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Cruiser of Fate


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OOC: Continued from this post, and referenced to in this post. /OOC

"Sir." A man in a bed looked up to see a face. "It is almost time." The man in the bedrubs his eyes after 4 hours out of 8 of sleep.

"This is what you wake me for? Its just another damn jump, damnit!"

"But s-sir..." The officer stuttered. "It is a tradition on this ship that the Commanding Captain of the MWF Grey fist be awake for the first jump, ever since the days of exploration and the ship this one replaced the captain has been awake and ready for action on the first jump." He thinks for a moment. "...and it will damage moral." The commander came to full attention, slamming his head against the low ceiling in the proccess. A cringe escaped his mouth, but he stood up chest high in the air.

"Moral has never faltered under my command, you should know that. I won't let a petty thing like sleep stop me from stopping any reduction in moral." Second Officer Pete Nighver noded in success and happiness, as well as disbelief at the new overconfident commander. He made his leave.

Once the officer left, the commander cringed in pain.

* * * * * * * *

A man screamed as his leg was torn off by a strange almost human creature. A rush of purple water shoved the image away, and in its place a metal-suited man marched alongside thousands of itself...

Gundran Ground-waker woke with a start. "Its only a dream." He told himself, wiping his brow of sweat. "Water please." Gundran spoke into midair. Afew minutes later, one twin wheeled robot with a picher and galass of water rushed over, nearly dropping the water several times. Gundran took a long drought of water, then another. Then he nodded at the machine. "Thanks." It's "head" nodded back and whisked away. "Now lets see what today's problem is..."

OOC: This will soon relate to CNRPH; only clue is that very few make it to earth.

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OOC: I can't wait to see what you do with it... :D

OOC: Thanks. :) Oh, and the first post reguarding this occurs at the end of this post./OOC

Command Bay of the Grey fist, Battlecruiser Class.

The system analysis captain watched his screen. "Capacitors are 159% ready, commander."

Commanding captain Vargi Baverd rubbed the back of his still-hurting head. "Good enough. Bring the solar sails back."

"Yes sir." Responded the SA captain. The Grey Fist's twin kilometer-long solar sails buckled, and over a period of several minutes retracted into the sides of the Grey Fist. "Solar sail retraction complete sir."

"Good." He turns on the intercom system. "Preparing to telewarp now. Please sit down and relax for the next several minutes." Vargi nodded at the SA captain, who then contacted Gundran.

"Engineering captain Gundran, activate the Telewarp Sphere now."

"Roger that." He finished spreading "titan tap" [better duck tap] on a leak, then headed to his command console. "Preparing to jump in 5...4..." He put the telewarp key in. "...3..." He turned the key. "...2...1..." He flicked the switch. The telewarp sphere opened a small hole on the outside the ship.

A crimison red glow edged out, then screamed across the ship at amazing speeds untill the entire ship was encompassed by the glow. At the same time, a red substance appeared at their destination, growing larger and larger in the shape of the Grey Fist. Then the red glow dissappeared where they once were into nothingness while the glow at their destination retracted back into the Telewarp Sphere.

A relieved Pete Nighver looked up from his computer showing the status of their ship. "Captain Vargi, we hae arrived." He smiled. "I am thankful you followed the tradition. Thank you sir."

"No need to thank me, officer. It is my..." He is cut off by the blaring computer for the Intel Officer, who slams on the button to shut it off.

"Sir! Vessel of unknown origin incoming!" Yelled the intel officer, causing sudden havok around him as everyone scrambled to battle stations.

"What?" Responded Vargi. "Its probebly a pre-emptive strike! Fire at will!" Pete orderd the ship to High-alert status. Men all across the battlecruiser got up, consecutively slamming their heads against the bunk above them, and ran for the closes mini-telewarp station for their stations. "Wait, cancel that last order! Hold your fire untill I say to fire." He turns off the intercom. "This vessel most likely hasn't faced a ship like ours before, and if we get all our guns to fire at close range we may win early."

The hundreds of quad-metelstorm guns located on the closed side quickly became active, awaiting the order to fire. Gundran took the closest telewarp to report to the Military Bay for the possible Dropship Assult.

OOC: The other vessel is free for anyone to RP; it should be more powerful than this ship.

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OOC: Since no-one has RP'ed the ship... /OOC

The enemy ship was sleek in design, with a stange disk-like shape that was the majority of the ship. There was no telewarp engine nor' many seeable weapons systems. The crew of the Grey Fist was mystified by the ship; that is, until the command bay's system analysis computer blared.

"The unknown ship has locked on us, sir!" Reported the SA officer.

Vargi's face hardened. "Then they got to have weapons on that ship. Set the sublight to full! Make our heading an orbit of nine kilometes out from the ship! Seven degree rotation!" As the command screen switches to an outer camera looking in the directon of the enemy ship. A seperate part of the same screen shows the shape enemy ship as the sensors indicate. He turns on his weapon systems intercom. "Fire in FOUR!... THREE!... TWO!... ONE!... FIIIRREEE!" Vargi yells.

The entire ship rocks from the force of over a hundred massive cannons shooting, streams of hot metal slugs pouring from them. If one were looking from a third person perspective of the entire ship, a sudden mass of glowing red-hot bullets would glide away from the Grey Fist at a constant rate, like a small rain cloud of death. Meanwhile, the other ship swerved out of the ammunition's way, charging up its weapons in the process. The guns recalibrate to the movement of the enemy ship, but it is just too agile. Some shots manage to hit the ship, but a strange shield stop's the bullets [Humanity has not discovered shield technology yet, so human ships are slightly like RL Ironclad ships].

Then the unknown ship fires back.

A red laser juts out of the top of the disk slicing through part of one sub-light engine. Other, more condensed blue lasers shoot out of turrets that just popped out of the disk; upon impact on the side of the Grey Fist, most of the armored protection blew apart. Meanwhile, the command bay on the battlecruiser was in chaos.

"Set rotation to forty five degrees! Repair our exposed sections! Do NOT launch the dropships! Prepare the telewarp drive!" Vargi was standing now, shouting more orders and makign sure his ship would not die. He also had a headache now as well.

"But sir!" Yelled back the SA captain. "We have only 59% of our capacitor remaining! We won't make it to our next secure system!"

Vargi shouted back in return. "Do you want to die, fellow captain?! Get me as close as you can to that system around another star! We don't f*****g know if its still there, but its better than letting an alien ship get the coordinates of our home planets!" A warning light shows that 22% of the cannons have been destroyed by the enemy.

"Y...yes sir!" He was startled by the anger, but did has he is told. Then second officer Pete turns on the intercom system.

"All hands, prepare for telewarp! Cease firing! Return to safe areas as soon as you can!" The ship shook from another blast from the enemy ship.

A few moments later, they emerged from the red glow near a quite large star. Vargi slumps in his chair, exhausted. "Status report?"

"Four of the sixteen sublight engines have been destroyed by enemy fire. 26%, around 90, guns have been destroyed. Several areas in the main cargo space are venting atmosphere. I estimate a third of our armor is gone. Crew Managment repots thirty nine injured, twenty dead." Reported the SA officer.

Vargi looks at the center screen. "We will mourn the dead when we have a chance to, but we don't know if they tracked us or not. Get the solar sails out and begin the collection progress." He gets up and heads for the mini-telewarp station. "There is no more need of me up here. You all know what to do if they appear again. I'm off to help with the repairs." Second officer Pete follows him to do the same.

* * * * * * * *

The crew of the Grey Fist did not know of the planet Earth, at least the one we know. But a small group knew of them, and even now a device was on its way to take them to earth...

Edited by JerreyRough
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Milky Way Federation Battlecruiser "Grey Fist". Non-transit Uncharted Solar System, no designation. Several hours after the "enemy" ship attacked.

Several men sealed a metal plate to a leak, with the assistance of several robot repair units. After hours of work, with one hour where they patched up the inside but not outside incase the ship followed them, they finished patching the leaks. Another attack by the unkown ship could easily destroy their ship with its firepower, so once the leaks were fixed the repair teams didn't both with plating it. The commander helped with the physical work, then headed back to the Command Bay to see their status.

"[sA] Captain Nathan, how are we doing?"

"Leaks repair is complete, and capacitors are at 98%."

"Good. Retract the solar sails at 100%. We need to get out of here to the next human system." He addressed the ship to prepare for telewarp in five minutes. Then Pete Nighver saw something unusual about the sun nearby.

"Commander...you should see this." Vargi walks over to see a graph with a slight slant upwards.

"I command and keep people alive, not to read graphs. What am I seeing?"

"That sun is steadily decreasing in size at a rate of over 500 meters per second."

"What the? How the hell is that possible?"

"I have no reason for you, sir. My guess is its something to do with the alien ship. Either way, that means we got a supernova on our hands in the next minute, and that is not enough time to telewarp. But I do have a solution."

"What is it? We should just telewarp to the next system..."

"Don't. What if there is more than one alien ship, and getting us to warp to another system before our human one may be their plan. Rather, we should ride the super nova with the solar..."

Vargi opened his eyes wide at the thought. "Are you mad?"

"Just trying to save our lives, that's all. Anyway, we use the solar sails to effectivly ride it, use the excess energy on the sublight, and telewarp when the capacitor is ready."

"Do it. Let's all hope your right."

"Thank you sir!" He starts telling the different officers what they need to do, when warning lights light up on Pete's screen. "God damnit! It is accelerating!"

"F***!" Vargi almost whispers. "Full power to the sublight, no, overdrive it!" He slams on the intercom button. "All hand, brace for G-forces!" He straps himself to his chair.

The star detonates into a brillant supernova, the strange earth machine dissintergrates.

* * * * * * * *

"We have lost contact with the Bringer of Technology capsule, sir."

"Let's hope it did its job..."

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OOC: Something I forgot to mention: they did discover forcefield technology, but energy on bigger ones beyond 35 meters increases by X^(x), with X being the meters above 35.

And "good" supportive OOC is allowed, as well as questions. Also, its best to listen to "

" while reading./OOC

The ship Grey Fist thrusted forward, a trail of blue plasma behind it. Behind that was the bright supernova, a beautiful array of "fire" color and nuclear explosions. The filters on the ship attempted to soften the pure overwhelming light from the super nova, but it was too much; covers slipped behind the windows. Cameras nearly fried. The ship strained to go faster and faster, fueled by its solar sails. Its sails picked up as much energy as they could, even pushing the ship forward more from the massive spikes of solar radiation thrown out of the Supernova. The Grey Fist struggled to remain outside of the supernova's "Certain Death Zone", yet steadily creeped towards the exploding sun...

"Gaaa!" Yelled Gundran, flying across the room from a leak in the telewarp from the sudden thrust, his titan tape attached near to a hole in the Telewarp Sphere. He looks at the frightened engineers attached to the wall via straps. "Fools! We were NOT done with repairs! you've doomed us all!"

A more confident engineer replied back. "What, so a few molecules escape, how the hell does that mean we're doomed?"

"Idiot!" Gundran growls in frustration. "Telewarp works as a solid mass of Red Glow, as one unity and one organism; it needs every single cell to work properly. They won't escape through that, but when they activate the Telewarp, some of the glow will escape through here. That means either we won't warp and die, or only part of the damn ship warps."


"Oh? OH? F**k you! And with all this thrust and the fact they may activate the telewarp at any moment, I'm off to the Military Bay; completly air tight and won't get cut in half." He heads to the Military Bay. The other engineers watch him struggle to the mini-telewarp station but do nothing.

* * * * * * * *

"We can't take this for much longer, commander!" Yelled Pete in his chair. "We are going too fast for ourselfs, but not fast enough against that god damn super nova!"

"You are right. We only have one course of action: a moving telewarp." Reluctantly replied Vargi.

"...And you thought I was crazy. For all we know, we could end up warping the supernova with us!"

"Do you have any other options?"

"The only other option is if we wait untill we are close to the sun; we'll get more energy and fly faster. For a while. Enough time for us to telewarp in one place, I think." An indicator on Pete's computer appears. He attempts to figure out what its for.

"No. That is even more dangerous. We must telewa..."

Pete realises what the indicator means. "WAIT! There is an unfixable leak in the telewarp sphere!" There is a gasp as everyone realises what that means. "We risk dieing if we warp! Please, reconsider!"

Once more, Vargi has a grim look on his face. "No, I shall not reconsider. It is a risk I am willing to take." His gaze sweeps over the command bay's many frightened personel. "But not one you need to join me. The only safe place on this ship is the military cargo, and the military bay; there is not much room in the military bay, so direct the people to the cargo. Tell everyone to head there, but be sure to get there first, and in the bay." The command bay's crewstart heading, if not running, towards the mini-telewarp station, but not Vargi.

The unmoved SA captain Nathan looks at Vargi. "Arn't you leaving with them?"

"No. I will pilot this ship myself if I need to. I will have no future without this ship, so I will make sure the crew survive. Even if this section does not get warped."

"Then I will stay with you. You can't do it alone."

It is one of the few times Vargi smiles. "Thank you. Now, activate the telewarp!" The sphere again opens a tiny hole, and the red glow is pumped with electricity.

At first, it did its normal routine of covering the ship. Then it stopped, doubled back, then completly rushed forward, leaving the back end without any glow. It reached the end, then covered up the front half of the vessel, but not the back. It swerved and cut through the center, leaving the Command Bay and the Military Cargo on the lower half (the Military Bay is on the top). Repair bots repaired the top and bottom sections beside the red glow, but dared to not touch it. Then the glow dissappeared, very unlike a regular warp. A half-ship flew forward, without any armor but still having the solar sails.

"What the hell...damn! God damn engineering bay didn't fix that hole! Well, how bad is it?"

"We just lost the front half of our ship..." Replied an officer. "We still have the guns on the sides, and we are going much faster! A few minutes and we'll be ready to warp again, hopefully to the next secure world." Vargi sighs, but orders them to keep running from the supernova. And to get engineering to fix the damn hole. Vargi, still stunned at just loosing most of his crew because of a damn hole, was a ghost of himself.

The second officer's computer blares away, and an officer who didn't leave runs to the computer. "The enemy vessel has re-appeared. Its getting a target lock." He looks closer at the screen. "...and it looks like it didn't know about the supernova!"

"Who cares?" Responded the ghostly Vargi. "If its going to finish us off, then we gotta take her down with us. Redirect all cannons to the ship computer! Redirect course for the enemy vessel to make us one massive ram!"

"Yes sir!" Replied the remaining officers, just under a dozen out of nearly sixty. They did their duty, most likely their last ever duty.

The cannons on the Grey Fist began firing at the enemy vessel. The enemy locked on, but did not fire. They even attempted to hail the Grey Fist, but the men and women of the Grey Fist wanted revenge for forcing them into this position, of loosing thousands of crew members. The enemy vessel did not swerve side-to-side as before, but just tried to escape; it seemed to have on-board power, not power from solar power. And the Grey Fist was coming straight for them, far faster as well. The cannons hit their targets perfectly in a hailstrom, but did not get through the shields. Fire was redirected at the long, tubular thrusters attached to the disk, still hitting a shield. Then it broke. In a matter of moments, one engine was annihilated. Ten kilometers was left inbetween them, they desperatly hailed the Grey Fist over and over but to no avail. Somehow, they still were fast enough to outrun the supernova; but not the Grey Fist. Five. Four. Three. Two.

Vargi saw it was an exploring vessel, not a battleship, and yelled for the officers to swerve out of the way. But no one listened, their to-the-grave revenge, their insanity, nearly filled. One. Vargi ran for a escape pod, retargeted the telewarp to warp him, and disappeared. Nathan laughed in the last second of his life as he saw the crew on the enemy ship stare at the Grey Fist. The other officer saw the writing "Federation Starfleet" on the side, wondering what it meant in his last second of curiosity.

* * * * * * * *

Where did the vessel go? A certain group of fighters would soon know...

OOC: I've abandoned the "Diberian Gleaming City" thing, just to let ya'll know.

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OOC: Opened to regular CNRPH in this post, as you guys will be able to react to this (not epic destruction yet though D: )

For reference, ~850 people left. Many will die D: /OOC

"What the..." A confused second officer Pete Nighver stated. He was looking through one of the outer cameras from the Tertiary Command Bay within the Military Bay.

The men aboard the now-destroyed Federation Starfleet vessel see this all the time in warp; this was the first time they ever seen it. The way telewarp usually moves them instantly, not over the course of several minutes to hours to the same location. However several one-in-a-million things happened at the same time to cause them to stay in telewarp: at the same time as the warp, there was a sudden burst of energy to the telewarp engine, and it stayed that way untill it crashed into the Starfleet vessel. Second, it was semi-stuck in telewarp, moving at the same speed as it "instantly" does (which is just a really, really short amount of time). Finally, since somehow they were still linked the front half of Grey Fist was recieving energy to keep moving.

Thus, at an unknown speed at an unknown vector that went on for several minutes, the vessel exited their entire galaxy, moving through a couple others but mostly flying right on by.

"Holy s***." An amazied Gundran watched the display, seeing galaxies fly by. He looks at the now-commander Pete Nighver. "What do we do?"

Pete sighs. "What can we do? We have no engines. We have supplies and machines to last us forever sure, but what would be the point? We are a half-ship for god sakes!"

"Don't give up man. We may be doomed, to put it bluntly, but we might stop. The energy has to come from somewhere, and it will run out at some point."

"Good point. Get whoever you need and be sure there are no cracks or holes. We don't know how long we'll be in here, and we need our air if it will be a long time."

An officer at a far console yelled in their direction. "Sir! The galaxies are going by slower, and we're heading straight for the side of one; I think we're stopping!" Gundran and Pete looked happier than ever, and went over. The battlecruiser was indeed slowing down, and ten seconds later the computer estimated the solar system and - by chance? - the planet they would "hit". Gundran went grim-faced.

"This is no cooincidence I think. Someone there is bringing us there. I need answers." Said Gundran.

A close-by crew member smirked. "We all do, dude." Gundran ignored him and headed for the Weapons Depo.

"They may try and take us. We need to be prepared." Gundran said on the intercom. Gundran grabbed a ear-piece/eyepiece HUD and put it on (it had a computer on it), then grabbed a EEMPR (Electronicly Enhanced Multi-Purpose Rifle) MK 511* and spare ammo and electrical bullets. Then he grabbed a Light Defender Suit (looks like the crysis suit, but with the strength of master chief's armor & (a better) personal shield, and its slightly thicker than regular cloth) and put that on. There are 40 tanks as well, plus the dropships. Several hundred men had the same attire, but some had HSLM (Heavy Slug Launcher Mobile) MK 109**. Others went into the tanks, as well as the drop ships. Commander Pete went and got the mobile command center ready.

Pete looked at the intercom screen, and everyone looked back. "Let's be ready for anything. We don't know if they will kill us or peace with us. We don't know how powerful they are. We don't know if we'll just crash and all die. But we do know that they don't know us; that alien ship could not of came from this distance away. We do know they may be expecting us. So prepare the cannons! Prepare for defence! PREPARE!"

Front Half of the MWF Battlecruiser, Earth Orbit. Slow decent into earth's atmosphere. Calculated crash point: Alien city identified as Hong Kong.

Without warning, the Battlecruiser appeared above earth. Immedietly the ship started decendig into the earth, with the moon to its back...

"Man! We are crashing!" Yelled the "punk" crewman.

Pete looked over at him shaking his head. "No. Way. Now do your job." The punk crewman pouts and returns to his computer. Pete again turned on the intercom.

"We have arrived at our destination, and it seems we are not expected. Unfortunatly, we are crash landing onto the planet. Please strap on to something, go in a tank, do whatever you think you can do to survive the impending crash. As many of us must survive. My god be with you." Some of the crew panicked and went for the escape pods; without the telewarp engine, they did not work. Many tried to escape in the drop ships, but they needed more time than avalible to launch. Running for anything for cover, the ship began to shake as it started to fall in the upper atmosphere...

...And two satellites were hit and smashed, one being a MNU observation satellite.

Multi-National United, Location Secret, Dragonisia.

"Our 'friends' have arrived."

"Good. Get the jets ready. We have a meeting in Hong Kong."

"H-How did you know?" The first nonteal-text man has never seen the other man, only in a shade of darkness.

"You do not know Earth. That is all I will say."


*It has ammunition, 200 bullets, and a battery for the front. The electrical part is not needed to fire the weapon; the bullets are very deadly themselves. But with the electricity, bullets can be combined and made larger; they can be assisted and guided via the gun's computer (if injected with nanocompubot), and (although firing far slower) make the bullets faster. In any combination.

**It is like a rocket launcher, only slightly less powerful than a launcher from the Grey Fist. One slug can slice through at least 4 tanks before "slowing down".

I am not going to be over-powered when I arrive on earth (planet bob, whatever) ;).

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Kevin stood up. The burning contrail through the sky was more than enough to alert his massively heightened senses. He stretched from his meditating point on top of the skyscraper and with a wave of his hand, opened a Dark Corridor to the anticipated crash-site.

'Hopefully these creatures aren't hostile to Bob and her inhabitants.'

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Three certain artificial sentients watches the wreck's trail as it descended down towards asia. Circumstance had it that they had brought a second satellite into geostationary orbit only hours before the ship "arrived".

This is unsettling. Why would a spaceship appear out of nowhere?

One that seems to be quite advanced, in fact.

"Probability of malfunction during FTL-travel: 92%. The ship is heavily damaged."

He's right. There seems to be only half a ship...

Well, the good doctor will have to examine it once he's down on earth. This time, we'll let the shuttle land in the outskirts of the city, though.

In a forest or something, where it won't be found. Perhaps even a cave, if we can find a good one.

Yes, just like that.


Shortly afterwards, the shuttle was on its way to Hong Kong, while Lynneth and Leclerc watched. In the meantime, Geolab continued improving the technology at a rapid speed.

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The battlecruiser Grey Fist continued its decent...

Commander Pete was still trying to figure out how to get out of this mess. A few other officers helped him, but many others lost hope and tried to find the best spot on the ship where they just might make the crash. The hull began to creak from the atmosphere, becoming a comet - a falling star. Meanwhile, Gundran came over to Pete to see if he's found anything.

"Still trying to save a doomed ship?"

"Yes. Why are you not helping? You helped build the ship, you should know how to escape!"

Gundran chuckled. "I am the Engineering Captain, and I did build this ship. And I can tell you this: there is no way off this ship." Pete shakes his head, and once more stares at the computer screen. Gundran walks closer, making sure no one can hear him.

"There is one way." He whispers. Pete looks up at Gundran and tries to say something, but Gundran puts his hand of Pete's mouth. "One of the Dropships. I modified it to have a small telewarp sphere in the cargo area. We'll only be able to fit a couple tanks and maybe fifty men. I know you want to try and save everyone, but we can't. We have to leave them to survive." Gundran removes his hand, and Pete nods his head.

They leave for the dropship. Fifty two men are selected and three "tanks" [two walkers and one tank] are moved on the ship. To stop peole from questioning them, the other dropships are filled with crew; installing a false sense of hope. Pete looks through an outer camera from the "bridge" at the hopeful people being loaded onto the three other dropships. He puts his hand on the window, saying a silent prayer.

Gundran looks over from his pilot seat, Pete being in the system analysis seat. "They are going to die anyway, whether it be in the crash or being fired out of this ship in the atmosphere. At least they'll have a chance in the dropships." A couple other men arrived and took their seats in the remaining chairs for the small dropship.

"Yes, I know. But they are my crew, my..."

"Yea, yea, yea. We know. Get your act together; we'll need you ready in the next couple of minutes, where we'll learn if I did something wrong and die, or land safely." Pete gave a dark, unhappy look at Gundran, but did nothing.

The Grey Fist continued its decent. "T-Minus 30 seconds untill landing." said the computer. Gundran scoffed at the term "landing". Pete noticed their crash site would be on an alien city, but disreguards it. "T-Minus 20 seconds. Drop ship ready for telewarp." The ship creaked more and more, warning bells ringing in various parts of the ship. Men rushed to patch the leaks. Gundran turned the switch for the warp, his thumb above the now-revealed warp button. He looked at Pete, who nodded. "T-Minues 10 seconds." The city was in sight of the flaming comet that was the Grey Fist. Some men were going crazy and even attemped to fire the cannons to stop & slow the ship, destroying city blocks from their impacts. Gundran hit the button.

The other three dropships took off and their openings to the outside opened; fire and heat rushed in, melting metal on contact. The dropships strained to escape, one not making it even outside the ship, crashing into its melted bay. The second and third drop ships made it outside the ship, screaming away from the Grey Fist. The second ship was fired downward however, crashing into the Earth; the first casualties and first crater of destruction. The third dropship successfully made it away, but its engines were damaged and thus slowly decended to earth, to crash like the Grey Fist would.

The Red Glow covered Gundran's ship, the final to not leave. "T-Minus 10...9...8...7..." above Hong Kong, the Red Glow appeared. "6...5...4...3... Have a nice day planetside!" The dropship appeared above the city.

The Grey Fist slammed into Hong Kong.

OOC: EDIT: Remember you can still RP when the ship was decending ;).

Almost forgot the picture of the Dropship...


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The blazing fireball that was, unbeknownst to the inhabitants of the Earth, an alien ship, was seen for hundreds of miles away as it began its descent. Certaily too far away to interfere in anything, but still close enough to see, Carl Standish, also known as the Elementalist, stared up for a moment or two, not pausing in his flight, but still marvelling at it. there was nothing he could do, however, so he put it out of his mind...

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