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Everything posted by Mixoux

  1. I think this is why everyone is so dissatisfied with the response from NSO: You came in here threatening CSN with a DoW. A DoW. As in, you had a CB and would wage a full out war, which naturally would draw in the rest of us in SF. Our reaction? Okay, go for it. Then we reach the point we're at now, where NSO is now toting about a 1v1. If you wanted a 1v1 you should have just asked them in private, instead of embarrassing yourselves on the OWF. Now instead, you've made yourselves look like spineless cowards who have backed out of a potentially major war.
  2. This thread has certainly delivered. I'm totally serious.
  3. Yeah man!! Believe it or not, when you threaten an alliance with war, they tend to respond back.
  4. This thread suddenly went from nothing to something.
  5. That's cool that you're sticking up for ODN, as allies should and all. But I mean all R&R did was cancel a treaty which, honestly, has had stress fractures from back when I was there over a year ago. You can chastise them all you want for hurting poor ODN's feelings or what have you, but it won't change anything. The logs that have been seen are obviously not faked, so that's not false accusations. And the rest that contributed to the cancellation is all just doubt and trust issues.
  6. Oh man, this is the best idea ever and I wish larger alliances would do this. I'd love to see two mid-sized alliances of roughly the same strength go at it for a week just to see. Anyway, good luck on the war.
  7. Oh Zilla, nice to see you still around. Congrats MA on the late birthday, too.
  8. Didn't you hear? MDP is the new NAP. MDoAP if you happen to communicate with more than just the leader, perhaps the MoFA and a couple members too.
  9. More marooners is always accepted in my book.
  10. Well, because people decide to make a big deal out of it? I mean there's no real secret behind it. Alliances start to get at each other's throats, and when a spark is ignited, boom. Like setting a flame to a certain web of paper documents But I guess it's not time for that just yet.
  11. I don't know, I could name quite a few big wars that started over a normally harmless conflict.
  12. If only that random drama could spur something out of people.
  13. Allready been oversaid, but there was obviously quite a few spread out events that contributed to an already declining relationship. Glad to see this announcement and a fair amount of drama. Good job R&R.
  14. Nation: More tech? Alliance: Reach 50K avg NS, get to 1200+ nukes again (pre karma).. moar tech? Bloc: Same thing we've been doing for the past 3 years, since it's apparently been working. (obligatory 'more tech') Political Scene: Get things even more multi-polar than they are now. Like pre-GW3 tensions instead of "our blocs disagree on policy, but some of our alliances are treatied to your signatories so.." Game changes: More top-end stuff. People are just sitting on mountains of money now once they get all the wonders.
  15. Mixoux

    As a noob

    How did you learn about CN? America's Army forums. Where was your first alliance? R&R Who would you say inspires you the most on Bob? Honestly, no single person. Who was your "Mentor"? Nobody. IamJoe from IRON and some dudes from Ronin were the only ones who gave me and my fledgling alliance any sort of help/advice. Who got you or helped you get to where you are now? Same as above. Had to learn the hard way for the most part.
  16. Well there big guy, I simply pointed out the fact that those two lines didn't quite add up, you can infer whatever else you'd like out of my post. No need for the tantrum. But this is just feeding into my earlier comment so, thanks I suppose?
  17. I really can't believe you guys are still around. Congrats everyone.
  18. Whoa whoa man, without morals what will this game become??? What admin coded it to do? I think I may have to shout at your leaders in backchannels so this outcry doesn't happen again, I expect an apology soon.
  19. I have no problems with MADPs personally. Honestly, I expected to come in here and post some vague, yet demeaning potshot like all the cool kids, but I just can't find it in me. So all you'll get from me is a sincere congrats, sorry.
  20. wow he is clearly a monster
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