Freaks, Geeks and Activity Sneaks
Firstly, I want to wish all Aussie players a Happy Australia Day. Oath mint mate, bonzer and etc.
Secondly, the topic at hand. Recently I've been watching a little known show (well, at least to me) called Freaks and Geeks; comedy-drama set in a Detroit, Michigan area high school in the 1980s. It follows the lives of the Weir family; Lindsay and Sam. Sam hangs out with the Geeks; nerdy, socially-awkward, bright yet constantly picked on. Lindsay, an otherwise talented and knowledgeable girl (and super cute to boot), starts to hang out with the Freaks; sarcastic, work-shy and always getting into trouble. What has that got to do with Alliance Activity, you might ask? Well, plenty.
Around the high school, there are crudely drawn up posters asking for volunteers for various jobs; "We need Year Book writers" or "Join the Basketball team" and what have you. If my metaphor doesn't completely collapse under the weight of a Strayan sized hangover, the high school walls can be likened to your alliance forums. Replace "The Mathletes need you" (Our "Mathletes" were called Maths Olympians in Australia. Why be a Mathlete when you can GO FOR GOLD?!) with "Sign up for tech deals" and you pretty much get the picture.
Vladimir can wank on about userites and feederites and whatever (sorry Vladdy) but the lifeblood of any alliance is activity and lots of it. I propose a new model of viewing players in CN. Freaks and Geeks. (much love to Judd Apatow and co.)
On one hand you have the Geeks; those players giving their all for little recognition or reward, sometimes undertaking multiple jobs and sacrificing RL time (and money) to see their alliance prosper. The Freaks on the other hand mock the Geeks from the fringes, criticizing the Geeks' hard work and poking holes in their plans. They goof around in forums and put in the bare minimum, validating Tyga's law (The amount of !@#$%*ing an alliance member does is inversely proportional to the activity level of said alliance member.)
An alliance full of Freaks does not make for a good alliance. If we all want to play the game well, we might as well all put in and become Geeks; what's the point of rebelling against a user-created alliance that you agreed to participate in? It just makes no sense. Freaks drag the Geeks down and make the game and their alliances a less fun "place" to be.
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