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Posts posted by Cortath

  1. 4 hours ago, The Zigur said:


    You are a liar. Harry was not a rogue, he minded his own business and was constantly harassed by Kashmir and other dim-witted brutes. More recently, he was attacked by polar, GATO and others for opposing the wrongful use of sanctions against people like me.


    I didnt call for roguery against Oculus. I wrote the anarchist cookbook as a guide for neutrals and others you and your barbarian allies attack.


    YOU target listed me, saying I would never have peace, so how in the world did I "go rogue."


    "Barbarian"? *chuckles*


    I always try to choose my words carefully. What is a barbarian? Stranger, from the original greek. But now it means something much more: uncivilized. Out in the wilderness. Beyond the rules and mores of organized society.


    That is most decidedly what we are not. The purpose of Order is to give nations the freedom from the barbarity of the unaligned. My comrade Vladimir and I have been writing about this problem for well more than a decade. What is an alliance, if not freedom from the piracy of raiders? How can a nation trade, if it is to be attacked and sanctioned by whim? Trade and commerce is bred through Order: understanding the rules of the road; understanding what gets one sanctioned, and what does not.


    There are few attacks that go more to the heart of what Francoism tries to achieve than that of a rogue. Ideas and policies, such as whom to sanction, must flow through the meritocratic bureaucracy that is alliance government and inter-alliance relations, not the whim of one nation. Who can predict whims? Not I, and not any man. But a Francoist can predict governance, for through the unification of sovereignty in a wise and meritocratic bureaucracy, we can understand the reasons of man.


    6 hours ago, zoskia said:

    The times I enjoyed the most were the days in which the NPO mostly had an absolute control of the game and there was some sort of "guerrilla alliance" (I forgot the name) acting against them.

    I really HATED the NPO during those times, but I can't deny that it was fun.

    The WORST times of the game came with the "new era" that the MK begun and it became a game about "nothing in particular". 

    LOL... I probably like drama. 

    FAN, you're thinking of FAN.

  3. The only reason NPO is sanction is BECAUSE OF THEIR TECH. NPO does not DESERVE their sanction as they have PREYED upon weaker alliances and nations to grab it.  Already, the hordes are descending to take back what was WRONGFULLY STOLEN.  The jackbooted thugs at the NPO (and their GOON/polar lackeys) are going to know what it feelsl ike to lose EVERYTHING they worked SO HARD, FOR SO LONG FOR.  Now YOU will know THAT FEELING!


    That's not really where our tech came from. I strongly encourage you to take a walking tour of the historical Francograd Technology District, where the old Technology Corps was founded. There you can learn how tech was made back in a time that may seemingly sound relevant to you, as well as how technology creation and distribution methods have developed since. Hail progress! Hail Pacifica!


    Isn't a Revolution in perpetuity a self-licking ice cream cone?  The answer is yes.  Yes it is. 


    The only problem with a self-licking ice cream cone is that eventually, you run our of ice cream.


    Cheers, Pacifica!  smileys-ice-cream-847354.gif

    I would kindly recommend reading some of my comrade Vladimir's works or might I humbly suggest my own, to enlighten yourself as to the meaning of permanent revolution.

  5. I don't really ascribe to the philosophy of "let's keep a grudge going because we lost a war". Especially not when these wars are half a decade ago, but even something slightly more recent such as disorder. People paying their dues? Given the amount and spread of people that have been in an NPO rolling, if we sat around in angst waiting for dues to be paid we'd end up becoming a peripheral alliance allied to the small handful of people we haven't been rolled by in an eternal quest for revenge.

    But sitting and stewing in a rage and thirst for revenge is mentally taxing, so I gave it up after the first couple of years.




    Pacifica long ago cast aside this notion of "grudges" as being remarkably unproductive. I was Emperor more than half a decade ago, and [i]I[/i] cast aside grudges, though many others on Planet Bob did not. 


    It's a poor ruler whose only justification for spending blood and treasure are emotions and ill-feelings of years past. Pacifica spends neither so lightly.

  6. Out of curiosity: what (if any) precautions does NPO take to avoid situation in which a member who received alliance-sponsored technology leaves the alliance taking the riches with himself?

    When I founded the Technology Corps of the New Pacific Order over 8 years ago, it was the first state-sponsored organization in existence on Planet Bob to help procure technology to member nations. I wrote the FAQ for it, and I still remember the answer to this question:

    Q. If I steal tech and/or money, what happens?
    A. We destroy everything you love.

  7. Can you guys make up your mind whether I am malicious puppetmaster or bumbling liability? I cant be both.


    Do you read what you write anymore? You can be really bad at being a really evil puppetmaster, who's a liability to everyone who's stupid enough to let you control them.


    I don't really have an opinion one way or another, but certainly it's possible to be both.




    NPO Imperial Decree: We align with Chaos to get revenge for the Disorder War with no actionable plan for the future

    NpO Imperial Decree: We take a stand against the rogue attacks and assaults on civilization waged by DBDC since Mushqaeda



    1. Which alliance best represents the principles of Order established by Imperator Emeritus Ivan Moldavi?

    2. Which alliance uses watered-down Francoism yet again to justify bad long-term policy decision-making?

    3. Which alliance loses even if it wins?


    You know, I try to maintain a tad bit of humility, but you know that I was there during the August Revolution? I knew Francos Spain? I've known every Emperor of the New Pacific Order. Hell, I was Emperor of the New Pacific Order. I've read everything that's pretty much ever been written about Francoism, and I've written a fair amount of it myself. We have institutions within Pacifica dedicated to understanding and teaching about Francoism.


    You have no idea what you're talking about. What the hell is a "principle of Order?" Capitalizing words doesn't lend your peculiar breed of theories legitimacy, and asking sophomoric zen questions about "do the winners really lose? sounds like you're still high from your freshman philosophy class.


    C'mon folks. We used to be able to engage in some principled propaganda here. Let's try it again.

  8. Just so we are totally clear:
    DS attacked Invicta out of the blue and without cause
    SNX, who are Invicta's Aftermath blockmates, find themselves in conflict with DS
    [b]You clowns[/b] then join in the DS/DBDC/Umbrella aggressive conflict against Aftermath.

    I have been pretty much entirely out of the political loop for about a year now, and it takes about 5 seconds of looking stuff up to figure this out.

    [b]Pacifica has chosen the wrong side.  Whether the other side wins or loses is irrelevant.  Pacifica loses no matter what.  Either you get your asses kicked by the people you just hit, or when the dust settles, Doomsphere is going to gleefully insert cold steel in your backsides.  You are the very definition of useful idiots.  [/b]

    [b]So desperate for the faintest taste of your former glory, that you align with these total buffoons.[/b]  These morons who have made their intentions mind-blowingly clear, these creatures that have even attacked Pacifica's most "cherished" allies in opportunistic raids on the top tiers of anyone they feel like hitting.  Are you sure this is the world you want?  Are you positive?


    You're not really in a good place when you just assume your opponents are total idiots.


    I generally operate on the following set of principles: my opponents are at least as smart as I am. When I see them doing something stupid, I presume they either 1) have facts that I do not have, or I possess facts that they do not, or 2) they are operating on a different set of principles than I am. I do not choose 3) they are stupid and I am smart and I always win and they always lose.


    I may be dramatic but I am still essentially right. Once you grasp the totality of DBDC's hold over the upper tier it becomes clear that they represent a new class development in our world, much like the Userites of another age. It is in their interest for civilized alliances to wage war on one another while they continue to break down the system of ordered anarchy which has prevailed throughout our history.


    By breaking down the barriers of alliances, they place themselves in a position to create a new world order based around the same destructive "friends > infra" philosophy of our old mutual enemy in the Mushroom Kingdom. They have already established a precedent of targeting individual alliance members for speaking out (such as your Caladin) and should they achieve Hegemony, alliance governments will simply be symbolic shells, often puppets of their Doomsphere masters. From there they can begin to exploit Feederite regions for tech.


    So yes, I may be dramatic, but there is a point behind my protests... this struggle transcends classical alliance politics and grievances and represents a new class warfare. For NPO to play into their hands represents perhaps the single greatest break from Francoist government since the Moldavi Overthrow and Reign of the Mad Emperor.


    *chuckles sadly, but then just cries into a facepalm*


    You're just posting nonsense NS Francoism gibberish in between your posts now. What the !@#$ is a "Feederite region for tech" from a "symbolic shell of alliance government?"


    Lol at the people who keep dropping my name to try and discredit the truth. NPO once had a higher calling, an inherent revolutionary drive to forge order from chaos. Creating more chaos from chaos to satisfy a grudge or avoid a harder ideological war does not result in order, what ever rationalizing is done by the OP. You have chosen to side with the lulzists in a conflict started by a satellite of DBDC without a casus belli.

    As the alliance which introduced concepts of civilization like the Casus Belli, maybe Pacifica should take a moment to think about the long term implications of this momentous declaration of war. Handing over the leadership of the revolution to Polar is a good start, since the valor of that ancient struggle is obviously just words to you now.

    We never had a "higher calling." There are no Gods in Francoism. We are no proselytizing religion. We serve no one but ourselves. We do not wish people to join us who do not desire to do so; we don't wish to convert some heathen "chaosians" into "Orderians."


    That's never been what Francoism is about. Francoism is a guiding set of principles or philosophies that helps to teach us how to analyze the material realities of the world in which we live such that we can achieve peace, strength, and prosperity.


    Francoism doesn't give two hoots if other people don't have peace, strength, and prosperity. If you want it, come over to us, but we're not waging wars to try to persuade people's hearts and minds to join us [i]because the material realities of this world don't permit it.[/i] There is no way to force someone to join our alliance. There is no way to force someone to believe a thing they don't want to believe. Well, I suppose there's blackmail, but that's not very effective, now is it?


    What Francoism demands the most is [i]seriousness[/i]. Seriousness in analyzing the world. Seriousness in engaging in self-criticism. Seriousness in seeking self-improvement.


    And seriousness in debating with others. Good day.


    Am I the one polishing the God Emperor's boots right now?

    For one who purports to study Francoism, you ask some peculiar questions.


    The questions the Francoist asks are: "What are our institutions? What is the reality of our position? How can our position be made better? How can our position be made worse? How can we discard institutions to do not support us? How can we build up institutions that bring us peace, strength, and prosperity."


    Mindlessly posting about some "God Emperor" is not the nuanced analysis of the material conditions of our world that the Francoist engages in when they make their political critique.

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