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UN will sort out Israel and Palestine



The geo-political governing body that is supposed to be able to sanction people and put other international pressures on other countries that is known as the United Nations has done a terrific job again concerning the current flared Arab-Israeli crisis.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has called for "an immediate stop to all acts of violence", his spokeswoman said.
from BBC website. Oh great. That works all the time. Throw down your weapons, let the IDF and Hamas embrace eachother.

Some more UN victories from recent years (taken from Wikipedia UN page)

Disagreements in the Security Council about military action and intervention are seen as having failed to prevent the 1994 Rwandan Genocide failed to provide humanitarian aid and intervene in the Second Congo War, failed to intervene in the 1995 Srebrenica massacre and protect a refugee haven by the authorising the peacekeepers to use force, failure to deliver food to starving people in Somalia, failure to implement provisions of Security Council resolutions related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and continuing failure to prevent genocide or provide assistance in Darfur.

Brilliant job there. Simply marvellous. The world is already a better place.

The UN also encourages disarmament, as written in the 1945 UN Charter. Hold on, there was a Cold War!

I'm honestly surprised the UN has lasted as long as it has. The League of Nations (the precursor to the UN) was created out of the ashes of World War 1. Yet out of those ashes, instead of a pheonix of colourful feathers, the world was buggered on several levels. League of Nations = fail.

If you simply Google "criticism and problems of the UN" there will be a whooping 6 million.

Of course there are benefits to the UN in some of their humanitarian things, UNICEF for example (which has plenty of criticism). But you only have to look at the world today and consider the more 'serious' problems and shortfalls of the UN.

Iraq War - UN tells coalition forces not to invade, as they haven't found any WMDs. Great, they couldn't find any WMDs (although knowing the UN, they probably missed some). What do the coalition forces do? Simple curb stomp their way to Baghdad.

It shows how international co-operations is complete !@#$%^&*. All this bickering causes it to $%&@ up and cause all other sorts of problems. Obviously if people were more co-operative then the UN could be a force for good. Which it simply isn't. People cannot co-operate like this.

The UN headquarters in New York should be knocked down, it's prime land for some real estate.


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