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Implicit Authority of Ambassadors

HM Solomon I


Recently, I've been thinking about the subject of this article. What implicit authority do ambassadors and representatives of alliances have when speaking to foreign alliances? This may seem at first trivial, but it's actually quite important. It matters when it comes to alliances' responsibility for what their representatives say. Here we will delve into this question and attempt to work out an answer.

All authority is either explicit or implicit. Explicit authority is that which is granted directly by someone with the legitimate ability to do so. But explicit authority is easily revoked and in any event, it isn't the kind of authority that usually gets anyone into trouble because it is so clearly defined by its very nature. There isn't much room for error.

Implicit authority on the other hand is much murkier. It isn't based on the decrees of another (organization or individual) but rather on the context of both the position a person holds and other factors such as a given situation. While it can vary depending on situation, what will be discussed here is the minimum level of implicit authority representatives can be assumed to have because without it their jobs would effectively be impossible or at least unreasonably difficult.

So what is this minimum amount of implicit authority representatives are vested with? Well it is reasonable to figure all representatives are plenipotentiaries. A plenipotentiary is an individual who has the authority to speak on behalf of the sovereign (i.e., the State or, in the case of CN, the Alliance). Of course, this is not entirely true. For example, we rarely think of alliance members who serve as representatives as implicitly holding the power to negotiate or sign treaties, declare war, make peace, or do any of the more high level actions alliances are capable of performing. That said, while representatives may not ordinarily have the authority to do these things, they can certainly speak (but not act) on behalf of their alliances. Their alliance has sent them to represent it to another, and if the receiving alliance cannot take what this person says as representative of the alliance, why would it even bother to talk with said person in any official capacity. The sending alliance then may as well have not sent this person at all because without the authority to speak on behalf of their alliance, which is the whole point of sending representatives, the person cannot do her job.

So onto why this matters. Because representatives are speaking for their alliances, their alliances can be held responsible for anything that they say to a foreign alliance. Of course, an alliance can revoke its representatives' authority to speak for it, but it is responsible for anything said before that point. Responsibility is a measure of how much praise or blame a person deserves for words or actions, and if alliances are not responsible for what their representatives say, then what their representatives say is trivial and pointless. They may be nominally speaking on behalf of their alliance but it isn't substantive speech. If representatives cannot engage in substantive speech, they cannot do their jobs as substantive speech is the only kind that matters to the receiving alliance. Niceties and basic polite conversation are fine, but in order to engage with an alliance through its representatives (which is the whole point of receiving and talking to representatives), representatives must be capable of saying things that genuinely mean something, and how can anything they say mean anything for relations between alliances if one alliance is wholly removed from anything that is said? The answer is that it can't.

Representatives must be capable of speaking on behalf of their alliances to do their job, and speaking on an alliance's behalf necessarily entails that the alliance can be held responsible for what is said in its name, for good or for bad, for praise or for blame.


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It's simple, being a good ambassador isn't simply about posting about nonsense in embassy threads, a good ambassador serves as an advisor to the host alliance whenever possible and guides them along a mutually beneficial path.

Anytime an alliance's ambassadors are crippled by micro-management styles you tend to see a dead FA path overall.

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It's simple, being a good ambassador isn't simply about posting about nonsense and wasting time talking about nonsense, a good ambassador serves as an advisor to the host alliance whenever possible and guides them along a mutually beneficial path. Anytime an alliance's ambassadors are crippled by micro-management styles you tend to see a dead FA path overall.

Well for one a good ambassador does not serve as an advisor to the receiving alliance, for how can one serve as an advisor while being loyal to another? I agree that micro-management is not likely to be an optimal path for FA, ambassadors must have some leeway. That said, I have no idea how you thought I or anybody else would have gotten than from "Quite a bit of implicit authority if you are good at being an ambassador B)".

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Diplomacy is not a zero-sum game where in order to get ahead you are screwing another alliance. If you are not attempting to influence your host alliance in some way for mutual benefit why waste time being an ambassador? I'm not one to waste my time on frivolous spam thread pursuits.

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Diplomacy is not a zero-sum game where in order to get ahead you are screwing another alliance. If you are not attempting to influence your host alliance in some way for mutual benefit why waste time being an ambassador? I'm not one to waste my time on frivolous spam thread pursuits.

I never said it was a zero-sum game, and I never said in order to get ahead you must screw another alliance. I said it is disingenuous to play yourself as an advisor while being both a representative and member of another alliance. You can certainly influence alliances, but influencing does not entail advising.

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For my part I enjoyed the piece.

Pacifica/10 would implicitly praise you.

Technically I'm like a sovereign directly myself, so perhaps this is explicit praise of Pacifica. Or rather, my explicit praise of HMS, being implicit praise of Pacifica.

To capstone, I hate Pacifica. Explicitly. I hope my intentions are implicitly clear.

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For my part I enjoyed the piece.

Pacifica/10 would implicitly praise you.

Technically I'm like a sovereign directly myself, so perhaps this is explicit praise of Pacifica. Or rather, my explicit praise of HMS, being implicit praise of Pacifica.

To capstone, I hate Pacifica. Explicitly. I hope my intentions are implicitly clear.

10/10 would lol again. :D

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is there implicit authority for the people we send to make posts on Twitter? I need a formal e-lawyer opinion. ;) If so, we are doomed.

Seriously though, i like the essay. I will comment more when time allows.

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SPATR has appointed Ambassadors only to our allies. Zxcsd is Ambassador to Kaskus and NEW, Fasser is Charge d'affaires to Kaskus and Nashorn is Ambassador to SRA.

The Ambassadors are responsible for maintaining communications with allied alliances. Ambassador is not entitled to sign, cancel or alter treaties on his own.

There is no point in sending Ambassadors to non-allied alliances. If need arises an Envoy can dispatched to any alliance to deal with specfic matter.

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Actually there are many reasons to send permanent representatives to non-allies:

  • Non-allies might be connected to allies, thus keeping lines of communication open is essential.
  • Non-allies can be potential future allies, which won't happen without regular communication.
  • Even non-allies can appreciate having one point of contact with another alliance, someone they know will be around and can be used to reach others within their alliance.
  • Non-allies are nonetheless major powers in the world and having an ambassador to them allows you to monitor them.
  • Likewise, it eliminates the need to get someone up to speed on their eccentricities when an urgent matter arises.
  • et cetera
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Actually there are many reasons to send permanent representatives to non-allies

You are correct I guess, but all those reasons really apply to big, powerfull alliances. A small alliance, like SPATR, do not need representatives in non-allied alliances. Especially since we are not interested in entering into any new treaties.

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Certainly it is true that smaller alliances are unlikely to have the resources to send permanent representatives to every non-allied alliance but there are reasons other than signing treaties (as listed above) to send representatives to some of them.

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