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A Three Hour Tour...of Charters



Ok. So there's like about, a billion alliances. So numerous are these alliances, in fact, Protectorate BLOCS have been set up to shield them from the harsh environs of Bob, lest their larger counterparts gobble them whole if they were left to mount their own defenses.

Now. With personal playing styles, game focuses (War, trade, diplomacy etc.) and structure (elitist vs. open recruitment) aside, alliance charters are usually built on the same principles; the assertion of sovereignty, the entrance and acceptance of members into a social contract, the rule of law and the consequences if such laws are broken by those who have by and large accepted the contract.

Sounds overly simplistic. Because it really is in all practicable terms.

Most charters are written and forgotten. Some alliances place heavy and rigorous faith in the charter and are vigilant as to its proper following and maintenance, especially those that provide for elected positions. The more elected positions, the more cries of "this isn't in the charter!" there would be closer to the polls opening. Nevertheless, many alliance charters are similar to the point of almost being identical to others - so why are there so many alliances out there vying for dominance when they already share similar principles to so many other alliances?

Division does not necessarily mean conquest in CN. If anything, amalgamation and acquisition, does. The state of Bob as it stands doesn't make much sense to me with new alliances popping up day after day. If anything, all these micro alliances should join as one to make the game even more interesting. A TPF + all their OPP alliances and a RoK with their Ragnabloc on board as one would be formidable to say the least. Think about it.


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More than anything the creation of new alliances stems from the sovereignty aspect you mentioned. Just as the majority of charters include vivid details describing their dominion, people wish to be able to control the rules, regardless of whether they share the same rules with others or not. When it comes down to it most everyone wants to take the reigns of an alliance at some point. You can only accept so much time as a subservient follower before you gain the crave for control yourself.

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More than anything the creation of new alliances stems from the sovereignty aspect you mentioned. Just as the majority of charters include vivid details describing their dominion, people wish to be able to control the rules, regardless of whether they share the same rules with others or not. When it comes down to it most everyone wants to take the reigns of an alliance at some point. You can only accept so much time as a subservient follower before you gain the crave for control yourself.

But would you rather be a footsoldier in a Kingdom of gold or a King of an Empire of dirt? I've seen Triumvirs, Emperors and High Government officials start their own alliances too, so it's not limited to those who crave power for the sake of it.

I just don't see how people are playing to win the game if they splinter off so often when new start ups invest the same values as their predecessor alliances by and large into their own.

It would seem ridiculous if a Star Wars themed alliance had a breakaway faction merely because they preferred the New Trilogy to the Original Trilogy. (which seems even more ludicrous when you think about it.) If 30% of a 100 member alliance decided to leave one day, it merely creates two emasculated alliances competing against one another to attract new blood from a shrinking member pool.

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