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The Yukon Confederacy


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1bcea06b382b8f737bdf4fb2be0de06f2e6.pngYukon Confederacy[/size]1bcea06b382b8f737bdf4fb2be0de06f2e6.png

---Land of the Midnight Sun---


The Yukon Confederacy is working to create our own niche in the cyberverse, a community based on responsibility and loyalty, where honor defeats greed. A community that you can help us form and work for.

---The Yukon Confederacy is a fresh, young, progressive, blue team alliance. We are a band of brothers, who hold loyalty above all else, loyalty to each other, to the Confederacy, and to our allies. You can help shape what this alliance becomes through membership and active participation.

Why the Yukon Confederacy?

-New fresh alliance with treaties to make

-Government and Civilian positions available

-Tech deals and aid are available

-Growing member base and strength

-Education, new members can learn the ropes of the cyberverse

Current Government

WANTED: Those with general CN experience and or media skills, those applicants with these skills will be given special attention and immediate positions (if wanted) by myself.

As recruitment is now open, the Yukon Confederacy looks forward to new members, all who are interested are encouraged to come by and check us out, or chat to us on IRC, or even right here in this thread.

Contact Information:

You can reach us on IRC at: #Yukon

To sign up or chat with us, head over to our forums here: Forums

Joining instructions:

Change your AA to: YUC Applicant, end any wars, and register at our forums and post an application in the format given here: http://s1.zetaboards.com/Yukon_Confederacy.../1154265/1/#new

Once your application has been accepted, many guides, programs, tech deals, aid opportunities, and government + civilian positions will become available to you.

Thank you for your consideration. We look forward to having you on board! Please feel free to PM any of us in-game or on our forums.

In the Yukon Confederacy, Land of the Midnight Sun, the light never fades!


Edited by rooivaulk
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Okay, so why should you join us at Yukon

The cheifest reason is our govt.

Stable and ready to respond also....

We will train you if you are new to the game want to be a gov member.

Any other questions can be posted here, pm on forums or in-game or on IRC on coldfront at #Yukon.

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