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The fox

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Posts posted by The fox

  1. As most, if not all improvements, as far as I recall anyhow, has lowered side effects from normal CN, I was just wondering if the same could be done with the Guerilla camps? -8% citizen income might not be much in normal CN, where the game never ends, altho it can be quite devastating for a nations economy in TE, even more so since the rounds only last for two months. Perhaps cut it half to -4% or -5%? But perhaps its just me and everyone else is doing fine with having it at -8%.

    As far as im aware, most nations in TE have Guerilla camps, and has them from the very start of their nation to the point where everything is reset. This means that throughout the round, most nations economy is drained away by the Guerilla camp(s) they posses, and as such, they will have less money to spend on infra, land, tech and military, ultimately leading to a slowdown of the game, even if it is a small one. As you are almost always at war during TE, and if we have someone join say, a month or so in game, and have the need to purchase Guerilla camps to fend off attackers, they would most likely not make such a quick buildup, the same goes for nations that have been pounded into the ground.

  2. As this is TE, and it resets once every two months, and this is supposed to be war, not only is it beneficial to allow 50% more on collections for nations to build up for war and get the neccesarity things to wage war, but it will also allow nations to rebuild faster, almost completely removing the point of rerolling, unless your ZI'd or come close to it, as far as I can see. Removing the +50% on collections could make it so that nations have a harder time rebuilding, and instead choose to merely reroll if they get pounded too hard in wars, or dont have the skills to do it based on the income they would get should it be removed.

  3. I got no idea fox. I must be going about this war business the wrong way.

    Well, if I were you, I would build up until the last 7 days of TE then just attack any random alliance, as long as they meet your other criteria, even if they dont wish to participate in the war, but thats just how I would have done it.

  4. In the last few days it's been at:

    18/1 - 0.69

    19/1 - 0.81

    Today - 0.83

    I estimate that I've lost about 50-70 citizens in that time, so not a lot, but certainly enough to take away an improvement slot. If your change happened between yesterday and today then yeah, the loss of citizens from .81 to .83 will be quite small, but it could be just enough to take away the improvement slot if you were sitting with just enough citizens to get it in the first place.

    Hmm.. I see, well it certainly makes sense. Thanks, mods can lock this or do what they usually do when threads have served their purpose, unless anyone else has a explination to the loss of population.

  5. Yesterday I bought myself up on around 28,000 soldiers, and went into DefCon one. Today, I switched back to my normal soldier count, 20,000, and DefCon five due to the large bill increase from doing this. As expected, yesterday my citizen count took a hit and dropped about 2000 or so, which I expect it to do. However, today, when I switched back from DefCon one and scrapped the soldiers, my citizen count was still slightly below what it normally is, normally this wouldnt be a problem however this has taken away a improvement slot for me, which can cause some problems. I have searched, but found nothing relevant, so if this is posted somewhere else im very sorry, as am I if the citizen count goes back to normal after a few days or so, however, my question is, unless any of the other other two scenarios applies, how come my citizen count hasnt jumped back to where it was? I have not lost any trade, I have not lost any event or got a new one. I have not changed anything in my nation, Besides the DefCon and troops. I have bought 8 naval vessels, however when I bought them the first time around I noticed no decrease in citizens.

  6. Are you importing alot of dirty resources? Such as Coal and uranium and no resources to counter the bad enviroment from it? Do you have a bad land:infra ratio as I believe that causes bad enviroment? Do you have a high soldier eff. or a high soldier count, one above what your people want?

  7. Why start complaining now?
    Because 7 or so alliances, who are far bigger than ourselves, decided that the fact that we attacked a evenly matched alliance, was enough of a reason to go on a gigantic tech raid. Once your on the recieving end of that, come back and we will talk about complaining.
    You guys chose to attack someone who might have given you guys a decent fight for your money if you would have taken them on 1 x 1.
    We did take them on 1 on 1.
    But instead you guys try to dogpile them.
    If dogpiling is quadding, then yes, we are guilty. We only called in from help from Echelon once you guys thought it would be smart to tech raid us.
    So what if they have a few friends in TE? The more the merrier right? Wrong.
    If you think its wrong, why help them? Oh right, free tech and all of that, sorry I forgot that.
    Never mistake our friendship with smaller alliances as a weakness.
    Funnily enough, I dont see any treaties or anything likewise tying you, or any other alliance currently attacking us, to MASH, so that is complete and utter bull****, your just in it because it gives you free tech.
    I dont care if we were in last place right now, if a friend needs us then we will respond.
    You wouldnt publically say that you would abandon your friends if it came down to them getting attacked by x amount of other and bigger alliances than yourself, now would you? Even if you dont admit to it, we both know thats how it is.
    You guys were feeling almighty when you declared on MASH werent you?
    Not at all, we dont need ego tripping from thinking that we are bigger and better than any other alliance because we can muster more friends who will join in on a tech raid. We were evenly matched, as you said earlier, so I dont see why you write this, unless you want to contradict yourself.
    Now the tables are turned and you have no clue at what to do.
    Looking at the stats, I would say that is quite an misscalculation on your behalf. We have quite the bit of anarchied nations in all alliances attacking us, so yes, we do have some clue of what we are doing, if not, wouldnt we all be beaten down by now? Along with the fact that no nation has managed to drop me into anarchy since my nation was created just further proves that we know what we are doing.
    Do you call in more friends? If you do, then maybe, just maybe, Murder Inc. will unleash all hell on anyone that chooses to touch us and our friends.
    Yes, I would like to see Murder Inc take on x amount of bigger alliances than themselves, it would be quite an fun sight and I would be sure to bring lots of tissues.
    You seem to forget that we still have about 3 weeks left to go in this round. Alot can happen in that amount of time. Anything can happen in that amount of time.
    Indeed, perhaps you should stop underestimating us before it comes back and bites your behinde.

    So. What I am trying to say is: Leave our friends and allies alone and you will be better off.

    Please, do show me what treaty bounds you as allies, if you cannot do that, dont pull the allies card. Friends? Sure, but this time you just took advantage of the situation to gain some tech. Quite pathetic in my book, to be completely honest.

    You guys dont want to take this war to the extremes that it can go if not kept under control. Dont test me on this.

    PROTIP: This is Tournament, and like you said, it resets in 3 weeks, what could you possibly do in that short amount of time span that could possibly matter to us? Unless, ofcourse, you want to bring this over onto real CN, in which case it would be rather an intresting sight.

  8. bitter much?

    guess what, even if they hadn't asked us to get involed we would have. Thats what Murder Inc does. you guys are pathetic. You !@#$%* about them bringing in allies, bt can i ask you why Echelon is hitting them with you? oh wait, b/c you guys couldn't have won on your own so you ha your allies help.

    i can't wait to see your entire alliance ground into dust.

    Yes, I am certain you must feel almigty sitting there along with +7 more alliances, beating on someone much lower in regards to NS and everything else than you, such a ego trip it must be.

  9. Don't pretend you're not getting help either

    we'd still be winning if no other alliances were involved :P

    Quite obvious that you wouldnt be winning, nor were you winning before your allies came. Quite cowardfull to do this in TE, I would have had some understanding if it was in regular CN, But come on, In TE of all places? Come on..

  10. I suppose a possible solution to the bad events for new nations problem would be to give new nations a 30-day period where they will not recieve any events at all, Once a month has passed they will most likely be in a alliance and have their nations set up propertly, And I can agree with the OP on events. I have had 3 bad events running for quite some time now, and only now are they starting to die down. As far as I recall, I have yet to recieve a positive event since Admin re-instated events into CN.

  11. As this is a rather quick paced version of CN, Perhaps it would be in place to reduce the military cost? I am talking about nuclear weapons, spies, Cruise Missiles and aircrafts? Perhaps lower the requirements for the Navy and aircrafts too? Maybe drop a zero for the CM and spy cost and cut the requirements for each level of the aircrafts in half? Maybe do the same for the navy since I sincerely doubt any nation will reach 1000 land within the 90 days this will eventually be going on for.

  12. I'm wondering whether the decisions that our population makes in CN matter in CN:TE. (And vice versa)

    Both of my nations want A temporary government (Which they shall never get!) and when I started out, my CN:TE nation wanted Hinduism. As soon as I logged on to Cybernations beta, it said that my population also wanted Hinduism.

    It seemed like an odd occurrence to me, so I'm wondering if they are interrelated.

    I just think that is a coincidence, As far as I know my CN people want a Dictatorship, While my CN:TE people want Communism. My CN people also doesnt want any religion, While my CN:TE people wants Buddhism I believe it is.

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