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Antarctican Expansion

Franz Ferdinand

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OOC: If you read the thermal imaging was for the SAM's as even though the F-22's will have heat damping they can't get rid of it all and in the cold air of the Antartica they will be a wide open and visiable target.

OOC: wrong person to post on. I'm not attacking by air :P

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The F-22s utilize several techniques to defeat Helzan missiles. The low heat signature is almost the same as ambient background, nearly invisible thanks to several heat dissipating technologies. Thermal flares were also dropped, diverting the missiles away from the fighters. Unfortunately some pilots were just careless and poorly trained. 3 F-22s were shot down, but thankfully, the Tu-160s were flying too low for the SAMs.

(OOC: at 30,000 ft the temperature is about the same around the globe)


EDIT: added casualties

Edited by comrade nikonov
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The Canadian fleet continued south from the Canaries, not going at top speed, but steadily.

On one of the carriers, a plane was readied to deliver EMP-tipped cruise missiles, in order to short out any enemy anti-air defenses and electronics.

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The F-22s utilize several techniques to defeat Helzan missiles. The low heat signature is almost the same as ambient background, nearly invisible thanks to several heat dissipating technologies. Thermal flares were also dropped, diverting the missiles away from the fighters. (OOC: at 30,000 ft the temperature is about the same around the globe)

OOC: Please be aware you are flying into hundreds upon hundreds of missiles as the Helzan anti-aircraft defenses were massivly upgunned and improved upon. Your attacking airforce will be flying into a hail storm of missiles and gun rounds. Very few will survive.

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An Imperial Strike Force launching from the stationed fleet noted the Heat-Seeking missiles. The venerable F-1 Night Haunter, a development of the Unification War, flew escort to the Blacksword bombers even now flying ever-closer to the walled cities. Their stealthy designs allowed them to evade the radar installations on the ground.

But heat-seeking missiles began launching. The Night Haunters, equipped solely for the mission at-hand burst external canisters and deployed thousands of false targets in the area, each a hotter source then the dimly perceived engine exhaust of the supersonic jets.

Meanwhile, the Blackswords began pumping hundreds of 10,000 lb bombs onto the walls of the city. One group of three bombers in particular flung no less than four Fuel-Air Bombs each at the walls. By the time the assault was finished, the 110,000 soldiers of the Imperial Ground Wing would be ready for the push.

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OOC: gun rounds flying 6 miles (30,000 ft) is total crap. and the Tu-160s are flying top speed, making them very hard to hit.

OOC: Obviousally I meant the gun rounds when your aircraft got into that range band :). Just be aware an attack from air is suicidal with the air defenses up.

*looks at Lynneth's post*

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As dawn broke, the Tu-160s appeared. They banked up, and launched their GBU-28 bunker buster munitions into the walls of the Helzan cities. As they gained altitude, the heat seeking missiles began taking affect. No less than 1/2 of the squadron were shot down before the Tu-160s returned to base. Meanwhile, several F-22s have been armed with electronic warfare pods, jamming Helzan infrared sensors. At the same time, the stealth frigate and the two cruisers have begun launching salvos of cruise missiles at Helzan anti-aircraft locations.

EDIT: a two and a three was inthere for no reason.

Edited by comrade nikonov
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Due to extreme lack of ground resistance all Dranaggan forces have reported several miles of advancement from starting positions. 2nd division believes they will be in range of the first Helzan city before the day is through, and to commence bombardment with artillery that night.

Armored companies report no ground resistance beyond mine clearing on route to their objectives. 6th and 10th armored companies expect link up with BZ-RK forces in 10 hours.

BZ-RK units report no contact beyond mine clearing. Assault waves are forming up in echelon.

Edited by Tahsir Re
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Ah. The Helzan must agree to the following terms:

The land into which the Helzan expanded into will become a Pax Pacifica protectorate;

Dranagg will occupy a region of the shared border (to be specified by Dranagg);

and the Helzan will accept temporary occupation of the capital by the Northeast People's Republic.

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Ah. The Helzan must agree to the following terms:

The land into which the Helzan expanded into will become a Pax Pacifica protectorate;

Dranagg will occupy a region of the shared border (to be specified by Dranagg);

and the Helzan will accept temporary occupation of the capital by the Northeast People's Republic.

"Very well your terms are accepted"

Valerie, High General of the Helzan.

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A garrison of 2,000 soldiers will occupy a barracks in the capital, and the rest of the soldiers will board transports to return home. If the Helzan wishes to rebuild any civilian infrastructure accidentally destroyed during the campaign, the soldiers will gladly help.

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The Imperium of Man demands similar conditions. An occupying force is en-route to your capital pending acceptance of terms.

"Whilst there is no need for two occupying forces we are in no position to argue and therefore agree to your demands"

Valerie, High General of the Helzan.

A garrison of 2,000 soldiers will occupy a barracks in the capital, and the rest of the soldiers will board transports to return home. If the Helzan wishes to rebuild any civilian infrastructure accidentally destroyed during the campaign, the soldiers will gladly help.

"As only the walls were attacked only light repairs are needed for the civilian infrastructure and the repairs will be done by Helzan citizens only".

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A force of 1,000 soldiers sent from the Steel Legion will occupy quarters sufficient for them and their armored vehicles; not much more than the space one of your own groups would take up. They are available for requests in security actions and reconstruction.

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Dranagg requires a buffer zone of land to be in place. Land along the coast of the Ross Ice shelf and Sourthern Helzan. All Helzan forces should be removed from the area, and civilians will be given payment according to the value of property and possessions left behind should and settlements be located in the area. Occupied areas to to be deemed closed to all construction/settlement/mining operations. Nothing will exist in this land.

OOC: buffer lands marked in teal and blue stripe.


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Dranagg requires a buffer zone of land to be in place. Land along the coast of the Ross Ice shelf and Sourthern Helzan. All Helzan forces should be removed from the area, and civilians will be given payment according to the value of property and possessions left behind should and settlements be located in the area. Occupied areas to to be deemed closed to all construction/settlement/mining operations. Nothing will exist in this land.

OOC: buffer lands marked in teal and blue stripe.


IC: "This is acceptable".

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OOC: LVN read what you just said seriousally. You are saying just because I havn't said that I am protecting the land I can't have it!! How does saying a few words make the difference between keeping and not keeping some land?

OOC: Sorry to bring this up. But...

A protectorate is land not officially owned by your nation, and hence no population lives there, and no development nor infrastructure occurs. So, it provides no benefit.

If you were to offically hold the land, you could develop it.

Hence, if you claim to offically hold the land outside your SoI, its not allowed, if you make it a protectorate, it is. So, claiming it as a protectorate would allow it to be marked on the map as a protectorate of your nation (Which does not mean you get the land, it is just your protectorate) where as claiming it officially would not be allowed (and you don't get the land anyway)

Also, having troops somewhere does not mean it is an official part of your nation, it just means you have troops there.

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OOC: I have to echo his sentiments here seeing as no one in their right mind is actually going to fight him for Antarctica, and there is no one to talk to about it because no one wants it. Hell, his troops are the only people in the highlighted territory as there's no indigenous people in Antarctica. It really is as easy as shipping troops in this time.

OOC: Hey guys, way to make me a liar. Jerks.

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OOC: Kevz I'm going to have to call folly on that expansion. You're smaller than me and you just claimed land 3 times the total size of dranagg, and I include the Ross Sea in my nation size :v: . If you take that you own almost a third of Antarctica, certainly almost all of the remaining west Antarctica land. Or about as much land as Promised Land does.

Plus isn't your army extremely small now? even with your entire (intact) army you'd never be able to claim all that land.

However if you want an IC move to stop you I have troops squating on your border still. That would be a fast break.

OOC: Someone mention my name? :v:

OOC: Just wondering, but how do you "talk for it", when there is no one to talk to?!

OOC: That's the point. If it's unclaimed and outside of your SoI, you CAN'T take it, according to the rules. Conquest and purchases can be used, but only if the land in question is not white (unclaimed by an RP'er.

IC: Promised Land views this whole affair with disgust. The nations that attacked Helzan should be ashamed of themselves, and if we have gotten notification in time, we would have opposed your unlawful imposition of your will on the peaceful nation of Helzan, who only wished to have room for their citzens to expand on the inhositable continent of Antarctica.

This was warmongering, pure and simple.

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