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OMFG and The Legion get happy.

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Any group of People that can read my drunken ramblings week in and week out often deserve a tip of the hat. The Legion has done this and more during our time on Purple. We like them, They like us......which makes you wonder how much drunken banter is too much. I say there is never too much and to promote this I present the following treaty upgrade:

Legion Still Fighting Giants


The Legion and Ordinary Men Fighting Giants (from here on known as OMFG), based on long standing friendship and camaraderie, do hereby come together and affirm the feelings between each other. Also both love caek so that helps too.

Article I - Non-aggression:

The signed alliances shall maintain a strict policy of non-aggression towards one another; refraining from military aggression against one another, refraining from spying on one another, refraining from using diplomatic ends to bring harm to one another, or otherwise seeking to do the other harm.

Article II - Intelligence:

Should either party come into possession of information that suggests any of the activities prohibited by Article 1 are being engaged in by a third party, it is the obligation of that party to give that information to the other party quickly and completely.

Article III - Aid:

Should a signatory alliance come under attack or otherwise suffer a financial crisis, while not obligated, members of the other signatory alliance shall be encouraged to send financial or military aid. The alliance in need of aid may choose not to receive it if they wish.

Article IV - Defense:

Should one signatory alliance come under attack, it is the obligation of the other alliance to come to their aid militarily. Should the signatory engaged in military operations choose, they, may release the other alliance from any obligations carried by this article.

Article V - Optional Aggression:

Should either signatory alliance decide to take aggressive action against a third party alliance, the other signatory alliance is strongly encouraged but not required to assist them militarily.

Article VI - Diplomacy:

Any points of contention between the signatory alliances will attempted to be solved with diplomacy before any other action is taken. In public, discourse between the two signatory alliances shall remain respectful at all times.

Article VII - Termination:

Should the two sides be unable to resolve their differences diplomatically, this pact may be terminated by either party after giving 48 hours notice to the other.

Signed for the Legion:

Imperial, Imperator

Hubb, Proconsul

Megamind, Minister of Foreign Affairs

totem, Minister of Defense

Iron Wolf, Minister of Internal Affairs

konkrage, Minister of Economics

Signed for the OMFG:


Kill Joy


Vanguard - KageTheSecond

Pathfinder - Clockwork Orange

Shaman - Bodebiek

Tribal Elders:

Elder - Jedaye DaGeordie



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