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War is upon us


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Due to the actions done by Pax ,Lu has no choice but to declare war on this foolish nation and their leader .

"Valerie ,you damned fool im going to put a end to your foolishness now and forever Lu will now declare War!!!!, on Pax and make sure that they will not recover from the ash's we will leave against their army's and we will avenge the death of one of DE officials due to your ignorance Valerie so prepare yourself.

~Emperor Lu Tai of Lu

"Now men March for victory make sure they feel Heavens Wraith on the battlefield!!!!!!"




Lu's army marches to the nation of Pax.

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ooc: The war will continue and be rp'd until such time as a decision on whether or not a retcon should be granted is made. I doubt it will be, but if it is then the war itself would also be eliminated as a result, so there'd be no side effect to continuation of the conflict as it would play out.

ic: Dragonisian forces in West Khmer take a left turn moving into occupy cities and villages in the Pax Pacis across a very broad front.

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Lu Imperial Air Born Division of 3,794

Paratroopers will land in north Pax



1st Army :11,000 Soldiers and Lu Imperial Tank Division:875

is moving with DE forces to occupy cites also.

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The citizens of Pax Pacis knew what was coming and to stay meant death and occupation. Some were too stubborn and stayed behind to help the military fight a delaying action however, most of the population of Pax Pacis fled to the coast where numerous ships waited. It was a mass evacuation and it was unorganised and thus many deaths and injuries were sustained in the rush for the boats. The four aircraft carriers and their fighter aircraft stationed themselves around the civilian fleet to provide protection against any possible attack.

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Every man in the Dragonisian Army was issued a Picture of Anthony Davis.. General of the Joint Chief's of Staff. They were advised to conduct the war in a way that Davis would have been proud of and to remember him when their will was about to break in a fight. This was going to be the most sharply and professionally conducted war in the Empire's history.. motivated by the death of their beloved leader.

They were hungry for this fight.. and they lunged across the borders in a tidal wave air force, tanks, artillery... swarming.. if any resistance was met it would be annihilated by sheer will.



Military broadcast to all of Pax Pacis's resisting military forces:

Prepare to take your place inside the fire with her!
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Battle plan


Lu's paratroopers will attack from the north and make their way south to the capital of the Pax forces .

as the main army shall attack the west and south with the DE army ,then after the south is occupied the main amrys of DE and Lu Shall join with the paratroopers for the preparation to attack the capital.

OOC:brown:Lu ,Black:DE.

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Every man in the Dragonisian Army was issued a Picture of Anthony Davis.. General of the Joint Chief's of Staff. They were advised to conduct the war in a way that Davis would have been proud of and to remember him when their will was about to break in a fight. This was going to be the most sharply and professionally conducted war in the Empire's history.. motivated by the death of their beloved leader.

They were hungry for this fight.. and they lunged across the borders in a tidal wave air force, tanks, artillery... swarming.. if any resistance was met it would be annihilated by sheer will.



Military broadcast to all of Pax Pacis's resisting military forces:

OOC: Yeah, I found it funny you chose a song about a chick that committed suicide :P

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Where encountered Pax Pacis military units fought to their dying breath giving everything they had to buy as much time as they could. Delaying tactics such as roadblocks and minefields were also used to slow down the enemy as much as possible but it wouldn't do much.

Meanwhile in the south of the country every ship that was available was now filled with fleeing citizens of Pax Pacis and under the protection of the four aircraft carriers they began to sail southwards away from Pax Pacis and certain defeat. In total about 50,000 people had managed to flee leav ing many more behind to suffer.

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Lu soldiers fought on as they fought with great valor firing their guns at their Pax enemies ,they showed great team work and great determination becuase even being wounded they would still march to the call Lu Soldiers trained hard for a day like this and they where not going to show any weakness .

The Paratroopers of the air borne division made a fierce attack on Pax's citys of Phongsali,and Xam Nua.

As the main force worked together with DE to push back the Pax forces .

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Those citizens that escaped are formally offered asylum in Aiginor. The Aircraft Carriers, however, will either stay out of our territorial waters, be turned over to the control of the Aigin Navy, or be destroyed by our fleet. The civilian ships may dock at the Port of Agrona and at Lucinam Harbour.

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Lu Activates its cruise missile system and fires 7 cruise missiles upon the citys of Xiangkhoang ,Xaignabouriand Luoangphrabang

Xiangkhoang:1 missiles heading towards this city

Xaignabouriand:2 missiles heading towards this city

Luoangphrabang:2 missiles heading towards this city

2 other missles head for a Air base and a military base in Xaignabouriand



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Where encountered Pax Pacis military units fought to their dying breath giving everything they had to buy as much time as they could. Delaying tactics such as roadblocks and minefields were also used to slow down the enemy as much as possible but it wouldn't do much.

Meanwhile in the south of the country every ship that was available was now filled with fleeing citizens of Pax Pacis and under the protection of the four aircraft carriers they began to sail southwards away from Pax Pacis and certain defeat. In total about 50,000 people had managed to flee leav ing many more behind to suffer.

At about 500 miles out from the enemy fleets and over the pacific.. a flight of 12 B-52H Leviathan bombers from Dragonisia dropped a payload of Anti-Ship missiles targeted on the Carrier's location by Imperial Satellites. The Twelve Saborian Mach 6 Anti Ship Kinetic Warhead Cruise Missiles dropped would be targeted with 3 assigned to each carrier. The probability of each ship being killed by one of the three missiles assigned to them was in excess of 80% based on the technological disparity of the nation which originated the missile.. and the target nation's defense technology.

*marks 6 Saborian antiship missiles out of storage*

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Pax's citys of Phongsali,and Xam Nua have been successfully captured by the Lu Empire Forces.


Paratroopers continue the march south to the capital ,but first are heading towards the city's of Xaignabouriand,Luoangphrabang,and Xiangkhoang.

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With the attack on the carriers, Aigin Navy Battle Group One was deployed to bring those ships containing citizens into Aigin Ports safely. Any action against those ships, both the Aigin Navy ships and the civilian ships, will be interpreted as an act of war on Aiginor.

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