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Kingdom of Cochin joins the Dragon Bloc.

Maelstrom Vortex

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At the request of Rama Varma of Kindom of Cochin, Tom Clark touched down at an airfield in the suburbs of Cochin City. The head Diplomat of Dragonisia and frequent point man for negotiations for the Dragon Bloc got a warm reception and was driven off to the King's residence.

"Greetings King Rama Varma, I am Tom Clark, head of foreign affairs for Dragonisia and negotiator for the Dragon Bloc. I am here at your request to negotiate your membership to the bloc." He shook the King's hand firmly. "Shall we get down to business?"

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R: Welcome to the Kingdom of Cochin, Mr. Clark. May I present to you Mr. K P Varma, our Secretary of Extarnal Affairs and our chief diplomat.

E: Mr. Clark, thank you for coming to Cochin at such short notice. Now, may we know the terms for our joining the Dragon Bloc?

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TC: Yes, you can find the terms on this document. It's the bloc constitution. If you approve of your nation's membership Dragonisia also agrees to give you port access to construct, maintain, and staff your navies from India which we know is something of a vital interest to you. We believe other bloc members would be willing to do the same on your behalf.

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The King confers with his Secretary for a few minutes after receiving the draft copy.

They now have returned the the Durbar

E: Mr. Clark, The Kingdom of Cochin finds these terms favorable to its national interests. However we would like to know how much percentage of our GDP does the Bloc require us to part with?

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"We typically request about 10% to sustain bloc-wide activities, but if we can get away with less we return what we can. We use the materials to help with allied efforts such as recovery from disasters, inter-bloc construction projects such as the sub-terrain maglev/monoraill system envisioned by Melvin Republic for the Asian region."

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The King was silent for two minutes on hearing the terms offered by the Dragonisian diplomat. KP Varma, the Secretary of External Affairs, offered to call up the Secretary of Finance for consultations but was stopped by the King.

R: We have decided. A toll of 10% is an affordable price for the friendship and security that brings with it. Furthermore we wish to take up the offer of port that Dragonisia has offered us and thus saved our entire navy from the ship breaking yards. Mr. Clark, convey this response from the Kingdom of Cochin. We accept your terms and we look forward to being an equal member on the Bloc.

Convey to your premier our heartfelt thanks and our wishes for a long and prosperous friendship between our nations.

Mr. Varma will cooperate will you in drafting the necessary documents and please let us know of a convenient place and time for the signing. We hope the signing ceremony can take place in Cochin itself.

Edited by king of cochin
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