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Posts posted by Bernkastel

  1. First off, let's put this into perspective:
    Message: Yes, Margrave, he needs to look at the $%&*ing FA screens before he starts preaching.
    I searched Monsters Inc Foreign Aid.http://www.cybernations.net/search_aid.asp?Page=1&searchstring=All&search=Monsters%20inc
    There are 84 results, from 18 May up until June 14th Server Time.
    They used a whole 10 aid slots totaling 54,600,000
    Yes one moron sent 600K
    He keeps bleating on about how they gave Minc massive amounts of aid?
    Not to say we weren't grateful-

    We should have left you to rot after your stupid baiting for war anywhere you could. I've been in the constant micro drama road and I didn't like it. I was one of the few people absolutely and totally opposed to maintaining a relationship with you. Everyone else had high hopes you'd get your act together. I didn't. I just wanted you gone, peace preferred, from our little circle of friends. Kashmir has been nothing but patient with your actions and your constant drama llamas. They've spent so much time, effort and money and it's all gone to complete waste. I'm also going to state for the record that I thought you were in the wrong and I gladly gave aid to TSO. You have been nothing but a constant traffic cone in our rear.

    I, for one, am not shocked at all where we are at now.
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