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Golan 1st

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Everything posted by Golan 1st

  1. Congratulations Also, the tree on your flag looks oddly familiar...
  2. Congratulation to Karma for the generous peace terms. Congratulations to the NPO for getting them. I think that they are fair. We all know that the NPO has the talent and the skill to carry this burden, if they just want to. \o/ peace
  3. Congratulations to all alliances involved and especially IRON
  4. Thanks to everybody for the warm welcome
  5. The Democratic Alliance of Wise Nations is here Hello, everybody It's my great pleasure to inform you of our new alliance, the Democratic Alliance of Wise Nations (DAWN). Our headquarters are located here and our public IRC channel is #DAWN on coldfront. We invite everybody to visit us there, read our charter and take part in our celebrations. The Democratic Alliance of Wise Nations is a free and peaceful union of sovereign nations for the purpose of cooperation in the areas of security, diplomacy and economics in order to ensure our nations' prosperity. We offer a hand of friendship to all nations and alliances which are willing to cooperate with us and promote common goals. The International has kindly agreed to offer us their protection. On behalf of the Democratic Alliance of Wise Nations, I wish to express our deepest gratitude for that. Until elections take place, the DAWN will be lead by a triumvirate of myself, shilo of Shintoa and Booter of STFU!. We are all equal and decisions will be made based on agreement between us. Thanks for your time Booter of STFU! Golan 1st of Danieland shilo of Shintoa
  6. Congratulations to the new government
  7. No bug. Your government type, communism, gives a discount of 2% on military upkeep. This is exactly the difference between your calculated navy bill and your actual bill.
  8. PMed in game and money sent
  9. No, it would not. It won't save the nuked nation from nuclear anarchy and would just allow the attacker to do ground attacks.
  10. Well, you can do the deal without a FAC. You don't need it to send 3M + 50 tech, right?
  11. The price is 3 packages of 4,500,000$ + 50 tech or 4 packages of 3,000,000$ + 50 tech with preference to the first option. Contact me in game if interested. Link to my nation.
  12. just one thing, improvements of the same type add to each other, and not multiply. So if, for example, you have a base population of 100,000 and fish, wheat, 3 clinics and a national research lab, your actual population count will be 100,000 * 1.08 * 1.08 * (1 + 3 * 0.2) * 1.05
  13. I want to start paying in a few days. Contact me in game if interested (link to my nation).
  14. Gold (-5%) Microchips (-8%) University (-10%) Great University (-10%) National Research Lab (-3%) Space Program (-3%)
  15. Not sure what you mean, Lavo. The "Avg. Gross Income Per Individual Per Day" (from your nation's page) already includes the modifiers.
  16. This. The only way to make the resources a nation gets really fair is by giving everybody the same resources, but this would make the whole trading thing kind of pointless, don't you think? Also, all possible pairs of resources can be made useful. It's just a matter of hard you try. It's true that some pairs are easier to profit from than others, but this does not mean that other cannot be made, using all kind of available techniques, just as good.
  17. Viluin, your problem is that you think about the short term only. I don't know how much money you make, but a nation with 5000 infra can make like 6-8 millions after bills. The upkeep of 20 nukes is already a serious burden for such a nation, let alone the purchase price. If you add to it the price of an MP, you will find that if that money was invested in infra, it would benefit the nation much more, even if being hit by a nuke every few months. More than that, this money, invested in the nation's economy, will allow it to get into nuclear capability in a few months, with a much bigger daily income to support its nuclear arsenal. It's true that it does not solve the problem of remaining above the nuclear capability bar after a serious nuclear conflict, but a nation strong enough does not have to deal with it, because it will take ages to knock it below that bar. A nation with stronger economy can get a bigger war chest, avoid bill lock for a longer time, inflict more damage on the enemy, aid its allies and recover from a war faster. In the long run, strong economy = strong nation. Now, again, all these calculation are under the assumption that your nation only fights once a few months and that war is unlikely in the near future. If you are involved in many conflicts or expect a major war in the near future, an MP may be a reasonable choice for a wonder.
  18. Your only argument is "I don't want to invest the time and effort made by the big nations to reach nuclear capability without shortcuts. I want things the easy way".Nobody is forcing you to buy a Manhattan Project. If you want it, buy it, if you don't, don't. So, please, either start spending the time you spend here whining on developing your nation or waste your money on a wonder you don't really need. Don't ask admin to force others who gained nuclear capability the hard way to buy it just because you want it..
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