The Post-Revolutionary Libertarian Party of Cybernations
Revolution requires Revolutionary Theory and Circumstance
"We are in the trenches. A great battle is raging to which we can all, in some capacity, play a part. Our most recent conflicts have been with us spearheading the assault against those that have wronged us or our allies. In this instance, we are the targets. Not since the July Revolution have we been subject to an existential defensive war. And for that, we must take heart." - Edward Graceford, during the First War on Terror
In the early years of this world, while Ivan Moldavi won the leadership contest in the New Pacific Order (NPO), it was Vladimir who carried with him the ideology of the August Revolution. His essay, the Meaning of Freedom, laid out for the first time a comprehensive material analysis of Cybernations. He postulated that all nations have a fundamental self-interest derived from their existence, and that this self-interest, when fulfilled, would move the nation forward in social, cultural, and economic development.
Perhaps the greatest threat to forward progress has been from nations that do not act according to self-interest. In 2010 as a member of the NPO, I wrote Return of the Lulz, I pondered the return of Lulzists on the global scale and the decaying effect this had on global politics. Vladimir also briefly addressed the decline of political self-interest in two essays titled The Existential Threat.
But wasn't it in the self-interest of Mushroom Kingdom and others to suppress the growth of NPO? It was certainly so for the political leadership, but in the end NPO prevailed because of their focus on material analysis. Pacifica's adversaries simply didn't have the ideological focus to compete long-term, and typically wasted resources on frivolous military expeditions. In essence they became purely reactionary forces, driven by fear of NPO resurgence.
Pacifica's status as number one alliance today is something every alliance leader should be studying, not only from the perspective of ambition but also survival. We cannot merely react to the situation, we must align ourselves with the ongoing march of history.
Battle of Junkagrad, Spring 2016
Around the same time as the Great July Producerist Revolution in Supernova X, the Libertarian Party of Cybernations (LPCN) was founded by Methrage aka Sephiroth as a means of protecting a loose band of rogues from sanctions that occurred on other teams. While in principle much of the LPCN was a good idea, as the Non Aggression Principle is usually conducive to forward development; in practice the movement lacked any focus on material analysis. If we accept Vladimir's premise that all nations have an inherent material self-interest, then we must deduce that rogue activity is antithetical to civilized development.
The destruction caused by Methrage's errant ideology is almost legend today. The Imperium alone fought three wars in defense against his version of the LPCN, and this is not counting other wars involving GATO, Kashmir, and many other alliances. Some of these wars had to do with sanction wars in defense of rogues like Thorgrum, who Sephiroth protected as part of his grudge against Kashmir. Other wars, such as the First War on Terror, began with insane declarations of sovereignty over the Imperium, when he demanded he replace me as leader.
Ironically, in the end, I was chosen to replace Sephiroth as Supreme Triumvir of the LPCN. The Victory of the Imperium against irrationality on the micro-political stage mirrored that of Pacifica in macro-politics, shedding light on the validity of Vladimir's earlier analysis. The Libertarian Party of Cybernations is currently discussing this analysis and reforming in the direction of national self-interest, rejecting roguery and emphasizing deterrence and non-aggression.
Several aspects of the modern LPCN should be appealing to small and mid-sized alliances seeking mutual defense while remaining independent from macro-political wars:
- ODOAP confederation: The LPCN serves as an ODoAP confederation, in which member alliances are able to support each other against rogues and other threats. LPCN alliances are not expected to fight on behalf of other signatories if they feel unable to meaningfully contribute towards a strategic victory. There is no risk of being dragged unwillingly into complicated macro-political conflicts.
- Coordinated Brown Team voting: The LPCN triumvirate coordinates on senate voting with the objective of electing multiple brown team senators. These senators then coordinate to implement positive economic proposals, while protecting against aggressive sanction wars.
- Political Stability: The triumvirate is currently composed of Immortan Junka, Rukunu, and Sigrun Vapneir. New triumvirs are selected either by a 2/3 vote or via nomination by a resigning triumvir. This creates a stable bloc environment without sudden radical political changes.
- Diplomatic Strategy: The LPCN seeks to have individual military treaties across the entire spectrum of the treaty web. This frustrates and complicates the aggressive intentions of potential attackers. It also allows members of the LPCN to chain into macro-political conflicts if it is seen as being necessary to the security of LPCN signatories. But our main goal is to establish long term stability for growth and prosperity.
The Libertarian Non-Aggression Principle is a fundamental value of the LPCN. Signatories are asked to not engage in aggressive wars against major alliances without a concrete Casus Belli or treaty activation. In the case of a global conflict, we urge signatories to consider the validity of the original Casus Belli that triggered the war. It is suggested that signatories pursue ODoAPs and MnDoAPs to avoid getting chained into bad wars.
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