keep more than a couple mil on hand? Oh, how things have changed.
  16. Just wondering why you think Cit is more unified than SF but not as much as C&G? If you mean unity between the member alliances, from a layman's point of view the only real way to gauge a bloc's unity would be going on history and their presence on the forums, but imo it seems pretty hard to say who is more unified without actually having been part of the others. Every bloc is going to have small disagreements here and there at times, but I don't think any of the four (Cit, SF, C&G, FB) have had severe conflicting ideologies that have created lasting tension internally. The only other option I suppose would be treaties, in which case yeah, not all of SF is friends with the same people. I don't know enough about the other blocs to compare, and that may prove true to your original statement. On topic though: Like others have said, the real superpowers to me are the blocs atm. The way that the treaty web has been the past 2+ years, there's never going to be an individual alliance holding immense power over others; it comes down to how well connected said alliance is.
  17. You said it broski! (LOL broski ^___^; Hopefully one day all raiding alliances shall realize the errors of their way and come to realize the correct way to play Cybernations.
  18. Dividing it into a color sphere web and a non-sphere web would make it slightly easier, since it would erase unnessecary lines on the latter. For example, Alliance A is blue and treatied to 8 different alliances, but 5 of those alliances are blue as well. Therefore on the color web Alliance A would have 5 lines, and on the 'main' treaty web, they would only have 3.
  19. Clearly it'll be a SF civil war, with no outside presence involved.
  20. ahahahahaha oh man this thread title sure got me, especially the 'srs bsns' part that assured me that it was for real. uh congrats
  21. If an alliance does something you don't agree with, naturally, the only option is war. (or backroom threats whatev) Then when you get called out because others don't agree with your justification of warring the alliance you didn't agree with, the opposition rolls you. Then the original group that was in disagreement that now got rolled plans their revenge against the third group that disagreed with them, and the cycle completes itself.
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