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NEATly Pact Sandwiches

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[size="4"][b][center]An announcement from Nations Empowered Against Totalitarianism and The Sandwich Confederation[/center][/b][/size]

You've got to love old friends. NEAT and SC go way back, and we're all quite fond of each other. There are some people you'd go to bat for, with or without an official reason. When those people like awful puns as much as you do, sometimes you've got to make it official. Yeah, we've got shared values and good conversation and all that, but the puns! Oh, the puns...

[b]NEATly Pact Sandwiches Treaty[/b]


We, the Nations Empowered Against Totalitarianism (NEAT) and The Sandwich Confederation (SC) recognize the sovereign rights of both alliances and their nations. However Digiterra is a dangerous place and with that in mind both NEAT and SC are willing to work together to ensure the other alliance's sovereignty when the cause is just. For this reason we agree to abide by the following:

[b]Article I:[/b]

Sovereignty: NEAT and SC are free and sovereign alliances, independent of each other with respect to both internal and external policy. Neither party takes responsibility for the independent actions or statements of the others. Joint statements or actions will be explicitly identified as such.

[b]Article II:[/b]

Non-aggression: A state of peace shall exist between NEAT and SC. If a member of one alliance declares war on a member of the other, peace shall be made as quickly as possible and reparations will be given to the aggrieved party by the aggressor consisting of at least the cost of all damages. Both alliances also agree that neither shall commit espionage against the other. All negotiations for reparations will be handled internally between the parties involved and if necessary, representatives of each alliance.

[b]Article III:[/b]

Intelligence: Should one alliance become aware of a possible threat that could cause harm to the other, they shall inform the alliance via secure channels. Members of each alliance are also encouraged to share any additional information.

[b]Article IV:[/b]

Optional Defence: In the event that either NEAT or SC come under military or spy attack (or threats thereof) the other signatory may offer any assistance, be it diplomatic, financial, or military, as agreed between both alliances. Neither alliance is obliged to come to the aid of the other but are encouraged to do so for honour, courage and justice.

[b]Article V: [/b]

Cancellation: If SC wishes to withdraw their sandwiches or the NEAT kitchen no longer wishes bread crumbs, they shall notify the other on their forums two weeks in advance.

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You would remember us from the drama with a certain rogue when many of us were in the Phalanx, who were allies of United under Scorn. That episode precipitated a crisis in that alliance due to the way it was handled, and as a result the vast majority of the membership left to found a democratic alliance under the name of the Sandwich Confederation. We just picked the name for the fun of it. :awesome:

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