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The Revolutionary Synodic Syndicate of the Netherlands

Mergerberger II

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The Revolutionary Socialist Syndicate of the Netherlands

A Proclamation

This is an official notice to the world that the Third Republic of the Netherlands does no longer exist, in its place shall now exist the Revolutionary Synodic Syndicate of the Netherlands, which will follow Revolutionary government theory.

This new government will occupy the same land that the old Republic did.

Revolutionary Theory

The theory of the Revolution is one of numerous complications and intricacies that cannot be truly adequately explained, rather it must be practiced and known that it is several things: First, that it is the most adapted government currently in existence; second, that in its practice it must be adapted to suit all, one form of Revolutionism cannot suit every person on this earth; and third that it is ever-changing, ever-progressing, ever-correcting.

It must also be accepted that the freedoms will not be restricted, and that the principles of old shall not be forgotten, and that the mistakes of past regimes shall be learned from and their successes built upon. Revolutionism must always learn.

On Freedoms

The freedoms of the people must be never restricted and always recognized in all forms of Revolutionary Government. The freedoms and rights inherent to mankind shall be as follows.

I. The Right to Life

II. The Right to Thought

III. The Right to Speech

IV. The Right to Assembly

V. The Right to Belief

VI. The Right to Defense

VII. The Right to Country

VIII. The Right to Allegiance

IX. The Right to Possession

X. The Right to Outspokenness

The Right to Life is the right of any person to live. Never shall the state infringe upon the right of its citizens to live, nor shall the people infringe on the rights of others to live.

The Right to Thought is the right of any person to think without interference, trial, or judgement by the state.

The Right to Speech is the right of any person to speak what they believe without interference from the state or another person or group.

The Right to Assembly is the right of any person or group to gather without interference from the state or another person or group.

The Right to Belief is the right of any person to believe whatever they may wish without interference from the state or another person or group.

The Right to Defense is the right of any person to defend themselves when attacked in any manner.

The Right to Country is the right of all persons to live in a country without interference from the state.

The Right to Allegiance is the right of any person to feel allegiance toward any group or state, regardless of what others would have them feel.

The Right to Possession is the right of all people to possess objects and to claim them as their own.

The Right to Outspokenness is the right of all people to openly speak what they believe in any manner.

On Government

The Revolutionary Government is not a government itself, it is a system of belief as to how a government should be run. The Government of the Revolutionary is that of the Democracy, the people's government. An absolute democracy shall be the government of the people of the Revolution.

The Tenets of Revolutionary Government

I. Popular Majority

II. Independence

III. Freedom

IV. Awareness

V. Removal

VI. Protection of Freedom

VII. Non-Corruption

The people shall elect by popular majority their leader.

The electoral process shall not be skewed or interfered with by any group or person.

The leader shall be any citizen of the country, regardless of age, race, or gender.

The people shall choose by themselves if their leader remains fit.

Should the people see their leader as unfit, he is removed.

Should the leader be removed, he is a citizen of his nation once again.

It is the duty of the government to protect the Freedoms and Rights of the people.

On Society

The society shall be independent of the government itself. It shall be reserved from the governing body and develop independently. The government shall not determine the course of events in its social trends, nor shall society depend solely upon the government.

It is, however, recognized that the government shall play a role in the course of society, however it should not deliberately do so.

The Tenets of Revolutionary Society

I. Independence

II. Self-Reliance

III. Progression

IV. Non-interference

V. Protectionism

The people of the country shall reserve their society to develop independent of government interference.

The people shall determine the course of society, of trends, of their expressionism.

The people shall reserve the right to change their society should they see it so fit.

The government shall refrain from intervening in issues of society.

The above is inapplicable if the rights of the people are in danger.

On Economics

The government shall be the determiner of the course of economic events in the nation. It shall ensure that the economic system remains free however not irresponsible. It shall ensure that the businesses of the country do not gain an influence beyond what a corporation should have, and it shall ensure that the government remains in the control of the government.

The Tenets of Revolutionary Economics

I. Non-bribery

II. Freedom

III. Responsibility

IV. Governmental Control

V. Regulations

VI. Stability

The Government shall never be the recipient of, nor shall it be the sender of bribes or materials involving favors for other favors.

The Government shall remain in control of itself and in control of the people.

Should a member of the Government engage in bribery, they shall be exiled to Antarctica.

The Government shall refrain from total control of the economic course in its nation.

The Government shall ensure that the economy remains stable and without collapse.

The Government shall be responsible for all regulations

On Foreign Policy

The Revolutionary Government does accept and acknowledge that it is their responsibility to see that the Revolution spreads to all country, by any means necessary.

The Tenets of Revolutionary Foreign Policy

I. Enforcement of Rights

II. Interventionism.

III. Cordialness

IV. Forgiveness

V. Trust

VI. Intelligence

Revolutionary Foreign Policy shall consist of the enforcement of the rights of people as defined above globally.

The Foreign Policy shall be high in interventionism for the above reason.

The Foreign Policy shall always be cordial and kind to those who have done the Government no wrong.

The Foreign Policy shall not be grudge holding.

The Foreign Policy shall be trusting of other nations.

The Foreign Policy shall be intelligent in all affairs and know where to get involved and where not to.

Adoption of Revolutionary Theory

The Theory of the Revolution shall be the official doctrine of the government, and the RSSN shall follow this doctrine to the letter, seeing that each element is carried out as the framers of the doctrine, Magan de Vries and Schee Baum, intended it.

Magan de Vries shall be the first Head of State of the RSSN.

Schee Baum shall be an adviser on Revolutionary Theory until his death.

Edited by Mergerberger II
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The Economy of Marxism

The RSSN will as of today adopt a Marxist, Communist economy based on the principles of Marx, Lenin, and Stalin. The successful principles of each famous Communist leader will be employed to ensure the success of this new Marxist regime. The principles of Marxism will be employed.

Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.

A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.

Abolition of all right of inheritance.

Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.

Centralisation of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.

Centralisation of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State.

Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State; the bringing into cultivation of waste-lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.

Equal liability of all to labour. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.

Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equitable distribution of the population over the country.

Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labour in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production

All private property existent within the current borders of the RSSN shall be forthwith considered the property of the state. This land shall be redestributed properly to the people based on their individual contributions to the former Third Republic's general welfare and overall well-being.

An income tax of 65% shall be leveed immediately on the entire populace, which shall suffice until the conversion to Communism is complete. Upon its completion, income taxes shall be 90%, and the government shall pay for every conceivable utility and necessity, while the citizen will still be responsible for their own luxuries.

No more shall inheritance trouble the Netherlands and cause people to become lazy and mindless, counting only on their parents to make something of themselves. Upon the death of someone, all of his/her property shall be transferred to the government to be redistributed properly.

All those that are considered enemies of the Revolution and those who have dual citizenship with other countries shall have their property and there rights to that property revoked. Those with dual citizenship may choose between citizenship in the Netherlands and the other place(s) where they are citizen. This does not apply to diplomats or ambassadors.

A centralized bank shall hereby be established in The Hague, which shall store all of the money available in the Netherlands, and shall grant loans and grants as approved by the government. All privately owned banks are hereby forced to abandon all credentials in the Netherlands and leave the Netherlands. No money is transferrable.

The State shall hereby claim ownership of all telecommunications companies and of all transport companies, to provide adequate public transportation to all citizens and allow them to not need to spend their private funds on going places.

The State does hereby claim ownership of all industrial production. All foreign companies are hereby forced to abandon their assets in the Netherlands and all domestic companies shall be bought out properly. Industrial production shall serve the purpose which the state deems fit.

Communes shall be established so that every person shall contribute equally to the state and to the country, allowing every man to learn form his comrades. However, it is here that changes are made. Rewards shall be given to those that produce the most, and punishments shall be given for those that produce the least. In this way, we are giving incentive to work.

The agricultural and manufacturing industries shall be combined so that the means of production is controlled by the state as well as the production itself. This will also work to ease the division between agricultural society and industrial society. Slowly the two industries shall become one and the same.

As simply stated, all child labor for those under the age of 18 is hereby eliminated. All those under age 18 shall be given a free education in public schools. Once students are 18, they shall take a test to determine if they are adequately educated to receive a proper college education and gain as much as possible out of it. If they score a positive, they shall be sent to college, at which point they will be able to determine by themselves into which industry they want to go. If they score a negative, their career will be determined by the state and assigned to a Commune where work is necessary.

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