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Goonland Destruction Act


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It is my pleasure to announce that on September 12, 2008, that Murder Inc. shall march into battle and destroys Goons. Last round we were warned about running for senate. Goonland Security Act was the reason. Well we have something for you GOONS. Black Sphere is a free sphere. You dont control the senate. You have no control over anything.So let this be a lesson learned. Peace will be offered once anarchy is achieved. We will allow you to rebuild and grow again, but first you need to be punished for your crimes.

I hereby declare that Black Senate is open to any and all who want to run for a seat. Let the GOONS no longer be a threat to the security of our Black and Beautiful Sphere.

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I just got attacked by another one of your members by the name of Anigav. I thought that I was supposed to get peace once thrown into anarchy? I messaged him just after he declared war but he still attacked me anyway.

Edit: Got this as a reply

Sorry man I had already deployed so I had to attack to kill my deployment or be over deployed.

But ill peace you out now.

.............. niot a very good excuse if you ask me :((

Edited by Magicspoon
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Yeah my bad...

I didn't know about the whole peace after anarchy thing and I already deployed my troops and if I didn't attack you I would've been over deployed.

I sent you peace now, but I'd understand if you wanted to attack me back.

(By understand I mean I would understand your reasoning but I'd attack back if you did)

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Lol ya, I actually would send reps to you for that as it was my mistake, but that is not possible. I figured better for me to hit you with 2 ground attacks than for 3 guys to declare on me because I was way over deployed. Well better for me I mean lol.

Well ya sorry and no hard feelings. Save my nation and attack me back when I'm weak :)

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Apparently this is a Murder Inc recruitment drive. Odd method to get recruits, I would say... I was hoping to kick off my senate run here tonight with a wild party Ted Kennedy would be proud of... I seem to be short the NS to do so lol.

To: EvilHomer From: Wrench Date: 9/13/2008 12:46:54 AM

Subject: Your one tough nation

Message: Join us rather than destroy yourself. Most of the goons are in anarchy. Already some of your allies have joined us anyway, you wont be first :)

To: EvilHomer From: Ammon Date: 9/13/2008 12:49:08 AM

Subject: Peqce

Message: May as well join us!

Anyone who joins Murder Inc. after something like this was never a GOONS (I mean you, Electric Traitorland). In fact, I just looked around and realized there aren't any GOONS playing CN:TE. Just some people like me trying to relive the past when we were small fish in DV's pond.

Homerica has decided to allow East Homerica to secede from the Homerican Union and go seek the Wisdom Nook.

EDIT: Sandwiches!

Edited by kinghomer
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There were 130-150 prior to the reset. All but 30 moved on and there is no central govt at all, just a bunch of idiots flying the AA.

so you admit that their are people still in the alliance, thank you for showing your ignorance, move along please.

Also, don't drag the fine fellows over at IDIOT into this please.

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Elbarrador what are you even talking about? The only people who are currently flying the GOONS AA are people like myself who thought that it might be fun to be a GOON seeing as if we were in normal CN it would earn us a Perma-ZI

thus you are a member of GOONs.

God, am i talking to a brick wall? 1+1=2 folks, its pretty simple. IF YOU FLY THE AA OF AN ALLIANCE, YOU ARE IN THAT ALLIANCE (AT LEAST FOR WAR PURPOSES)

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Oh my lord. Do I have to post ANOTHER thread about you people taking TE so damn serious? Hormones, I like you, but this is just too serious for TE. Elborrador... just calm down. This is freaking TE. Blow crap up and have fun. I'm sure not having fun being the unofficial "shut up and blow stuff up" police, but I feel it's necessary.


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Oh my lord. Do I have to post ANOTHER thread about you people taking TE so damn serious? Hormones, I like you, but this is just too serious for TE. Elborrador... just calm down. This is freaking TE. Blow crap up and have fun. I'm sure not having fun being the unofficial "shut up and blow stuff up" police, but I feel it's necessary.


OOC: i'm more or less being sarcastic :( its not meant to be taken seriously, obviously i fail at sarcasm.

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