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Franz Ferdinand

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Everything posted by Franz Ferdinand

  1. Be careful, you might summon Maelstrom Vortex by mistake.
  2. It's probably because they didn't sign a MADP. By keeping it Optional, it streamlines the process, it seems.
  3. Good to see you P0rksab3r, always wondered where you had gone to!
  4. If you take enough, you'll be back in 2008 leading Ragnarok.
  5. Those were definitely the days, I thought they'd never end.
  6. Indeed, although you guys definitely took your time. The important thing is that you turned up which is what matters in the end.
  7. NPO must have forgotten to issue the "no members below the rank of Office can post in the thread" memo.
  8. My last response was a compliment, I have moved on while you clearly haven't.
  9. Indeed, they didn't pull an IRON / Coalition of Cowards moment, which is commendable.
  10. It's cool, at least there is finally some manner of stress release now for all parties.
  11. Just wasn't expecting Legion or Sparta to be able to get onto the field far quicker than Non Grata. In the past, that'd be cause for concern.
  12. I mix up CCC and NATO at times, so many new treaties got announced this past month, it can be a pain to keep track of after long protracted periods of nothing happening. The rebuttal does work if referred to Non Grata at least.
  13. Was honestly expecting that you'd reform that RAGE alliance to be honest.
  14. Chilling, not signing MADPs which take forever to execute.
  15. You took longer than a GATO application to make up your mind.
  16. It's generally called raiding, and if you haven't been successful for over 6 months, then there is something wrong with your business plan. You had at least one other nation, but even then you got rid of them (Pyro9K).
  17. Get better war guides. Also, I wonder if CCC know you are attacking an alliance which they aren't presently at war with? @lilweirdwardthis guy is seriously your protectorate?
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