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Everything posted by Seerow

  1. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1289691048' post='2512307'] And you're seeing too much. Thanks for the answer though. [/quote] We can't help but see too much. With all these people stretching a lot of skin gets shown. I wish I could unsee the things I have seen.
  2. [quote name='Rob Holmes IIi' timestamp='1289690705' post='2512292'] I will give you all nine dollars in the form of 4 aid packets to stop whining! EDIT: That would be 3 packets of two dollars, and one packet of three dollars. [/quote] Come out of peace mode to send the aid and we'll consider it.
  3. [quote name='mdnss69' timestamp='1289689092' post='2512254'] Cool. Let's get on with it then. Extortionist racketeering. That's what, two alliances in the space of... a week? Just because you can does not give you the right to. I'm sure the fungi soldiers will love to leap on this one, but hey, that's the only reason they are there for. How do I know this? Because the first nine posts were mildew mushroomers. [/quote] Our polic shall ensure this and all future payments arrive on time. Our next extortion shall take place in 3 days.
  4. [quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1289688788' post='2512240'] I hope you gave them a sufficient opportunity to negotiate this down, and if they didn't display any intention to negotiate, I hope you negotiated it down for them. [/quote] The initial request was 2000 tech as I indicated in the last topic. Clearly they are more skilled negotiators than our friends at NSO.
  5. [quote name='Rob Holmes IIi' timestamp='1289688678' post='2512234'] To the contrary. MK belongs to us now. [/quote] MK is all your base.
  6. This is extortion. Absolutely sickening, I can't believe the Kingdom would stoop to these lows.
  7. [quote name='mythicknight' timestamp='1289686328' post='2512190'] Is it too early to start drinking? [/quote] Obviously not or this whole situation wouldn't have happened.
  8. [quote name='TheNeverender' timestamp='1289685874' post='2512181'] de·mon·stra·tive    /dəˈmɒnstrətɪv/ [duh-mon-struh-tiv] –adjective 1. characterized by or given to open exhibition or expression of one's emotions, attitudes, etc., esp. of love or affection Say what you want about my style, but at least I know the meaning of the words I use [/quote] He may have been commenting on how passionate your posts are. Don't sell a guy short when he's trying to compliment you.
  9. So wait, we get a member declaring war on us, a separate member attacking one of our members and anarchying them, and you're still going to call any demands extortion? That is rich.
  10. [quote name='nippy' timestamp='1289682882' post='2512128'] That's it....impending GOONS vs. MK war. You guys are SCREWE. [/quote] Given this post is clearly a formal declaration, as official as the OP of this topic, I am hereby attacking yo- Lederhosen (nippy) - You cannot declare war on this nation because they are not within your range of nations to declare war on. View your My Ranking screen to find nations within your range. ffffuuuu
  11. [quote name='The Corrupt Teacher' timestamp='1289682757' post='2512122'] That would be the best policy ever. [/quote] Archon won't do it though. meow meow meow
  12. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1289682378' post='2512112'] Chill out, bro, only a bunch of asses would take any action or make any demands because of this. [/quote] No need for a bucket of blood, just a cup is all we can use. Just a cup! [quote]MAY I DIRECT YOU TO THE SUBTITLE OF THIS THREAD, SIR. [/quote] YOU SHUT YOUR POLIC
  13. [quote]Apparently, you're taking your treaty partner seriously and not recognizing pure satire. May I direct you to the subtitle? [/quote] That's me. Taking everything 100% serious 100% of the time. No exceptions. Seriously.
  14. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1289681598' post='2512096'] [color="#0000FF"]I felt those words unnecessary. It would likely only have confused my supporters into thinking I was mocking them. I would do such a rude and inconsiderate thing.[/color] [/quote] Good call. Your supporters often find it hard to take a joke, I can understand wanting to remove that rather than leave an ambiguous insult that may offend those who otherwise agree with you. One might go so far as to call it a PR disaster. [quote]NO. POLIC. [/quote] Okay you win. Everyone hates our foreign polics. Luckily everyone loves everything about us that actually exists, so we're still number one.
  15. [quote name='C Mos' timestamp='1289681325' post='2512088'] Your foreign polic. [/quote] polic - no dictionary results No results found for polic: Did you mean Ploc?
  16. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1289681178' post='2512083'] [color="#0000FF"]You have clearly become the monster. Have you no decency? Have you no shame?[/color] [/quote] I was always the monster. The answer to the following questions should be obvious.
  17. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1289681011' post='2512078'] [color="#0000FF"]I agree with you both. It truly is a shame at how dense and humor deprived some of the denizens of this world can be at times. You know who I'm looking at, MK. [/color] [/quote] What good does bringing NPO into this discussion do for you? :boggle: edit: Good job on the fast edit RV.
  18. [quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1289680387' post='2512051'] TFD and NSO I assume can be expecting to pay extortion fees for this as well? [/quote] 20,000 tech for disrupting our peace. I would however settle for 1490.06 tech and 6999.99 infra if things can be discussed amicably. edit: [url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Ptitle0t9r68ih?from=Main.Dontexplainthejoke]And yes I had to put the lower number because I knew if I didn't nobody would try to negotiate with me. We all know how terrible NSO is at that[/url]
  19. [quote name='nippy' timestamp='1289680155' post='2512032'] Nobody likes your foreign polic. [/quote] My foreign what?
  20. For a second I was excited. Then I realized it was a bad joke from a nobody member.
  21. [quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1289420634' post='2509570'] You're misunderstanding. Magic is sitting on 2 billion. [/quote] Okay that is far less embarrassing. Carry on.
  22. On topic: This policy is surprisingly decent. I came in expecting to find something to make fun of, almost left disappointed. Then I saw this: Off topic: [quote] It's not like Magic couldn't wreck him by himself though, the guys only got a 300m warchest.[/quote] Are you implying that the 11k infra nation linked as a potential rogue target has only a 300mil warchest, and you consider that good? Or am I grossly misunderstanding your comment?
  23. [quote]The funny thing is that you still think that NSO is the responsible for the nation delete the trade. [/quote] Where in my post did I imply at all that NSO was responsible for anything? I was applauding you for recognizing our members losses, and just how unprofitable the settlement ultimately was for them. Doesn't matter where the money came from, it was still a very unprofitable endeavor for them, and I appreciate your recognition of that fact.
  24. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1289288427' post='2507683'] This is for sure the most unprofitable 15 million and 250 tech that MK ever received. [/quote] For sure, each of those people lost about 10 million in back collects.... 50mil lost to gain 15mil+250 tech, definitely not very profitable. It's kind of you to think about the real victims in this story, which everyone else seems to be ignoring in favor of the politics.
  25. [quote name='Ivan Moldavi' timestamp='1289288363' post='2507680'] I wasn't aware that I had made any other assessment. [/quote] Think he was referring to 'your' in the context of your alliance, rather than you specifically.
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