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Well I've been meaning to do this for a while and I figured that doing it while drunk at 3 AM is just as good as any other time. So I'll apologize if for any spelling errors and random $@! crap I think of in advance.

I've just realized that I think about Cyber Nations way too much and that when I'm actually partaking in parts of the game, may it be the game, forums, or IRC that I actually tend to be at a loss for words. On the flip side I when I'm in a class or working I tend to think up these great speeches and these insane ideas for a video or something like that. It just seems as if I once the chips hit the table I can't pull through, but now I think about that, that is a terrible analogy because I'm an excellent gambler. Maybe when "!@#$ hits the fan." Still again not really fair in my opinion because I always get my !@#$ done even if I procrastinate. I mean all procrastinators say that they are working on doing things earlier, but that is always total bull. We don't really care much, if at all. As long as there is time to spare I can get another game of Halo in.

I'm making another paragraph, not because I really starting a new topic, but I figure, if you chose to read even part of this, your eyes need a rest after that.

This is the part where I will go through a run down of things that happened in relations to Cyber Nations:

1. NPO/MK radio founded.

2. Some small insignificant alliances that will never amount to anything have been formed.

3. Some really stupid things have been said.

4. Some useless treaties have been signed.

5. Every day is the same, the only thing that changes are the names.

That wraps up the Political realm of Cyber Nations.

I suppose I should give a rundown of what I this blog is and by 'what it is' I mean OOC or IC. While other might be fine with propagating their imaginary political ideologies via their blogs and making them IC, the majority of my lack luster blog will be OOC, due to the fact right now I can't think too much in the mind of my character.

Right now I'm going to reserve this for Denzin form leader or important person in MHA. I say this because didn't even know the guy, but that doesn't mean he deserved to die. I personally never even spoke to the guy and probably never would have, but that is no excuse to not honor him. In a strange way my $%&@ed up morals are making me do this. I don't want to put Denzin up on a pedestal because I usually hold the mentality that no one is as special as people are lead to believe, but right now it just feels more real to me. Whether I'm having some change of heart or it's just the booze messing with my brain, I really don't care. When the first public announcement was made I didn't really care much, but then I kept thinking about thinks, just taking a long hour to lament on things, I don't really know what I discovered, but I think it must have been important. To make things worse yesterday, some $@! trying to impersonate Starfox101 as Starfox1O1 (cleverly changed the 0 (zero) to an O (uppercase o)) and started making fun of Denzin's death. That is just some low !@#$ right there and maybe that is the main reason I just typed all this up. Sure people die every day and sure many of them are innocent too, but when some one is part of something you are a part of it just feels different.

I don't mean to be insensitive at that moment, but I feel I've gone on long enough and I'm not sure I'm even spelling his user name right. If I wasn't then I apologize.

I want to honestly type a lot more, but right now I just seem as if I'm at a lose for words, but I have a number of things that I want to cover. These topics are as follows:

CN community


Myself (because I'm conceded)

RL OOC stuff in general

Well hope I typed enough to satisfy anyone who bothers to read this. Hopefully whatever I continue type I think can only get better because hopefully it won't be under the influence of alcohol. This has been spell checked, but that is it because Firefox doesn't do the whole grammar scene.


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