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NSF-GATO Announcement

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Article 1: We’re Friends, And Friends Like To Talk
North Star Federation (NSF) and Global Alliance and Treaty Organization (GATO) are friends, and have been for a while. If we ever learn about something that the other might want to know (such as plots to destroy each other, raiding of the fridges, etc.) we promise each other we’ll tell them right away.

Article 2: We have Each Other’s Backs
Since we like each other, and we’re pretty much on the same page, we’re also going to defend each other when asshats and fridge raiders come calling (read attacking). In short, you attack one of us, the other is going to jump right in and attack you back. Although, if one of us gets attacked because they hit someone in defense of someone else (messy, right?) we might not want to get tangled in that. If not, that's cool. If so, sweet! Basically, we're not subject to that whole treaty chaining fiasco.

Article 3: We Might Join In Their Fight
Sometimes we like a good fight. If one of us gets into a fight, the other might want to join in. If that’s the case, we’d love to have them! Bottom line: if NSF attacks someone else, and GATO wants to attack as well (or vice versa), cheers!

Article 4: We Might Have A Falling Out In The Future
No one knows what the future holds, but we might not like each other anymore come Sunday (read distant future), or we might just drift away. If that happens, we’ll be grown up about it and let the other know. If that happens, we’ll still have each others’ backs for at least 3 days, but no longer unless we want to

Signed for NSF:
Crv24, Emperor
Saxplayer, Regent
Empirical, Commander of Foreign Affairs
Alastair, Commander of Domestic Affairs
Lord Charlie, Commander of Defense
Brycemas, Commander of Finance

Ratified by the 1st Lords of Parliament;
Grealind, Poppa Clam, LordjamesMCA

Signed for GATO:
Letub, Assembly Chairman
Mightspoon, Minister of Defense
Jaiver360, Minister of Finance
Maxfiles, Minister of Domestic Affairs
DarthCyfe6, Minister of Foreign Affairs 
GATO congress

Edited by Masterchief777
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