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Why People Argue on the Internet



Was doing some bathroom reading and happened upon this:


"In an animated conversation I often see the face of the person with whom I am talking so clearly and so subtly determined in accordance with the thought he expresses, or that I believe has been produced in him, that this degree of clarity far surpasses my powers of vision: so the subtle shades of play of the muscles and the expression of the eyes must have been made up by me. Probably the person made an altogether different face, or none at all."   (Friedrich Nietzsche - Beyond Good and Evil - V.192)


Also, your Mom.


Recommended Comments

22 hours ago, Drege said:



Thanks. I just found it kind of funny considering the reason why most online conversations go off the rails....and it rarely has anything to do with the actual content of the conversation. Usually it's more about someone believing that they know what the other person is thinking, which is of course impossible.

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