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Co God Ben

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Everything posted by Co God Ben

  1. When I started reading this topic, I was really hoping you weren't from LoSS before the merger. Oh well, you're not the worst we've ever housed (dwthegreat, krunk, Trekkie, cynic, chedab, Andy), but you might be the most annoying. I'm just glad you weren't around to see the LoSS that Phoebus, Ratz, junior and I used to run. Also, your alliance is bad and you should feel bad.
  2. At least we did one thing right. Literally bitching about the wording of our DoW. I somehow feel that there's something else bothering you. Also lol'd at hegemony references, given the other side's recent history.
  3. The reason they attacked GOD and Invicta is because everyone on both sides still wants to hit GOD and Invicta at least a little bit. Also, best declaration yet. Good luck, my brown, feline friends. Maximum respect.
  4. you turn me on so much

  5. [quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1326151489' post='2896516'] Sad to Amossio out of gov [/quote] Not really. [quote name='Proest' timestamp='1326161515' post='2896629'] This has an extremely notable lack of: Chels and Ben. I do not accept. [/quote] Should I coup them?
  6. I'm pretty jelly of DT, Rok and Legacy right now, I won't lie.
  7. 64D became a pony alliance? [img]http://chzbronies.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/my-little-pony-friendship-is-magic-brony-im-ok-with-this.jpg[/img] Hi HoT & MM.
  8. [quote name='SoADarthCyfe6' timestamp='1323448252' post='2870979'] More people not defending their allies? Can't say I'm surprised. [/quote] I choked a little bit.
  9. [quote name='deth2munkies' timestamp='1323410959' post='2870519'] I'm trying to recall the last time a group of alliances decided to attack someone they figured would eventually come into the war that their allies were in. Oh whatever, I'll stop being coy: You're doing the dumb thing TOP and IRON did last time, and I'm laughing my ass off at the sheer irony of it. Have fun with the curbstomp, I have a feeling it'll be coming around next time. [/quote] History repeats.
  10. A lot of this topic makes me lol. Legacy were a pretty cool alliance when I dealt with them, cool members, except sarm who was a !@#$%. I can see why they would decide to make this move, especially considering the treaties they decided to sign. [quote name='AirMe' timestamp='1311216124' post='2760174'] LoSS maneuver detected. Analyzing situation. History Repetition Inevitable. [/quote] We did it with much more zazz, thank you very much.
  11. Hetman, why you never come to #loss and tell us how bad we are anymore? We miss you
  12. [quote name='rtellez06' timestamp='1309833542' post='2748999'] Wait so you 5 ragequit loss and started a new alliance? I knew about this when Dua and Phoeb got elected to trium. Lolol [/quote] You seem to lack comprehension of the rage part. They left; you ragequit.
  13. This is by far better than Christmas.
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