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Everything posted by Mixoux

  1. Maybe Mhawk will be the martyr from peace mode and suspend all their treaties.
  2. Wow, did someone really just label GOD as moralists? ... Never thought I'd see the day.
  3. The thinning of the treaty web is always nice to see.
  4. If this is the same guy who was making controversy for ODN a while back, hopefully he hasn't been re-elected. Sounds like a lot of your recent bad PR has stemmed from incidents like that - one gov member making outlandish claims. It's really not fair to you guys. edit: Apparently he isn't. My reeding is gud i sware
  5. I'm not sure that military can be strategical anymore, like others said. Back in the day, global wars were much smaller, and even the 'unbalanced' wars were never more than 2:1. This meant that alliances could actually coordinate attacks against the other side. The one that immediately comes to mind for me is GW2 when FAN/TOP took on a much larger legion. (Was it GW2? who cares you get the point) It's harder to accomplish that today, with so many more alliances being drawn in.
  6. oh i'm soooo angry, this is where I post '*facepalm*' and 'this will end well..' and 'you're not funny please stop', so you'll learn from your dastardly mistakes and come to realize my dislike!!!
  7. That's what I'm saying. I could care less if it has the same members or the fact that it's \m/, but I don't see how you could continue the 'legacy' so to speak without any of the factors the original had going for it. I mean, that was mostly what fueled its growth. I'm just expecting this to fizzle out once the excitement dies down and become another mediocre alliance that never breaks 3m NS. But, I could also be completely wrong.
  8. This thread is a real good way to get a Christmas DoW from GOD. And before anyone asks, I'm totally serious.
  9. Hey, it's just a 1v1. I've seen the idea being advertised a lot in this thread.
  10. Alright, you can accuse me of wanting to see NSO rolled or not being involved in this or whatever. But in the 3 years I've been playing this game, 'you have until update' has always meant that you're either going to comply with the demands or go to war. If that makes me crazy, then fine. I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks this way. I'm not even going to insult anyone in this post. If I'm wrong and someone has used that line without the advent of war, then show me and I'll be perfectly content.
  11. And then.. the 500 tech/apology was going to be issued null?
  12. I just really want to know what "you have until update" meant, then. That's all.
  13. Comparing someone to NSO is a quick way to get an ultimatum sent to you. You have until update (~1 minute) to retract that statement or else.
  14. Don't know whether to laugh or cry at this point.
  15. I'd be really surprised if Echelon was involved in any way.
  16. Umbrella. They don't run their mouths on the OWF, have a good sense of humor, and uh.. Well, I can't think of a third one. But I still them.
  17. People jumped all over GGA at the height of their PR blunders, but it sure as hell wasn't because anyone was afraid of them.
  18. Oh, but you forgot their new rule: If it looks like their allies will end up outnumbering you, change it to a 1v1! Forget how many treaties an alliance has, if that becomes a problem just call them out on not fighting you alone.
  19. Oh, I'm not in the slightest. Just trying to summarize the last few pages for everyone else.
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