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TYR/AzN joint announcement

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Unless you're a government member in an alliance under the Superfriends/Teen Titans banner, you probably have no idea who I am. Who I am is the Councilor of External Affairs at a humble little Maroon alliance by the name of Through Yggdrasil's Roots. We may be small and I am not so arrogant as to expect you all to know of us or to see us as a major player on Bob in our youthful and still growing state. However, should we be known as anything at all we should be known as an alliance that won't ever shy away from the different and the unconventional. We as a whole condone change and new ideas. Not just change for the sake of change, however. No, we simply recognize that at times there is a need to throw out old rules and conventions in order that the condition of our members and our interactions with other alliances may be improved.

We have been talking with the farsighted people of the Amazon Nation for quite a long time now and they seem to share our ideals of radical change for the sake of improvement. Such is evidenced in their willingness to put their signatures on such a radical piece of legislation.

But what is this legislation? An incredibly bold take on treaty drafting seeking to eliminate the inconsistencies and ambiguities of most other treaties. There have been cases in the past of alliances so-called "e-lawyering" their way out of honoring treaties by offering their own interpretation of the wording of a particular clause. Now I don't mean to condemn such alliances actions, nor am I calling out any alliance in particular. I am simply noting that such instances have sparked arguments over the interpretation of a treaty and past friendships have crumbled as a result. This is a tragedy we and Amazon Nation want to prevent. With this goal in mind I present to you a radical treaty that is so concrete in its simplicity that no one could ever mistake its meaning and intent.

We don't know whether this is the first treaty of its kind nor are we so arrogant to assume that is, but what is plain to see in looking at the multitude of other treaties between various alliances is that the trend has clearly not caught on. Perhaps what is needed to convince others to embrace this change is not for them to see a large, sanctioned and renown alliance signing this treaty, but to see it come from small alliances such as my own TYR and AzN. We hope that in seeing that even we can dare to make such a bold move they will feel that they can do it as well.

And with that I happily present our innovative step forward towards a better experience for our members and, we sincerely hope, for planet Bob as a whole:


Goodnight all and may CN have a more pleasant tomorrow.

Edited by Legend of the Skies
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hail hail hail

o/ o/ o/ o/ o/ o/ o/ o/ o/ o/ o/ o/ o/ o/ o/ o/ o/ o/ o/ o/ o/ o/ o/ \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o

peace and intelligence to all involved!

The amazon nation is an incredible bunch, they need MORE TREATIEEEEEEEEES!

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hail hail hail

o/ o/ o/ o/ o/ o/ o/ o/ o/ o/ o/ o/ o/ o/ o/ o/ o/ o/ o/ o/ o/ o/ o/ \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o

peace and intelligence to all involved!

The amazon nation is an incredible bunch, they need MORE TREATIEEEEEEEEES!

No one really needs more treaties :P

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Well, I have had limited contact with both these alliances. But I've yet to see anything bad. Randalla of AzN has always seemed to be a staunch supporter of my first alliance, CCC, and AzN members are generally respectful. TYR, I worked with on a rogue situation. Good people there.

o/ TYR

o/ AzN

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