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Farkistan Darkfist Q&A

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....err. MDoaP

The Dark Fist Farkistan Question and Answer Session Mutual Defense Optional Assault Pact.


1) What is this?

This is a Mutual Defence (Optional Attack) Pact between Farkistan and Dark Fist

2) What's it do?

It does your basic stuff of most treaties. You've got your basic PIAT stuff such as peace between the two, Sharing of intelligence between the two if stumbled upon, Sending of aid, via the form of financials for rebuilding or tech deals etc. We've also got defensive clauses which say if you attack one, you're basically attacking the other. These kinds of treaties let the rest of Planet Bob know that the alliances have people in their corner and to think twice before getting drunk and attacking at random. (It also gives the option, that if one alliance goes to war, the other can be invited to join, at their discretion.)

3) What doesn't it do?

What this treaty doesn't do is infringe upon each others sovereignty. Fark is Fark and Dark Fist is Dark Fist. It also doesn't mean that Dark Fist and Fark are treatied for life.

4) it doesn't?

Nope. Most of the time a treaty has a clause that the treaty partners can opt out at a future date. This normally include stipulations like giving notice to a certain time, usually 48 to 72 hours and then promises of not taking aggressive actions against one another for another 48 to 72 hours.

5) Why isn't this treaty funny.

Not all treaties have to be. But in the interest of keeping form, a small bird named after female figures of male attention.

6) Don't treaties usually need signatures?

Right you are.

For Fark

Subby Quad (what is this?)

Squirrel DCAMID (Its a treaty.)

SotC Yak (Where's my gin?)

Jim (Right where you left it.)

Fireguy (what is this again?)

Kahiel (*Facepalm*)

Mayo (I'm newbie gov and I know that this is MDoAP between Darkfist and Fark, jeez guys)

For DarkFist

Daikos, The Flying Penis

Starcraftmazter, Head of Causing Diplomatic Incidents

Martinius, The 'NO U' Guy

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