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A Guide


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A Beginner's guide


1. If you are going to lead an alliance, do not create a thread asking for allies or a possible merger. The old guys already hate how the political system is. You have a better chance scoring with Delta or Big_z.

2. If you represent your alliance, represent yourself well when it comes to diplomatic discussions. Be aware: One man does represent a thousand. Don't cry, its political representation. Don't argue it cause it wont change.

3. Know the difference between a newb vs a noob. A newb is someone new to the game, whereas a noob is an imbecile, though we don't see too much usage.

4. Do not possess EZI lists and deny you have them. Really, its like a pregnant midget tying her shoe; something only reacted to with laughter.

5. Spying is like Gary Coleman fighting Shaq - just dont do it.

6. Do not Begin a thread on the forums claiming to start a secret spy organization. Seriously, you just $%&@ed up the first step before you began walking.

7. Do not Troll mindlessly, then deny any allegations of it. Accept it with pride.

8. Do not call someone a troll merely for having a different opinion than the thread creator. Know the definition before you begin pointing fingers.

9. Do not Fake DoW's. Just. Stop. There are limited exceptions to this rule. Because common sense doesn't exist, we will limit it to:

a. Don't do it on April fools. We have 50 alliances trying to be funny, its like taking a !@#$ upside down. Just don't do it.

b. If you are professional and use it as a rare thing.

c. There is no C. Just stop here.

10. Do not Be biased. Mostly everyone sucks here, but this the pivotal role in the forums' current state of depression. Individuals are biased, therefore they doubt anything the op says, therefore triggering a huge non-essential debate about actions which happened two years ago, which eventually ends up in them debating about debating, which then leads everyone to leave the discussion with the IQ equivalent to Paris Hilton. Unless you're hot and have nude videos, gtfo.

11. We need nice people and arrogant jerks to provide an equilibrium. Just remember that.

12. Have a sense of humor. Most people are over 18 in this game, yet the game's tension is as tight as Megan Fox's (Due to copyright issues, this word was removed).

13. If you see someone doing something wrong (like number one for instance), don't be an assface about it. Kindly inform them. Just because YOU know the game doesn't mean everyone else does.

14. No Self-pity. Sentences like "I know i'm not the most well liked person, but.." or "I understand I get aggressive at times, but". Just stop. Some do this too much and it becomes annoying. Get to the point, leave yourself out.

15. Hand out medals for owning a lvl 9 plane.

16. No Fake deaths. Don't pretend you died in RL, really...it isn't funny. Imagine putting your (Male part) in an electrical socket. Exactly. My reaction was the same.

17. Go on and on about how much harder it is to be a female player. I get it.

18. Do not Insult Tyga's alliance members. Seriously, he will bite you and proceed to put you in a blender with a tattoo of a naked Oprah Winfrey on your forhead. Don't believe me? You'll see.

19. No Infra > Friends. You wont last long. Pixels are replaceable, decisions are not. Understand this. Breath it. Enjoy. Your reputation will follow you, its like a pedophile, don't screw up and cry about it. If you want to hand out free candy in a van, you should have done a better job.

20. Do not go on the green team when GGA is in a good leadership position.

21. Don't go pretending you're someone famous and important when you're not. Chances are that if you need to express your importance, you really aren't important.

What I miss?

Edited by Ejayrazz
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Yeah, was Hard to tell before edits when words like Do Not were missing when coupled with sarcasm...

aye. acknowledged. "Do not" guide quickly changed, then rechanged, etc. I don't care if anyone reads it, I want it in writing. Here it is, here I go.

Also, hello Space Ghost.

Edited by Ejayrazz
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#1 will never change.

I do #13, it's funy :D

I lol'd at #18 but there is some true in it but let me fix one thing for you:

18. Do not Insult Tyga's alliance members. Seriously, he will frostbite you and proceed to put you in a blender with a tattoo of a naked Oprah Winfrey on your forhead. Don't believe me? You'll see.

And #20 is like say: Do not eat McDonald's in Moscow if URSS come back, but I lol'd.

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