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Policy Regarding Tech Received From Multis



Regarding Tech Received From Multis

The moderation team has been researching, discussing and reviewing the issues surrounding tech received from nations deleted as multis. We have provided the information found during our research to admin. With the approval from admin the following new policy has been established starting today:

Any tech received from a nation that is deleted for a multi will be removed.

We have reviewed such nations from over the past year or more. In some cases, the technology received from multis is considerable. This is unfair to the majority of people who have played by the rules. We may remove that tech. It is possible that we may also go farther back. In any case, we reserve the right to review past offenders and adjust nations as deemed necessary.

This announcement is for information purposes only and not for interpretation. Any responses that are in violation of the forum rules will result in a warn. Speculating and posting accusing others of having multis will result in a full warn, not a verbal. Multi reporting should be done in the correct forum.


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I could be wrong on this, but what was grandfathered in was same network nations. The rules for those nations were the same for the rules on same network nations now - no aid transactions, resource trading, aiding eachother in war, or going to war against eachother. I don't think they were given a free pass to make as many same network nations as they liked to funnel themselves tech.

You are correct.

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So when we buy tech from the black market and pay with donations?

We should be entitled to a refund since you're taking what we paid for.I personally have lost several donation collect 100 tech and that person gets deleted.

Good rule as long as you practice what you preach.

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So when we buy tech from the black market and pay with donations? We should be entitled to a refund since you're taking what we paid for.I personally have lost several donation collect 100 tech and that person gets deleted. Good rule as long as you practice what you preach.

If you're in the top 0.5% of nations who have received large amounts of tech from multis, who are 0.3% of all nations receiving aid in that time period, you were probably involved with the multis and should be counting your lucky stars that you're not deleted.

14. If a player should voluntarily leave the game, if a player's nation is deleted by the player him/her self or deleted/banned by administration for ANY REASON (cheating, violating the Cyber Nations terms and conditions, violating official forum guidelines, reaching 100% warning level in-game or on the official forums, unstated reasons) or if the game is ever shut down or reset NO REFUNDS for previous donations and NO compensation will be provided to the player or to any re-created nation.
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So when we buy tech from the black market and pay with donations? We should be entitled to a refund since you're taking what we paid for.I personally have lost several donation collect 100 tech and that person gets deleted. Good rule as long as you practice what you preach.

Well I just had a quick look through my own extensive donation history, (some $1600), and I can happily note that none of the numerous people I have donated to look to have been deleted as far as I can see. I guess some people are luckier than others. Regardless, if they have been, admin is welcome to that tech.

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So when we buy tech from the black market and pay with donations? We should be entitled to a refund since you're taking what we paid for.I personally have lost several donation collect 100 tech and that person gets deleted. Good rule as long as you practice what you preach.

Caveat emptor, I suppose. A random I started a tech deal with a couple months back was several days into the process of reneging on the second tech payment when his nation disappeared. Dunno whether it was self-deletion or rules infringement, but if the latter, losing the first 100 tech in addition would've at least been a good reminder that I should stop throwing money at complete randoms and expecting anything good to come out of it.

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So when we buy tech from the black market and pay with donations? We should be entitled to a refund since you're taking what we paid for.I personally have lost several donation collect 100 tech and that person gets deleted. Good rule as long as you practice what you preach.

you don't donate to a charity and then ask for a refund when they don't pull through on their promise

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I'm just a little out of the loop here. Are we talking about people benefiting from their own multis? If so, good show!

Or are we talking about people who have (unknowningly) bought tech from nations who turned out to be multis? I'm not aware of any such purchases in my past, but I have sold donations, and one such nation was deleted during mid-payment (I don't know why, however)...I'm concerned if I am going to have tech randomly disappear from my nation, will I at least get a message about it? It's not as if I have knowingly traded with rulebreakers. If I am applying a $25-30 donation to their nation I assume they're legit about it, after all...

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I'm just a little out of the loop here. Are we talking about people benefiting from their own multis? If so, good show!

Or are we talking about people who have (unknowningly) bought tech from nations who turned out to be multis? I'm not aware of any such purchases in my past, but I have sold donations, and one such nation was deleted during mid-payment (I don't know why, however)...I'm concerned if I am going to have tech randomly disappear from my nation, will I at least get a message about it? It's not as if I have knowingly traded with rulebreakers. If I am applying a $25-30 donation to their nation I assume they're legit about it, after all...

If I've inadvertently received some tech from multis over the years, I'm more than happy to see it disappear if it means that the people who have received 5k, 10k, 20k tech from multis will finally lose it too.

I like this ruling.

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So when we buy tech from the black market and pay with donations? We should be entitled to a refund since you're taking what we paid for.I personally have lost several donation collect 100 tech and that person gets deleted. Good rule as long as you practice what you preach.

11. All donations made to Cyber Nations are non-refundable, no matter the reason. Once the transfer of ownership of the donation money has taken place, you are no longer entitled to the donated money. The donation bonus is final once it has been applied to a nation. If the bonus is lost in war, foreign aid, other in-game activities, or unforeseen events donation bonuses will not be refunded or reapplied to an account.

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Good Keelah

I always appreciate Admin and his many solid mods and assistance reviewing and keeping the game as clean as possible. If one of my donation ended up going to a multi and my tech is clawed back I will write it off to buyer beware. I would prefer my nation was clean.


Dame Hime Themis

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I foresee some issues with this blanket effect of removing tech, What is stopping an nation from selling tech however sending it from a Multi nation, that nation then get deleted however the buyer who had no idea the person sending them tech was a multi now lose out on the tech they paid for? this will stop new nations from being able to sell tech as the the buyer will now run the risk of not only losing the tech they bought but the cash they paid for it.

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"Any tech received from a nation that is deleted for a multi will be removed."

What would happen if the nation receiving tech had no idea if the sender was a multi or not?

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this sounds all well and good, but i reserve my judgment until l i see large scale deletions of the obvious tech multies and the subsequent tech removal.

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"Any tech received from a nation that is deleted for a multi will be removed."

What would happen if the nation receiving tech had no idea if the sender was a multi or not?

Then the nation receiving the tech will lose the tech and likely have harsh words with the people who lined up their tech deals.

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I foresee some issues with this blanket effect of removing tech, What is stopping an nation from selling tech however sending it from a Multi nation, that nation then get deleted however the buyer who had no idea the person sending them tech was a multi now lose out on the tech they paid for? this will stop new nations from being able to sell tech as the the buyer will now run the risk of not only losing the tech they bought but the cash they paid for it.

Then it would be in the best interests for alliances to be more selective which new nations they take into their tech systems and actually require some oversight in how they operate.

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I foresee some issues with this blanket effect of removing tech, What is stopping an nation from selling tech however sending it from a Multi nation, that nation then get deleted however the buyer who had no idea the person sending them tech was a multi now lose out on the tech they paid for? this will stop new nations from being able to sell tech as the the buyer will now run the risk of not only losing the tech they bought but the cash they paid for it.

"Any tech received from a nation that is deleted for a multi will be removed."

What would happen if the nation receiving tech had no idea if the sender was a multi or not?

Tech received from illegitimate nations is itself illegitimate, and should never have existed if everyone was being honest rule abiding citizens. If everyone could keep their tech because they can feign plausible deniability saying they paid for the tech then why delete tech farm multis at all? Anyone who receives tech from a multi is, even if unknowingly, a part of the wider machinations of that multi's activities.

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I'm a second generation tech producer in CyberNations. My pappy came here as a boy with his parents, and they settled the fertile tech valleys of the New Pacific Order. We've been working those tech fields for three generations - good, hard, honest labor.

When I first heard of the illegal tech producer problem I was outraged. Who do these nations think they are, coming to our CyberNations and taking away jobs from hardworking, honest Rulers? I was elated when Admin put up fences along the borders to stop illegal tech producers from streaming in - and even more so when Admin and the Mods rounded up those already here and sent them packing.

This is yet another victory for hardworking Rulers such as myself. No longer can illegals undercut our prices and drive the tech market into a downward spiral. I commend Admin and Game Moderation for taking this bold stance to once again restore the CyberNations dream to thousands of our honest tech producers.

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