CB's Are Moral Standards
Wait, what?
I have always been fascinated by the fact that so many alliances are obsessed with having a legit CB before rolling someone. Legit? legit for who? In my experience, most alliance leaders are more interested in the public perception of the commenters on CNForums than anything else.
Why is this? Why is public perception so important?
In my opinion, CB's are a reflection of the moral standards maintained by a certain alliance. Most alliances try to display moral high ground. Here is a little secret - morality is irrelevant on Planet Bob, it is just a perception.
If an alliance wants to be evil, then the CB can be thin or flat out non-existent. Sure the CN forums comments will be tough and critical, but the nukes and CB's won't care.
If an alliance wants to be moral and just, the CB will be legit and undeniable. Here is the rub - the CNForums comments will still be tough and critical and the nukes and CB's still won't care.
The fact is, morality is a liquid concept in CN that means little to nothing. If you want to attack someone do it. What everyone else thinks is irrelevant.
That's mho.
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